Find Classified ad details Back Print Olympiad - Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale Ref. number: 2945406 Updated: 03-03-2021 07:35 Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in India, Delhi EHF is a registered International NGO promoted by leading educationists, corporate heads and media doyens. As olympiad, ehfolympia, Science, Math, English. EHF needs are young scientists interested in project based learning. The first mentoring camp was conducted on April 26, 2013 at National Science Centre, New Delhi.Out of the 1000 plus entries received from schools across India, the top 100 students were invited to present their projects to the panel of judges from IIT, Delhi. Projects sent by 15 finalists included research on endangered species; a better understanding of tumours; an algorithm for safer encryption; a green method to clean water; a new kind of magnet and more.Eduheal Foundation, an international NGO was one of the Google Science Fair partners who helped make this competition possible by reaching out to the Indian schools in a large way.
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