VITAMIN-C TREATMENT Be ready to infuse the goodness of vitamin-C into your skin. Done using a special galvanic machine, this treatment refreshes and brightens the skin inside-out by penetrating real fruit extracts into the deeper layers. No wonder it supplies it with the needed amount of vitamin-C and giving it a fresh glow by enhancing the collagen production of skin-cells. And, result is a fair supple and glowing skin! SNOW-WHITE TREATMENT Snow-white treatment endows you with that milky & silky everyone desires. Best for would-be brides who want instant fairness, this treatment with its special melanin-reducing technology, provides them intense results from the first sitting itself! So, if you wish to celebrate beauty by looking a fair-pretty lady — go for this one now SHINE & GLOSSY TREATMENT Suffering from dull skin woes? Don’t worry you’re not the only one! Thanks to the exposure of skin to sun rays, dust, pollution, harsh weather conditions — the problem is faced almost every other girl. Shine & Glossy unveils a super-glossy sheen on your skin, by revealing the brighter skin underneath by putting fresh fruits extracts and glycerin to good use. A boon for ladies with dry-skin, indeed! COLLAGEN TREATMENT Collagen is the key ingredient for maintaining skin’s youth and boosting the skin elasticity and texture. This treatment uses this wonder-element as dermal fillers on your skin to repair fine lines and wrinkles, in order to make you look up to 10 years younger! Not just this, it this wonder-treatment combats scars, large pores, sun spots and sagging skin — therefore there is no age limit to opt for this one! RRR FACIAL The abbreviation for this facial stands for rehydrate, rejuvenate, and regenerate. As multi-tasking one, RRR is one of the most effective anti-aging treatments available at ALPS. Doing justice to its name, it endows the skin with the magic of three. The facial works best for aging skin by repairing, exfoliating and helping it in the regeneration of new skin. Plus, it tones up the facial muscles with the help of face lifting movements — double whammy!
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