Dear Students,
We are inviting the Final Year Students for IEEE/APPLICATION academic Projects. We are providing projects from our Research & Development for M.Tech., M.E., M.Phil., B.E, B.Tech., MCA,MS, M.Sc., BCA, B.Sc., Diploma etc.
We provide IEEE 2013 & Latest Updated Application projects in the following topics :
1) A Privacy Leakage Upper Bound Constraint-Based Approach for Cost-Effective Privacy
2) Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage
3) QoS Ranking Prediction for Cloud Services
4) Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing Using Attribute-Based Encryption
5) Toward Fine-Grained, Unsupervised, Scalable Performance Diagnosis for Production Cloud Computing Systems
6) Towards Secure Multi-Keyword Top-k Retrieval over Encrypted Cloud Data
If you are interested in doing projects in these topics contact us.
Forward your Project requirements to
LansA Informatics Pvt Ltd
R.K. Complex
474-A, Kamaraj Road,
Ramunuja Nagar, Upplipalayam(po),
Coimbatore - 641 015
Mobile - +91 90 953 953 33
Email ID: