First year engineering mechanics
Top sales list first year engineering mechanics

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
Basic electricle,chemistry,english,m1,engineering drawing
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Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)
This book has been written in accordance with the latest syllabus of Anna university, Tamilnadu for the First year B.E./B.Tech students in Mathematics.
This book contains 5 units. Each unit is comprehensive and self contained. Each unit contains a number of worked examples to illustrate the formulae discussed. Each unit contains typical problems in the relevant chapters and a large number of questions at its end.
This book is aimed to help first year Engineering students to secure very high marks in Engineering Mathematics.
Suggestions for the improvement of this book are most welcome.
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Delhi (Delhi)
Following used books are available for sale, suitable for 1st year Engg or Section A of AMIE/Grad IETE/AMAeSI students. Contact for price and other details 1. APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS (for AMIE / IETE / Engg students) by Rai & Sarao, 2. TEXT BOOK OF PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS by IB PRASAD, 3. MODERN PHYSICS(S Chand & Co-Text book Old AMIE) by BL THERAJA 4. TEXT BOOK OF APPLIED MECHANICS- by I B PRASAD 5.DICTIONERY OF TECHNICAL TERMS(Oxford & IBH Publishing) by FS Crispin 6. MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES Vol-1 by SB Junnarkar 7.THEORY AND APPLICATION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS by MARK B MOORE
₹ 300
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Nagpur (Maharashtra)
S chand publication
SS Dara
SS Umare
For first year engineering chemistry.
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Delhi (Delhi)
Civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline. It deals with the built environment and can be dated to the first time someone placed a roof over his or her head or laid a tree trunk across a river to make it easier to get across. The built environment encompasses much of what defines modern civilization. Buildings and bridges are often the first constructions that come to mind, as they are the most conspicuous creations of structural engineering, one of civil engineering’s major sub-disciplines. Roads, railroads, subway systems, and airports are designed by transportation engineers, another category of civil engineering. And then there are the less visible creations of civil engineers. Every time you open a water faucet, you expect water to come out, without thinking that civil engineers made it possible. New York City has one of the world’s most impressive water supply systems, receiving billions of gallons of high-quality water from the Catskills over one hundred miles away. Similarly, not many people seem to worry about what happens to the water after it has served its purposes. The old civil engineering discipline of sanitary engineering has evolved into modern environmental engineering of such significance that most academic departments have changed their names to civil and environmental engineering. These few examples illustrate that civil engineers do a lot more than design buildings and bridges. They can be found in the aerospace industry, designing jetliners and space stations; in the automotive industry, perfecting the load-carrying capacity of a chassis and improving the crashworthiness of bumpers and doors; and they can be found in the ship building industry, the power industry, and many other industries wherever constructed facilities are involved. And they plan and oversee the construction of these facilities as construction managers. Civil engineering is an exciting profession because at the end of the day you can see the results of your work, whether this is a completed bridge, a high-rise building, a subway station, or a hydroelectric dam. Please look at the Web pages of our individual faculty members to learn more about their special interests as examples of what civil engineering and engineering mechanics is and can be about.
₹ 25.000
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Faridabad New Township (Haryana)
Civil Engineering Books IES MASTER
Total 21 Books for sale
Structural Analysis
Building Material
Surveying and Remote Sensing
Highway Engineering
RCC and Prestressed Concrete
Open channel flow
Pert and CPM
Environmental Engineering
Railway, Airport , Port ,Harbour and Tunnelling
Engineering Mechanics
GIS and Remote Sensing and Geology
Structural Dynamics
Gate previous-
IES previous year
Additional books are also there for sale
2018 but relevant enough to clear Gate
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
2nd Year Transfer Admissions – 2016 If you want to Transfer Studying First Year for One College to Study Second Year another College we provide Direct Second Year Transfer Admissions. ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR ADMISSIONS IN CHENNAI 2016 DIPLOMA SECOND YEAR ADMISSIONS IN CHENNAI 2016 DIRECT SECOND YEAR ADMISSIONS IN CHENNAI For More Details Contact: Goaldone Bridge Consultancy Mobile No: 9962571674
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Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
This book of electrical engineering is for first year students of all fields.
This book is written by Ashfaq Husain.
This book is written in a simple and easy language such that any student from any field can understand.
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Guwahati (Assam)
First hand books in brand new condition with binding full intact, no markings, no names written anywhere (Price: Non-negotiable)
1. Surveying Vol I and Vol II (B.C Punmia) Rs. 260/- for each; MRP Rs. 525/- each
2. Theory of Structures (S. Ramamrutham) Rs. 390; MRP Rs. 795
3. Estimating, Costing, Specification & Valuation in Civil Engg (M. Chakraborti) Rs. 260; MRP Rs. 540
4. GATE 2023 Civil Engineering, 32yrs solved papers (MADE EASY) Rs. 480; MRP Rs. 975
5. Railway, Bridges & Tunnel (AK Upadhyay) Rs. 100; MRP Rs. 225
6. Civil Engg Drawing (M. Chakraborti) Rs. 230; MRP Rs. 460
2nd hand books in good condition of binding (Price: slightly negotiable only)
1. Soil Mechanics & Foundations (B.C Punmia) Rs. 350
2. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines (R.K Bansal) Rs. 350
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Warm Greetings from Phoenix Systems - Chennai Dear Entrepreneur We provides latest Mini and Main Mechanical Engineering Projects, Project Ideas, Project Topics for final Year Mechanical and Automobile Engineering Students with Abstract, Source Code and Reports on Pneumatics, Hydraulics and Fluid mechanics We develop student OWN CONCEPT IDEAS also. Project Domains Design & Analysis Fabrication Robotics Mechatronics For more quires Contact US ============================ Phoenix Systems #13,Babu Rajendra Prasad II St West Mambalam,Ch- 33 M:7810995575 , PH:-044-43515757
₹ 5.000
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All IEEE Projects for final year projects engineering students 2016. Final Year IEEE Projects implementation is a final part in Academics. It is not just a part in Engineering Studies. It also prepares the students to implement practically what they have learnt in the earlier semesters. Basically Final Year IEEE Projects will be implemented as defined below: • Identifying the best IEEE Base Paper • Developing the project with the algorithms in Base Paper • Preparing a descriptive document & PPT about the project • PROJECTS IN JAVA | PROJECTS IN .NET|ANDROID|CLOUD COMPUTING|BIG DATA|HADOOP • PROJECTS IN IEEE,EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION and WINDOWS APPLICATION Cegonsoft Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore has been actively involved in Job Placement Assistance as a value-added service in the Software Training Program. we have a very consistent and growing Job Placement Track Record. • The Software Training Programs are accommodated by continuous assessments and sharing common Interview FAQs. • Students are encouraged to proactively participate in Seminars on Interview Handling Skills. • During Workshops/Seminars, Knowledge is shared about focusing on all the aspects of an Interview apart from Technical Aspects. • Active Coordination with students from the stage of preparing a professional CV/Resume to attending Interviews and securing a Job. • Interview Questions & Answers will be covered along with course • We Support to Make your Resume Ready as per IT Industry Standards and to Get Interview Calls • Preliminary Preparation ensures that our Students are able to perform confidently in Interviews even it was their First Interview. As a part of our Successful and Continuous Job Placement Assistance, we maintain the track for our student reference. ****Conditions Apply Contact Person: Divya.V CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 LandLine:0422 -4206205 Mob No: 8523900459
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Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)
This book entitled "Problem Solving and Python Programming" has been written in accordance with the syllabus prescribed for the First Year, First Semester of B.E/B.Tech students of Engineering colleges affiliated to Anna University, Chennai.
This book comprises of ten chapters which covers five units of the Anna University syllabus. The main emphasis of the book is to explain in a simple manner, the logical concepts that will enable even the beginners to understand Python without difficulty. Systematic care has been taken to support the topics with necessary illustrations and relevant diagrams to make learning much easier. It is believed that this book shall serve all the requirements of First Year Engineering students. Chapter wise summaries are also given.
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Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)
1.To develop the basic reading and writing skills of first year engineering and technology students.
2.To help learners develop their listening skills, which will, enable them listen to lectures and comprehend them by asking questions; seeking clarifications.
3.To help learners develop their speaking skills and speak fluently in real contexts.
4.To help learners develop vocabulary of a general kind by developing their reading skills
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Dehra Dun (Uttaranchal)
Engineers success is one of the best GATE coaching institutes in India (having its centers at Dehradun, Lucknow, Moradabad, Gorakhpur, Roorkee, Indore, Bilaspur, Sagar, Sultanpur, Ghaziabad, Patna) under the guidance of Ex IES and Alumni of IITs for all branches i.e Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer science engineering, Electronics and communication engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation engineering. After being the one of the best GATE coaching in Dehradun our aim is to become the best in the rest of the cities in India Best faculty team from all over India with AIR 1-100 in GATE , IES and alumni of IISC AND IITS with experience of 3-8 years in coaching.. A team of 20+ faculties for each branch Mechanical Engineering, CIVIL Engineering, Computer Science & Information Technology, Electronic & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering from various parts of India with 3-8 years of teaching experience in GATE, PSU & IES preparation. Study material, practice sets, Online test series Designed by alumni of IISC and IITS and top 100 rankers in GATE to get you in top rank in the best gate coaching institute. Online test series with 20-30 Full length test + 25 subject wise tests + 250 sectional wise test designed for you to understand your difficulty level and to achieve the rank in top 100. With our Best Online test series for GATE preparation. Special interview guidance from our team will be provided to you for PSUs, IES and GATE for admissions in M. Tech. Special doubt solving sessions for all students and for weaker students from the best faculty team for gate coaching. We provide Scholarship worth Rs 50 Lakh for meritorious Student , Previous GATE qualified student. Best rank in GATE = more practice you do. More practice questions , assignments GATE Test Series to crack any difficulty level. Special foundation batches for first year second year third year students for clearing there concepts and to be in top rank when they appear the GATE exam. One of the best GATE coaching in India for all branches (ECE, EE, IN, ME, CIVIL, CS, IT, PI).
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Dehra Dun (Uttaranchal)
Engineers success is one of the best GATE coaching institutes in India (having its centers at Dehradun, Lucknow, Moradabad, Gorakhpur, Roorkee, Indore, Bilaspur, Sagar, Sultanpur, Ghaziabad, Patna) under the guidance of Ex IES and Alumni of IITs for all branches i.e Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer science engineering, Electronics and communication engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation engineering. After being the one of the best GATE coaching in Dehradun our aim is to become the best in the rest of the cities in India Best faculty team from all over India with AIR 1-100 in GATE , IES and alumni of IISC AND IITS with experience of 3-8 years in coaching.. A team of 20+ faculties for each branch Mechanical Engineering, CIVIL Engineering, Computer Science & Information Technology, Electronic & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering from various parts of India with 3-8 years of teaching experience in GATE, PSU & IES preparation. Study material, practice sets, Online test series Designed by alumni of IISC and IITS and top 100 rankers in GATE to get you in top rank in the best gate coaching institute. Online test series with 20-30 Full length test + 25 subject wise tests + 250 sectional wise test designed for you to understand your difficulty level and to achieve the rank in top 100. With our Best Online test series for GATE preparation. Special interview guidance from our team will be provided to you for PSUs, IES and GATE for admissions in M. Tech. Special doubt solving sessions for all students and for weaker students from the best faculty team for gate coaching. We provide Scholarship worth Rs 50 Lakh for meritorious Student , Previous GATE qualified student. Best rank in GATE = more practice you do. More practice questions , assignments GATE Test Series to crack any difficulty level. Special foundation batches for first year second year third year students for clearing there concepts and to be in top rank when they appear the GATE exam. One of the best GATE coaching in India for all branches (ECE, EE, IN, ME, CIVIL, CS, IT, PI)
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