HADOOP DEVELOPER TRAINING IN CHENNAI, PERIDOT SYSTEMS, 100%JOB Peridot systems provide both offline and online mode of training. To join please contact ruban(9952010141).We will provide you free demo classes. Trainers are MNC working professionals. We will give you 100% job assurance Pre-requisites: To learn hadoop developer, core java and good analytical skills are needed. We provide a complimentary Course “Java Essentials for Hadoop” to all learners to brush up java skills needed to write Map reduce Programs. Target learners: If you are interested in Architecture & Fundamentals, Map reduces Programming and real time Analytics then you can be a Hadoop developer. Content: Introduction Hadoop Motivation Basic concepts and HDFS Map Reduce Hadoop cluster and ecosystems Writing a Map Reduce Program using Java Writing a Map Reduce Program Using Streaming Unit Testing Map Reduce Programs Unit Testing Map Reduce Programs Practical Development Tips and Techniques Practical Development Tips and Techniques Practical Development Tips and Techniques Common Map Reduce Algorithms Joining Data Sets in Map Reduce Jobs Integrating Hadoop into the Enterprise Workflow An Introduction to Hive, Imapala, and Pig An Introduction to Oozie Conclusion For More Details, Visit Our Website: Venue: KamatchiKrupaApts, No: 84/8, Ground Floor, Venkatarathinam main street, Venkatarathinam Nagar, LB Road, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600020 Selvakumar – 9952010141