Generic chit fund software is one of leading best chit fund software service provider in India, we are provide best software & support into our customers. Generic chit fund software is easily handle to chit fund process, & simplify your work. Generic chit fund software customer management features can manage for customer full details like that, Address, photograph, aadhar card, pan card also. Generic chit fund software is give color option in customers like that Red, Green, Yellow. It is dipper in customer rank or payment options. Green color customer are pay due properly customers, Yellow color customer one or two dues pay delay other wise pay due properly. Red color customer are dangerous customers, they are pay due not properly , they are pay irregularly. Generic chit fund software provide area wise you can spilt the customer in collection process easily . Generic chit fund software always helpful for chit fund companies, and fulfill our requirements.
1. Software Alert Information
2. Payment Gateway Integration
3. Multi Branch Support
4. Taxation of chit fund
5. Android Mobile App
6. Chit Accounts Management
7. Chit ERP Software
8. Employee Management
9. Cloud Server Management
10. Suspense Accounts.
For more details contact us:
+91 9788037825,
+91 8098129659,