Bed Bugs can not only be a problem at home, but also in places with numerous beds and visitors such as Hotels, Motels, Back-Packer Lodges, Caravan Parks and Boarding Schools.
If you think you have a problem with Bed Bugs do not disturb or touch them.
Contact Herbal Pest Control on for expert advice on Bed Bugs.
Bed-bugs are usually found in unhygienic conditions inside bedrooms as their name implies. They have a flattened appearance before a blood feed and are about five millimeters long with the look of a rather wide flea, reddish brown in color.
They hide under the buttons and increases of old mattresses, behind wallpaper, skirting boards and cracks in the floor. They are wingless so they can’t fly or jump like the flea.
They are active during the night and have been known to drop from ceilings onto beds. They can survive without a blood feed for up to a year. Bites can cause welts to appear on the skin with three rows of puncture marks being characteristic. Itchiness and irritation affect some people more than others.
For more info you can visit to us: -
Or call to us our helpline number: +91-9990447379
If you think you have a problem with Bed Bugs do not disturb or touch them.
Contact Herbal Pest Control on for expert advice on Bed Bugs.
Bed-bugs are usually found in unhygienic conditions inside bedrooms as their name implies. They have a flattened appearance before a blood feed and are about five millimeters long with the look of a rather wide flea, reddish brown in color.
They hide under the buttons and increases of old mattresses, behind wallpaper, skirting boards and cracks in the floor. They are wingless so they can’t fly or jump like the flea.
They are active during the night and have been known to drop from ceilings onto beds. They can survive without a blood feed for up to a year. Bites can cause welts to appear on the skin with three rows of puncture marks being characteristic. Itchiness and irritation affect some people more than others.
For more info you can visit to us: -
Or call to us our helpline number: +91-9990447379
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