Genericchit chit fund software is comes with digitalized, it is available in offline, online and mobile applications. In this Digital collections are simplify your work, and reduced operator workload.
Genericchit digital integrations are made them simple, easy to use, user friendly software. It integrate the bulk sms integrations, terminal machine collection integrations, android mobile apps integrations, and payment gateway integrations also.
Genericchit digital collections are reduced collector work burden up to 50%, it is a very helpful for chit companies, collector goes to customer places, and collect the money from customers, an the spot time you can generate the due entries and receipt also.
You are connect blue tooth printer you can take receipt print also. In this digital collections options are improve the chit company images in to customers.
Genericchit chit fund software always comes with new trending technology, any time you can upgrade your software as per your requirements.
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5) Chit Fund Software Demo Video
Genericchit digital integrations are made them simple, easy to use, user friendly software. It integrate the bulk sms integrations, terminal machine collection integrations, android mobile apps integrations, and payment gateway integrations also.
Genericchit digital collections are reduced collector work burden up to 50%, it is a very helpful for chit companies, collector goes to customer places, and collect the money from customers, an the spot time you can generate the due entries and receipt also.
You are connect blue tooth printer you can take receipt print also. In this digital collections options are improve the chit company images in to customers.
Genericchit chit fund software always comes with new trending technology, any time you can upgrade your software as per your requirements.
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4) Chit Fund Software Demo Video
5) Chit Fund Software Demo Video
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