Tkies a most successful leading business in the travel industry believes an organized and functional online booking system is required to survive in travel and tourism market. Tkies as a member of IATA (international air travel intermediates worldwide trading two hundred and twenty billion US dollars’ worth of airline tickets on behalf of 260 IATA airline members. IATA allows the trade of association of international and domestic tickets and all the billings, payment, settlement were efficiently done by BSP IATA’s billing. IATA a prime body of airline industry works to help the global air transport industry by making their process simpler simultaneously increasing the passenger benefits while reducing costs and upgrading efficiency. International air transport association aims to lead and serve the airline industry. IATA constitutes over 240 airlines from all over the world including world’s prime passenger and cargo airlines. Transport association) plays major role in representing IATA standards. We built all our solutions on IATA V.1.4. Compliant and we move a step forward by integrating our solutions with biometric identification by following the IATA one-identity program. IATA international air transport association is the trade association of all the world’s airlines. It supports in developing the industry standards on the areas related to critical aviation issues. IATA greatly simplifies business relationship between travel medium and airlines. Over 60,000 contracts IATA now managing every single contract in each and every aspect of their process starting from negotiation, drafting to contract completion and archiving by fulfilling the needs of most required litigations environments with Tkies litigation module.
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