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Hadoop analyst training systems

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HADOOP ANALYST TRAINING IN CHENNAI,PERIDOT SYSTEMS, 100% JOB Warm greetings from PERIDOT, Join with us to get placed in MNC.Give a call to ruban(9952010141) to know more. Peridot systems offer a software training course to get job easily in MNC. Trainers are MNC working proffesionals. We are providing a certified course at affordable cost. First your welcome to attend a free demo classes.... Pre-requisites: To learn hadoop admin, basic knowledge of SQL is needed. We provide a complimentary Course “SQL basic” to all learners to brush up SQL. Target learners: If you are Interested in SQL & Scripting Languages, Large Scale Date set operation, Creating values then you can be a Hadoop data analyst. Content: Introduction Hadoop Fundamentals Basic Data Analysis with Pig Processing Complex Data with Pig Multi-Dataset Operations with Pig Extending Pig Pig Troubleshooting and Optimization Introduction to Hive Relational Data Analysis with Hive Hive Data Management Text Processing with Hive Hive Optimization Extending Hive Introduction to Impala Analyzing Data with Impala Choosing the Best Tool for the Job Conclusion For More Details, Visit Our Website: www.peridotsystems.in Venue: KamatchiKrupaApts, No: 84/8, Ground Floor, Venkatarathinam main street, Venkatarathinam Nagar, LB Road, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600020 Selvakumar – 9952010141
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
Learn Hadoop from beginner to expert level. Course includes (Hadoop Yarn, Hadoop Developer, Hadoop Administrator, Hadoop Analyst, Hadoop QA, Java for Hadoop). Source URL - https://intellipaat.in/
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India (All cities)
Big Data Analyst Training in Noida at Multisoft systems helps you to understand foundational concepts and hands-on learning of leading analytical tools as well as functional analytics across many domains. Multisoft Systems B - 125, Sector-2, Near Sector 15 Metro Station Noida (U.P.)-201301 (India) (+91) 120 2540300 / 400 (+91) 9810306956 http://www.multisoftsystems.com https://www.multisoftsystems.com/big-data/hadoop-data-analytics-training
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Alandur (Tamil Nadu)
In PERIDOT SYSTEM, we provide the Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with excellent syllabuses. By, practical’s course syllabus and placements assistance. And our Faculty trainers are above 8 years experienced in Hadoop, we also provide Fast track classes for your career. And we provide online classes for you, so in that you can interact with our training through Skype you can record our online Hadoop tutorial and use it after sometime for your own reference. HADOOP TRAINING in Chennai Adyar: http://www.thinkittraining.in/software-testing-training. Following Topics are covered in this Hadoop Course in Chennai:  Admin  Development  Architect/Consultant The above Hadoop Courses in Chennai conducted by our Hadoop experts who has more than 8+ years of work experience. The training will entirely goes on practical training with hands on experience to get the each and every module detail of Hadoop. The Hadoop Training Course Chennai study materials and all Software’s are absolutely free with no cost. During the course time if you have any idea about your own project you can implement your own project with our expert faculties help. Once the Course gets completed up to 85% we will forward you the Job openings related to your profile until you get the job at the same time we are providing you free mock interviews and free interview questions and answers. Once you get placed in any companies then unlike other companies we will provide you one year free technical support to clarify your current project related queries and other course related queries directly with our experts. This is why our Peridot System is the best provider of Hadoop Training in Chennai and rated as the best Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai at Adyar. For more details about the infrastructure please visit our website: http://www.thinkittraining.in or call us: 9500187290.
₹ 15.000
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HADOOP DEVELOPER TRAINING IN CHENNAI, PERIDOT SYSTEMS, 100%JOB Peridot systems provide both offline and online mode of training. To join please contact ruban(9952010141).We will provide you free demo classes. Trainers are MNC working professionals. We will give you 100% job assurance Pre-requisites: To learn hadoop developer, core java and good analytical skills are needed. We provide a complimentary Course “Java Essentials for Hadoop” to all learners to brush up java skills needed to write Map reduce Programs. Target learners: If you are interested in Architecture & Fundamentals, Map reduces Programming and real time Analytics then you can be a Hadoop developer. Content: Introduction Hadoop Motivation Basic concepts and HDFS Map Reduce Hadoop cluster and ecosystems Writing a Map Reduce Program using Java Writing a Map Reduce Program Using Streaming Unit Testing Map Reduce Programs Unit Testing Map Reduce Programs Practical Development Tips and Techniques Practical Development Tips and Techniques Practical Development Tips and Techniques Common Map Reduce Algorithms Joining Data Sets in Map Reduce Jobs Integrating Hadoop into the Enterprise Workflow An Introduction to Hive, Imapala, and Pig An Introduction to Oozie Conclusion For More Details, Visit Our Website: www.peridotsystems.in Venue: KamatchiKrupaApts, No: 84/8, Ground Floor, Venkatarathinam main street, Venkatarathinam Nagar, LB Road, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600020 Selvakumar – 9952010141
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI ADYAR “PERIDOT SYSTEMS” 8056102481... Peridot systems is the best software and hardware training institute in Chennai with complete placement...call to papitha (8056102481) for more information about the course details. Our main aim is to satisfy the student’s needs and expectations... We provide complete practical training when compare to theoretical training... BENEFITS:  We provide practical oriented training  We provide both weekdays and weekend batches  We provide 45 days training classes  We provide 100% placement guidance HADOOP SYLLABUS:  Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop  Understanding the Cluster  Best Practices for Cluster Setup  Routine Admin procedures  Monitoring the Cluster  Introduction to Distributed systems  The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) For more details information about the course details please contact us, Contact Numbers: 8056102481/9600063484 (papitha) Landline: 044-42115526 Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Website: www.peridotsystems.in TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI ADYAR “PERIDOT SYSTEMS” 8056102481... Peridot systems welcome you to learning the no of software and hardware training courses by well experienced trainers...call to papitha (8056102481) for more information about the course details. We provide excellent training by experienced trainer. Our main goal is to satisfy the student’s needs and expectations... Our Official Website: www.peridotsystems.in http://www.peridotsystems.in/hadoop-training-in-chennai.php BENEFITS: • We provide practical training • We have real time trainers • We offer 2 days free demo classes • We provide online training HADOOP SYLLABUS:  Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop  Understanding the Cluster  Best Practices for Cluster Setup  Routine Admin procedures  Monitoring the Cluster For more details information about the course details please contact us, Contact Numbers: 8056102481/9600063484 (papitha) Landline: 044-42115526 Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Website: www.peridotsystems.in TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI ADYAR WITH PLACEMENT... Peridot systems is one of the best training institute in Chennai providing more numbers of software and hardware training courses by real time experienced professionals...For more details you need about the course syllabus please contact papitha (8056102481)... “PERIDOT SYSTEMS IS POWER OF VICTORY” Our Official Website: www.peridotsystems.in PERIDOT SUPPORTS:  We provide real time training  We provide online, classroom and corporate training classes  We offer both weekdays and weekend batches  We provide 2 days demo classes HADOOP SYLLABUS: • Introduction to Distributed systems • Introduction to Big Data • Introduction to Hadoop • The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) • Map/Reduce Programming – Java For more details information about the course details please contact us, Contact Numbers: 8056102481/9600063484 , 044-42115526 (papitha) Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Website: www.peridotsystems.in TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar.
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Pune (Maharashtra)
Hadoop for Developers and Administrators Hadoop for Developers and Administrators Syllabus COURSE CONTENT Traning at hadoop school of training Magarpatta city Pune. (+91-93257-93756) www.hadoopschooloftraining.co.in Next level of development and administration Schedule: Day 1:BigData • Why is Big Data important • What is Big Data • Characteristics of Big Data • How did data become so big • Why should you care about Big Data • Use Cases of Big Data Analysis • What are possible options for analyzing big data • Traditional Distributed Systems • Problems with traditional distributed systems • What is Hadoop • History of Hadoop • How does Hadoop solve Big Data problem • Components of Hadoop • What is HDFS • How HDFS works • What is Mapreduce • How Mapreduce works • How Hadoop works as a system Day2: Hadoop ecosystem • Pig • What is Pig • How it works • An example • Hive • What is Hive • How it works • An example • Flume • What is Flume • How it works • An example • Sqoop • What is Sqoop • How it works • An example • Oozie • What is Oozie • How it works • An example • HDFS in detail • Map Reduce in details Day3: Hands On-¬‐ • VMsetup • Setting up Virtual Machine • Installing Hadoop in Pseudo Distributed mode Day 4: Hands On-¬‐ • Programs • Running your first MapReduce Program • Sqoop Hands on • Flume Hands Day 5: • Multinode cluster setup • Setting up a multimode cluster Day 6: • Planning your Hadoop cluster • Considerations for setting up Hadoop Cluster • Hardware considerations • Software considerations • Other considerations Day 7: Disecting the Wordcount Program • Understanding the Driver • Understanding the Mapper • Understanding the Reducer Day 8: • Diving deeper into MapReduce • API • Understanding combiners • Understanding partitioners • Understanding input formats • Understanding output formats • Distributed Cache • Understanding Counters Day 9: • Common Mapreduce patterns • Sorting Serching • Inverted Indexes Day 10: • Common Mapreduce patterns • TF-IDF • Word-Cooccurance Day 11: • Hands on Mapreduce Day 12: • Hands on Mapreduce Day 13: • Introduction to Pig and Hive • Pig program structure and execution process • Joins • Filtering • Group and Co-Group • Schema merging and redefining schema • Pig functions • Motivation and Understanding Hive • Using Hive Command line Interface • Data types and File Formats • Basic DDL operations • Schema Design Day 14: • Hands on Hive and Pig Day 15: • Advanced Hadoop Concepts • Yarn • Hadoop Federation • Authntication in Hadoop • High Availbability Day 16: • Administration Refresher • Setting up hadoop cluster - Considerations • Most important configurations • Installation options Day 17: • Scheduling in Hadoop • FIFO Scheduler • Fair Scheduler Day 18: • Monitoring your Hadoop Cluster • Monitoring tools available • Ganglia • Monitoring best practices Day 19: • Administration Best practices • Hadoop Administration best practices • Tools of the trade Day 20: • Test • Test – 50 questions test (20- Development releated, 20- • Administration related and 10 Hadoop in General Please Contact- Hadoop School of Training Destination Center, Second Floor Magarpatta City Pune: 411013 Phone: India: +91-93257-93756 USA: 001-347-983-8512 www.hadoopschooloftraining.co.in Email: learninghub01@gmail.com Skype: learning.hub01
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI... Peridot systems is the leading software and hardware training institute in Chennai adyar with guaranteed placement. Our trainers providing real time based practical training to our students...for more syllabus details contact papitha (8056102481). Our Official Website: www.peridotsystems.in Benefits: • Online and corporate training classes • Weekdays and weekend batches • Company based mini project • Well experienced trainers. HADOOP:  Introduction to Distributed systems  The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)  Hadoop Administration  Map/Reduce Programming – Java For more syllabus details you need contact us, Mobile Numbers: 8056102481/9600063484 Land-Line: 044-42115526 Contact Name: papitha Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Hadoop Training in Chennai with Placement: ThinkIT systems in Chennai offers the best preparing in Chennai. The preparation will be on the hands of very much experienced resources and having over 8 years of working background Advantages of ThinkIT: • One year specialized backing • Free demo classes • Practical situated preparing • Placement help • Unlimited lab Access • Experienced Faculties • Limited no of understudies for each clump Hadoop: Hadoop is an open-source structure that allows to store and system enormous data in an overlooked on circumstance transversely over get-togethers of PCs using direct programming models. It is depended upon to scale up from single servers to a liberal number of machines, each offering neighborhood get prepared and stockpiling. Course Syllabus: • Introduction to Hadoop • Hadoop Distributed System • Map Reduce For further details visit: http://www.thinkittraining.in/hadoop For further details contact us: Contact person- lakshmi Contact number-9500187290 Mail- jagan@thinkittraining.in Venue- venkatarathinam nagar, Adyar Tags: Hadoop training in Chennai| Hadoop training in Chennai with placements | Hadoop training institute training in Chennai
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI ADYAR... Peridot systems providing Hadoop training in Chennai adyar with guaranteed placement...For more details you need please contact papitha (8056102481)... We provide real time training by working professionals... Website: www.peridotsystems.in ADVANTAGES:  We provide online, classroom and corporate training  We offer weekdays and weekend batches  We provide 45 days training classes  We offer 2 days free demo classes  We provide company oriented mini project. HADOOP SYLLABUS: • HDFS Overview and Architecture • HDFS Installation • HDFS Use Cases • Hadoop FileSystem Shell • FileSystem Java API • Hadoop Configuration Contact Details: Contact Numbers: 8056102481/9600063484 , 044-42115526 (papitha) Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Website: www.peridotsystems.in TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI WITH PLACEMENT... Peridot systems is best software and hardware training institute in Chennai with guaranteed jobs...we provide real time training by working experts...You need any information about the course syllabus details call to papitha (8056102481)... Website: www.peridotsystems.in Peridot: • Real time training • 2 days demo classes • Complete placement guidance • Good environment • Flexible timings HADOOP SYLLABUS: • Map Reduce Workflows • Sqoop • HBase - The Hadoop DataBase • Big Data Analysis with R • Data Science • Application and Certification For more you need please contact, Contact information: 8056102481/9600063484, 044-42115526 Mail id: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Name: papitha TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Learn Hadoop Training in Chennai Are you excited and want to learn big data technologies. Do you feel that internet is all littered free materials but it’s complicated for a newbie? Free internet learning material can be a can worms for a beginner and training is advised for a jump start but then do you feel that big data company offered trainings would cost you an arm and a leg? When you look at webinar trainings by other than institutes, you find it of poor quality and dodgy without guarantee. The world can go upside down while learning a new complicated technology as Hadoop. Become a certified Hadoop developer covers everything you need to know to start a career in Hadoop technology and achieve expertise to a level where you can face certification like Cloudera and Hortonworks with confidence. You can start as a beginner and this course would help you to become a certified professional. This course would take you through the nee and event of big data technologies. Why Choose Hadoop? How to setup Hadoop details HDFS mechanism, how Map Reduce program works in MapReduce classic and YARN. Important consideration you need to take to write Map Reduce program and intro to Hadoop ecosystem. This course has all 30 lectures divided into eight sections with the course, you get the code of all the examples discussed in the course and at the end of each lesson, there are quizzes and questions which will prepare you to face and clear cloudera and Hortonworks certification exams. Who should do this course? Programming Engineers, who are into ETL/Programming and investigating for awesome openings for work in Hadoop. Managers, who are searching for the most recent advancements to be implemented in their association, to meet the momentum & up and coming difficulties of information administration. Any Graduate / Post-Graduate, who is trying an incredible profession towards the front line technologies in IT. Why Hadoop Training in Peridot Systems? Strongly believe that you need not burn a hole in your pocket to learn Hadoop. Our Goal is to create best in class courses to learn Hadoop and related technologies. I am confident that you all love this course as I ensured high standards while creating it but just in case, if you find the course is not right for you, don’t worry. This course come with money back guarantee but if you choose to stay, you have unlimited lifetime access to the course and special offers on my upcoming courses. So get started with the course. Get on track to clear certifications & get flooded with job offers and bag the coolest IT Jobs in the current times, avoid wrong turns, and make the right decision. For details Kamatchi Krupa Apts, No: 84/8, Ground Floor, Venkatarathinam main street, Venkatarathinam Nagar, LB Road, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600020. Landline : 044 - 4211 5526 , 044- 4550 1165 , 044 - 4265 7099 Mobile : +91- 8056102481 Landmark : 2 Minutes walk able distance from Adyar Telephone Exchange / Adyar Bus depot
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Why Choose Hadoop? How to setup Hadoop details HDFS mechanism, how Map Reduce program works in MapReduce classic and YARN. Important consideration you need to take to write Map Reduce program and intro to Hadoop ecosystem. This course has all 30 lectures divided into eight sections with the course, you get the code of all the examples discussed in the course and at the end of each lesson, there are quizzes and questions which will prepare you to face and clear cloudera and Hortonworks certification exams. Learn Hadoop Training in Chennai Are you excited and want to learn big data technologies. Do you feel that internet is all littered free materials but it’s complicated for a newbie? Free internet learning material can be a can worms for a beginner and training is advised for a jump start but then do you feel that big data company offered trainings would cost you an arm and a leg? When you look at webinar trainings by other than institutes, you find it of poor quality and dodgy without guarantee. The world can go upside down while learning a new complicated technology as Hadoop. Become a certified Hadoop developer covers everything you need to know to start a career in Hadoop technology and achieve expertise to a level where you can face certification like Cloudera and Hortonworks with confidence. You can start as a beginner and this course would help you to become a certified professional. This course would take you through the nee and event of big data technologies. Who should do this course? Programming Engineers, who are into ETL/Programming and investigating for awesome openings for work in Hadoop. Managers, who are searching for the most recent advancements to be implemented in their association, to meet the momentum & up and coming difficulties of information administration. Any Graduate / Post-Graduate, who is trying an incredible profession towards the front line technologies in IT. Why Hadoop Training in Peridot Systems? Strongly believe that you need not burn a hole in your pocket to learn Hadoop. Our Goal is to create best in class courses to learn Hadoop and related technologies. I am confident that you all love this course as I ensured high standards while creating it but just in case, if you find the course is not right for you, don’t worry. This course come with money back guarantee but if you choose to stay, you have unlimited lifetime access to the course and special offers on my upcoming courses. So get started with the course. Get on track to clear certifications & get flooded with job offers and bag the coolest IT Jobs in the current times, avoid wrong turns, and make the right decision. For details Kamatchi Krupa Apts, No: 84/8, Ground Floor, Venkatarathinam main street, Venkatarathinam Nagar, LB Road, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600020. Landline : 044 - 4211 5526 , 044- 4550 1165 , 044 - 4265 7099 Mobile : +91- 8056102481 Landmark : 2 Minutes walkable distance from Adyar Telephone Exchange / Adyar Bus depot
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