A large number of people have been lately complaining about excessive running nose along with swelling and pain in the eyes and of blurred vision post-Covid-19 treatment. Several have been complaining about dark spots and even loss of eyesight. These have been some of the most common symptoms of once rare but now becoming prevalent Black fungal Disease or Mucormycosis. To know more about this disease we discussed with Dr Suyesha Khanijao of Angel’s Hope Clinic in New Delhi. She is one of the best gynecologists in Delhi. Her treatment for pregnant women who are also Covid positive has brought great relief to these patients. When asked about Black Fungus she said, “This disease is caused by a group of moulds known as mucormycetes present naturally in the environment. It mainly affects people who are on medication for health problems that reduce their ability to fight environmental pathogens, a trait very common in post-Covid-19 patients. Once it enters the human body through the skin, it may cause local infections, but if it enters through the sinus, it affects the eyes and brain and can cause severe damage.” We asked are there any warning signs? Dr Suyesha detailed us on the symptoms. “One must plan to visit a doctor as soon as they witness one or more of the following symptoms: • pain and redness around the eyes or nose, with fever, headache, coughing, shortness of breath • bloody vomits • altered mental status If not treated with in time, there can be further complications which include: * Sinusitis — nasal blockage or congestion, nasal discharge (blackish/bloody) * Local pain on the cheekbone, one-sided facial pain, numbness or swelling * Blackish discoloration over the bridge of nose/palate * Loosening of teeth, jaw involvement * Blurred or double vision with pain * Thrombosis, necrosis, skin lesion * Chest pain, pleural effusion, worsening of respiratory symptoms We asked if this deadly disease can be treated or not? Dr Suyesha replied that though recently the mortality rate has increased up to 50%, however, if timely checked, it can be treated completely. Mucormycosis is a serious infection and needs to be treated using antifungal medicines given through intravenous fluids followed by oral antifungal medicines. In more serious cases, surgery is required which might comprise the removal of the infected organ. When asked about precautions to prevent Black Fungus Dr Suyesha suggests, • “Wear a mask while venturing out, especially to gardens and dusty areas or where you might come across rotting garbage or food. • Wear clothes that don’t expose your skin or expose it as little as possible. • Regularly monitoring and keeping in control the sugar levels and blood glucose in diabetic and other immunocompromised people. • People prescribed steroids should be constantly monitored and the dosage should be reduced in consultation with the doctor.” Visit our webpage:
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