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Water Finder- WF 101B PRO
Water Finder (WF 101 B) is the latest electronic product which working by the Long Range Locator System and the Detecting Technology for the ground water's partial frequencies.The Device Sends an electronic reciprocating waves to locate the presence of Ground water rafting, And Gives to the Users easy and quick to researching processes for ground water finding, the specialized device for the personal use and for Carrying out fast discovering for the ground water.
Technical Specification
Works with the graphics LCD screen 128X64.
Control Panel Keys easy to use.
Specialist for detecting groundwater only.
Device Software contains with several programs lists, appear in the screen to set up the device to search.
Language List : English, French, German, Turkish, Persian, Arabic .
Depth List to determine the level of Search depth: 30 m – 50 m – 70 m – 100 m – 150 m – 200 m.
Distance List to determine the level of Search distance: 100 m - 250 m - 500 m - 1000 m -1500 m.
Find mode list for ground water:
Finding the natural underground water.
Finding the fresh and the Drinkable water
Detecting the main assembly of the water
Assists mainly in the water wells drilling
The device works on a 9-volt battery enables it to work for 8 hours of work, can be change or recharge.
Battery power level indicator (shown on the screen)
Digital Signal Processing System (DSP)
Automatic work in all soil conditions.
Speed in determining the target location.
Determine the level of water presence is an approximation.
Three electronic antennas.
Ground energy supported.
Easy to work and use anyone can use.
Weight of the device is the 1000 g only.
Operating temperature from -20 ° C to 50 ° C.
Can be stored at a temperature of - 15 ° C to 40 ° C.
Can be stored and work in an average level of air humidity 5 to 75 Percent.
Product Accessories
The main control unit
Carrying Handle (demountable and installation)
Ground Probe supported
Receiving antennas
9-volt battery + charger
Two year Guarantee
Carrying Case
User manual.
Mr.Ranga Babu,
Mobile: +91-9676369999.
Huda Colony, Saroornagar,
Hyderabad-35, AP. India.
₹ 180.000
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Water Finder WF - 202 Pro
Water Finder WF - 202 Pro Advanced electronic product, works by the Remote Sensing system, on the property of transmitter and receiver .The Apparatus Sends a Geo electric waves (high frequency), sending these waves by connecting the master device with the ground, to detect the ground water and artesian, determines the gathering point of water and allows the user to carry out a quick and easy for researching process of groundwater finding.The WF -202 PRO specialists in searching of underground water within the large distances and mainly helps the mining companies which is looking for water's wells.
Technical Specifications:
Works with the graphics LCD screen 128X64.
Control Panel Keys easy to use.
Specialist for detecting the groundwater only.
Device Software contains with several programs lists , appear in the screen to set up the device to search.
Language List: English, French, German, Turkish, Persian, Arabic.
Depth List to determine the level of Search depth:50m–100m–150m–250m–350m–450 m.
Distance List to determine the level of Search distance: 250 m - 500 m - 1000m - 2000m.
Find mode list for ground water:
Finding the natural underground water.
Finding the fresh and the Drinkable water
Detecting the main assembly of the water
Assists mainly in the water wells drilling
The device works on a 12-volt battery (Rechargeable) enables it to work for 12 hours.
Battery power level indicator (shown on the screen)
Digital Signal Processing System (DSP)
Automatic work in all soil conditions.
Ground Waves Sender supporting.
Receive device equipped with audio tracking.
An additional Receive device, works on a property advanced receiving antennas.
Equipped with filtration system for filtering the receiving and transmitters signals automatically.
The results of detection within one minute only.
Locate the Water target accurately.
Determine the level of water presence is an approximation.
Operating temperature from -10 ° C to 40 ° C
Can be stored at a temperature of - 15 ° C to 40 ° C
Can be stored and work in an average level of air humidity 5 to 75 Percent.
Easy to work and use anyone can use.
Weight of the control unit is the 1 k g only.
Full weight of the receiver device is 300 g only.
Product Accessories:
The main control unit
Ground Probes supported
Audio tracking device
Receiver device + 2 receiving antennas
12-volt battery, rechargeable
Electrical charger 12-volt
Two year Guarantee
Carrying Case
User manual.
Mr.Ranga Babu,
Mobile: +91-9676369999.
Huda Colony, Saroornagar,
Hyderabad-35, AP. India.
₹ 380.000
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Water Finder WF-303 Plus
The best and the most developer geophysical sounding device which specialized for detecting, measuring, and determining all kinds of Underground water (levels and the gathering points). The Device Depending in its work on the geo electric automatic system , These system able to locate the presence of water in the research area , and giving an amazing and accurate results .Works this apparatus on the most accurate configuration software for the automatically measurement and provided with the latest electronic systems and the illustration software for showing the full results clearly.
The Device based on an integrated Automatic Electronic; shorten the time and the fatigue effort while carrying out the searching processes.
Technical Specifications:
Works through the LCD screen graphics128X64.
Control Panel Keys easy to use.
Equipped with four poles of electric power outlets.
Works on the electrical resistance measurement (IP).
Main factor for measuring of the vertical depth sounding technique (ves).
Contains the device software on the several lists appear on the main screen:
Language List : English, French, German, Turkish, Persian, Arabic .
The Clarification list of water type automatic on the screen:
Fresh Water
Salty water
Mineral water
The Clarification list of the water depth on the automatic screen.
The device works on a 14-volt battery (Rechargeable) enables it to work for 9 hours.
Battery power level indicator (shown on the screen)
Indicator of the water quantity presence on the screen
Automatic work in all soil conditions.
The survey area results of 700 square meters in 3 minutes.
Up to depths exceeding 900 m, depending on the post by the electrodes from each other.
Determines the largest gathering point presence of the water for drilling wells.
Working on an integrated automatic electronic system shows all exploration data on the screen directly.
Easy to work and allowing to all user and ordinary people to deal with it easily and professionalism.
Light weight and easy to navigate it, and the entire device Parts combines in the anti-shocks bag.
Operating temperature from -10 ° C to 50 ° C
Can be stored at a temperature of - 20 ° C to 40 ° C
Can be stored and work in an average level of air humidity 5 to 95 Percent.
Product Accessories:
The main control unit
Four probes of the (Stalin Steel) substance, to contact the electric power with soil
Four files dynamic work of electrical wiring
14-volt battery, rechargeable
Electrical charger 14-volt
Two year Guarantee
Carrying Case
User manual
Mr.Ranga Babu,
Mobile: +91-9676369999.
Huda Colony, Saroornagar,
Hyderabad-35, AP. India.
₹ 480.000
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