AIPL HIGH STREET MARKET SECTOR 66, AIPL JOY STREET WALKTHROUGH, AIPL JOY STREET MASTER PLAN AIPL JOY STREET BOOKINGS, AIPL JOY STREET CONSTRUCTION UPDATES, AIPL JOY STREET POSSESSION DATE, AIPL JOY STREET LOCATION MAP, AIPL JOY STREET FLOOR PLANS, AIPL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS GURGAON, AIPL JOY STREET PRICES, AIPL JOY STREET REVIEWS. AIPL Joy Street Sector 66, Golf course extension road, Gurgaon AIPL Joy street is a mixed-use commercial development spread over 4 acres. Ground and First floors have a high street retail character with approx. 230 retail outlets. The retail outlets shall be set around themed piazzas and courtyards. These piazzas and courtyards shall reflect a lively and carnival like ambience and have been designed as magnets to attract footfalls of shoppers and recreation seekers. Second Floor is dedicated for F&B - restaurants with spacious attached terraces, a world class multi-cuisine food-court, café spaces and an indoor fun zone. Third floor shall have a 6-screen multiplex with 1200 seats. Fifth to Eleventh Floor shall have ‘Managed Serviced Apartments’ & ‘Furnished Office Suites. Location and Key Distances of AIPL Joy Street:- - Located in Sector 66 with main frontage on the 84-meter wide sector road; - Surrounded by high end residential developments; - Organized infrastructure with much wider sector roads than Golf Course Road - 84 meter and 24 meter wide, designated commercial belts, better planned drainage system, etc; - Located just off 90 meter wide NH 236 (Golf Course Extension Road); - Easy access to airport and New Delhi through the proposed signal-free Golf Course Road and the new link roads connecting from South Delhi. SPECIAL PAYMENT PLAN:- Pay only 50% at the time of booking and balance 50% on possession. Get 11 % Assured Return Till Possession. For more Information about Aipl Joy Street Reach Us At:- www.innovativehometech.com #Aipljoystreet66 #Aiplhighstreetmarket66 #Aiplgolfcourseextensionroad #Aiplcommercialextensionroad #Aiplcommercialsector66 #Aiplhighstreetcommercialjoystreet #Aipljoystreetsupermarket66 #Aiplcommercialassuredreturn #Joystreetgolfextensionroad #Aiplsupermarketsector66 #Aipljoystreetlayouts #Aipljoystreetconstruction #Aipljoystreetpaymentplan #Aipljoystreetconceptvideo #Aipljoystreetwalkthrough #aipljoystreetfoodcourt #Aipljoystreetmultiplex #Aipljoystreetlocationmap #Aipljoystreetpossession #Aiplcommercialprojectsgurgaon #AiplJoystreetprices #AiplJoystreetFloorplans
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