Everyone thinks it’s easy to become a bodybuilder. Eat some food, lift some weights, become jacked. They get misled by guys with great genetics who put on muscle easily and think it should be that way for everyone. They don’t bother to look at the bigger swarm of men in the gym who are literally spending their entire lives trying to look “too jacked” and aren’t even coming close. Here’s What You Need to Know… If you are SERIOUS about being a bodybuilder, I hope you’re ready to totally rearrange your lifestyle. Get ready to carry Tupperware of bland foods. Have a strict workout schedule heading to the gym 4-6 times a week without fail. The sleep schedule is on point hitting 8-9 hours a day. Are you sure you are ready for this? I don’t think you are. I’m going to hit you with some tough love right now. What makes you think now out of all times in your life you are ready? What have you followed that to the T, that you think you could completely own building a great physique? Again, I’m focusing this article on becoming a professional bodybuilder. If you just want an average to slightly above average physique, you can probably get that following the above guidelines 80-90% of the time. But if you want to go pro you need 110% adherence. Wants to know more please visits our website and call me today. WhatsApp: +14435620541 Website:
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