Duration: 10.5 hours Size: 1.63 GB 1. Database Basics 1. Oracle Database Introduction & Basics of Tables. 2. Setting Up the SQL Development Environment (Mac & Windows). 3. IMPORTANT Prepare the Data in the Database. 3.1 course_data.txt.txt 2. Single Table Queries (Exercises & Solutions in the Lectures) 1. Oracle Exams and Certification Information.html 2. Retrieving Data Using the SELECT Clause. 3. Using the WHERE Clause in a Query. 4. Using Operators in the WHERE Clause. 5. Combining WHERE, AND & OR with Operators. 6. Query Filtering Continued BETWEEN, IN and NULL. 7. Query Filtering Conditions & Operator Precedence. 8. Ordering, Concatenating & Aliasing Query Results. 3. Single Row Functions (Exercises and Solutions In the Lectures) 1. Single Row Functions (SRF) & Using The Dual Table. 2. Using Functions in WHERE And Character Based SRFs. 3. Numeric and Date Data type SRFs. 4. Conversion SRFs & Date Formatting. 5. Some More Date Functions.html 6. Concluding SRFs & NULL NULLIF Functions. 4. Grouping Functions (Exercises and Solutions In the Lectures) 1. Grouping Functions MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT etc.. 2. GROUP BY Clause & HAVING Clause. 3. More Practice With The GROUP BY Clause. 5. Multi-Table Queries and Joins (Exercises and Solutions In the Lectures) 1. SELECT within SELECT (Subqueries). 2. Relating Tables Together Using JOINs. 3. Joins Continued INNER & OUTER Joins. 4. Correlated Subqueries with EXISTS & NOT EXIST operators. 6. Creating, Altering, and Updating Objects Using SQL (Exercises in Lectures) 1. Creating Your Own Tables & Design Considerations. 10. Views and Other Objects and Commands (Newly Added). 11. SQL could be tricky, check this out!.html 12. Granting and Revoking Privileges. 2. Inserting Data Into Our Table. 3. Create Table With a Primary Key Constraint. 4. Using ALTER to modify the table structure. 5. Create Table with SELECT + UPDATE Data. 7. DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP Commands. 8. Working With Database Indexes. 9. System Tables, Pseudo Columns & Deleting Duplicates (Newly Added). Guides PDF Advanced Oracle PL_SQL Developer’s Guide.pdf Beginning Oracle SQL for Oracle Database 12c, 3 edition.pdf.pdf OCA Oracle Database 12c_ SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-061).pdf OCA_ Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide_ Exams 1Z0-061 and 1Z0-062.pdf OCP_ Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional Study Guide_ Exam 1Z0-063.pdf Oracle 12c SQL.pdf creating_other_schema_objects_questions.pdf e47689.pdf subqueries_to_solve_queries_questions.pdf
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