NRI County is a DTCP APPROVED (Layout No 50-96) Gated community with open plots Facilitating Bank loans that brings a vision of sophisticated, modern, future ready project adapted to customer sensibility at Bhongiri
Lay out Description:
60 Acres HMDA Layout as per Vaastu.
60’&33 ’Black Topped Roads.
Avenue Plantation with Footpath on Both sides.
Extensive Landscaped Parks.
Underground Drainage System.
Overhead Tank.
Curbing Stones on Both sides of the Road.
Water supply Line to Each Plot.
Street lights and Electricity Provision.
Pollution Free Environment.
Compound wall Around the Venture.
Swimming pool.
Club House.
Venture Neigh bourhood and locality:
Bhongiri -1km.
Tollagate -2km.
Near NIMS hospital.