Female Marathi Writers – The Gems Of Literature Being a writer isn’t an easy task. Thinking of new ideas, penning down stories that make a difference, making sure that the message comes right through and of course searching and finding apt ways to publish the work in front of an audience. A writer has the power to take the reader to a whole another world. Many of the female Marathi writers have had the power to make their readers feel every emotion depicted and woven in their words and stories. These female writers, in spite of facing backlash and general difficulties that come with being a woman, have time and again proved their valour, wit and strength through their writing prowess. Here is a list of few of the brilliant female wordsmith whose writing has a profound effect on everybody who savours it… 1. Sarojini Babar Born when India was under British rule, Sarojini Babar was a strong woman. She was not only a writer but also participated in political activities. She was a MLA of Maharashtra State during 1952 -57 and 1964 – 1966. She also was the editor of SamajShiksan Mala. Sarojini Babar has some amazing work to her credit, such as Swayamvar, Ajita, Jholana, StriShikshanachiWatchal and KamalacheJale. 2. GirijaKeer Her writing has inspired many writers. GirijaKeer was born in 1933 and she began her career as a school teacher in a village. She has successfully spread her word wings in the field of novels, literature for children, short stories and travelogues. She also penned a book called Janmathep based on her research which consisted on interviewing prisoners from Yerwada jail who were undergoing the punishment of life imprisonment. 3. DurgaBhagwat The lady who refused honours such as Padmashree and Jnanapeeth on the grounds of virtues and values, DurgaBhagwat was a strong writer who inspired millions through her work. She lived with the tribal people of Madhya Pradesh to study their life and also deeply studied Sanskrit and Buddhist literature. One of the note-worthy works is VyasaParvawhich is basically the depiction of her Mahabharat studies. These ladies have made great contribution to the field of Marathi literature. At BookHungama you will find some great work by Marathi female writers in the form of Marathi eBooks and Audiobooks. Click here to download - Website:- Loading Bookhungama
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