While its initial intent was to treat birth deformities and accidents, today limb-lengthening surgeries are being increasingly employed to increase height. In a limb-lengthening procedure or height increase surgery, as it is commonly known, the patients tibia and fibula bones are split into two. Next, a nail is inserted in between the halves, directly into the cartilage, and is held in place by an external device known as the Ilizarov Apparatus. The rod gradually pulls the bones apart over three months. Simultaneously, the bodys healing process begins, and new bone, nerves, and arteries grow and fill in the gap. How Dr. Sarin and his team consult with you: In the first part, the patient meets with Dr. Sarin and his team to understand the entire procedure for limb-lengthening. The patients medical history is also noted in detail. In the second part, the patient undergoes a thorough physical evaluation, including X-rays and measurements of the limbs. A comprehensive psychological examination is also conducted. In the third part, the patient is taken to the rehabilitative unit where they will be placed post the height-growth surgery. At the unit, they are introduced to other patients who have undergone the limb lengthening surgery to understand the rehabilitative and recovery process. All questions and queries are personally addressed by Dr. Sarin and his team. Finally, the patient signs a consent form as a formal go-head for the limb-lengthening surgery. Contact Us:- Mobile: 09810001907 Email Us: care.drsarin@gmail.com Address: Action Medical Institute, A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063 Know more: Visit:- https://drsarin.in/service-details.php?service=1
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