Description How to Complement Your Furniture With Your Company Culture Does it sound funny if we say that the furniture you have used in your company influences the success and efficiency of the workers? No, we are not kidding and the industry reports do not lie too. According to a recent survey by Glassdoor, 77 percent of adults would consider a company’s culture before applying for a job there. Company culture is a set of multiple things and furniture has an essential role to play in it. Creative Vs Non-Creative - First, we need to find out what kind of work culture you have. If it’s highly technical and leaves little to no scope for creativity, then you can use furniture of subtle colors and shades. However, if you have a creative agency, you need to be a little creative with your furniture. Changes in shapes, structures, and designs of the furniture can be helpful in making the creative juices flow efficiently in the brains of the workers. Inter-Department Conversations Or Personal Decisions - Another thing to keep in mind while arranging the furniture for your company is that if you want your employees to engage in inter-department conversations for better decisions or not. A cubicle setup will restrict the conversations and make communicating a little challenging. It is best suited for setups that do not need communication between employees for smooth work. However, if you need your employees to discuss projects and ideas among themselves to create the best outcome, replace the cubicle with common spaces. Office Chairs - One of the most important and underrated pieces of furniture is the office chair. The long working hours on the chair can make a person tired and if the chair is not appropriate and functional, it can cause back aches and errors in the posture of the person sitting on it. One must keep on updating the chairs as if it will be painful or doesn’t match the level of the table, it can make your employees tired and unproductive in no time.
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₹ 60.000,00
₹ 60.000,00