The biggest difference between LED lights and LED light bar soft rays lies in its flexibility , LED Strip Light Like its name implies , very soft, styling easier. LED strip light in a very good indoor lighting applications , LED Strip Light exactly what the application does , look at the analysis .
LED lighting in the area constantly exploring the way forward , in practical applications and constantly improve , has made a lot of achievements , promote the development of LED lighting. Especially for indoor lighting LED flexible strip lights , it is driven by technology , has made great progress , showed great superiority.
For LED Strip Light is , in order to obtain greater development in the field of indoor lighting , you should consider the following principles and directions :
1 play LED strip light quick start , easy dimming advantage, with the priority requirements of sound, light and self-control and the need for frequent switching or dimming lights and other places.
2 . Should choose places, pilot applications , and gradually extended , step by step , sum up experience , continuous improvement , should disregard the object , not the analytical conditions , large area. Should look for better play to its own advantages LED strip light place as a starting point .
3 play LED Strip Light colored light edge in interior decoration for the need for higher requirements, or as a ceiling decoration , background lighting and other purposes.
4. LED strip light shall comply with the " architectural lighting design standards " requirement , including illumination , uniformity, glare , color rendering index color temperature requirements and appropriate in order to achieve good visual conditions and limits specified LPD .
5 Use the directional LED Strip Light -emitting characteristics, applications that require directional lighting parts, such as supermarkets, jewelry counters , and so on .
6.LED soft light should highlight the energy-saving features : First, the current goal is to replace inefficient incandescent better advantage ; second goal is to replace halogen ; third is to try to gradually replace the compact fluorescent lamps. Special Note: Not all energy-efficient LED should be on achieving the same level of illumination , to compare the quality of lighting conditions under close .
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