Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or HBOT is a therapy that uses oxygen and air pressure to treat different kinds of injuries, from open wounds and severe burns to circulation issues & chronic wounds, etc. If any patient undergoes this therapy, they will be confined to a special chamber to breathe in pure oxygen in air pressure levels 1.5 to 3 times higher than the normal air pressure. This increased air pressure helps heal the wounds by filling the blood with enough oxygen, further repairing tissue, and restoring normal body functionalities.
What Are The Benefits Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
HBOT therapy provides various benefits in treating severe wounds & injuries by delivering healing oxygen and thereby it is being increasingly adopted by Wound care professionals. Here are some of the benefits of HBOT therapy:
1. Treatment of Chronic Wounds - The very first & foremost use of HBOT therapy is that it helps with treating chronic, non-healing wounds which are taking too much time to heal due to many factors. For example, lack of oxygen, tissues aren’t being repaired faster, weaker immune system, and prolonged information tissue swelling. Here, HBOT therapy pushes oxygen into the tissues from outside. If there is no progress in wound healing, call your doctor and ask if HBOT therapy would help.
2. Improves Circulation - Effective blood circulation throughout the body is essential for overall health. It helps deliver oxygen to wounds and injuries while also removing toxins. One of the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is that it increases circulation & oxygen flow throughout the body and helps accelerate the wound healing process. During the therapy, the lungs absorb much more oxygen than normal which is further absorbed into all of the body’s fluids and transports the oxygen and blood throughout the body.
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What Are The Benefits Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
HBOT therapy provides various benefits in treating severe wounds & injuries by delivering healing oxygen and thereby it is being increasingly adopted by Wound care professionals. Here are some of the benefits of HBOT therapy:
1. Treatment of Chronic Wounds - The very first & foremost use of HBOT therapy is that it helps with treating chronic, non-healing wounds which are taking too much time to heal due to many factors. For example, lack of oxygen, tissues aren’t being repaired faster, weaker immune system, and prolonged information tissue swelling. Here, HBOT therapy pushes oxygen into the tissues from outside. If there is no progress in wound healing, call your doctor and ask if HBOT therapy would help.
2. Improves Circulation - Effective blood circulation throughout the body is essential for overall health. It helps deliver oxygen to wounds and injuries while also removing toxins. One of the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is that it increases circulation & oxygen flow throughout the body and helps accelerate the wound healing process. During the therapy, the lungs absorb much more oxygen than normal which is further absorbed into all of the body’s fluids and transports the oxygen and blood throughout the body.
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