Awipatti Tablet is a dynamic combination of herbs designed to strengthen agni (digestive fire) without aggravating Pitta. INDICATIONS: Avipatikar is a Sanskrit term which means an eradicator of all kinds of Vipattis (Problems). Continuous use of antacids weakens the digestive system so for all these problems. Ayurveda recommends Avipatikar. It neutralizes the increased acidic contents naturally and balance the Pitta (Agni) in the body. But never increase Kapha (Water) and Vatta (Air) by doing so. It also nourishes the gastric mucosal lining and strengthens it. This unique formula removes heat from the intestine providing an antidote to pungent foods. It is soothing and calming to the internal membrane. It is tailored for those who experience Pitta (Agni) disorders such as biliousness, hyperacidity or heart burn. Therefore Avipatikar Tablet is primarily indicated for pacifying the Pitta (Agni) dosha and there by removing effects such as Hyperacidity. It also acts as a cleanser for the digestive system. This herbal mixture is also found to comprise antioxidant properties due to vitamin C content that is contained in its constituent Amla. This is carminative and stomachic. It raises the protein level and balance the body weight due to positive nitrogen balance. It has been found to have an anabolic effect. Due to its carminative effect this calms down the digestive system and thus balance the system. It acts as a good appetizer. As an antioxidant it prevents premature aging and detoxifies and cleanses the whole body. It also prevents the premature graying and failing of hair. In case one is suffering from Peptic ulcer problem, it will manage acidic secretions and avoid Pitta (Agni) imbalance. It also helps eliminate the waste stored in the intestine without any distortion in mucosal lining of the intestine. It removes excess of Pitta (Agni) so it relieves burning sensation in urinary system. For hyper acidity and abdominal aches, being a mild laxative it makes the stool soft, helps to check mild constipation and improve the appetite. Promotes healthy digestion, Maintains proper function of the gastrointestinal tract, Promotes elimination of toxins, Removes excess Pitta. Hyperacidity, Constipation, Piles, Scabies and Toxic Conditions. This unique formula removes heat from the intestines, providing an antidote for pungent foods. Soothing & calming to the internal membranes, it is tailored for those who experience Pitta disorders such as biliousness, hyperacidity or heartburn.
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