Materials science engineering introduction
Top sales list materials science engineering introduction

Agra (Uttar Pradesh)
If you are looking for the Best platform to learn Data science, is an interdisciplinary field that uses statistical and computational methods to extract insights and knowledge from data. Its goal is to provide actionable insights, predictions, and recommendations based on data by using techniques such as machine learning algorithms, data visualization, and statistical analysis. Data science is used in various industries, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and technology, to solve problems such as fraud detection, risk management, and predictive maintenance. Data science provides numerous benefits to organizations, including better decision-making by identifying patterns, trends, and opportunities from data. It also improves efficiency by automating tasks and streamlining processes. Data science enables personalized customer interactions, leading to enhanced customer experience and loyalty. Organizations can reduce costs and gain a competitive advantage by optimizing their operations and providing better customer experience. Overall, data science is a valuable tool for organizations to improve their performance and achieve their business goals. Best platform to learn Data science, is a field that can be learned by anyone with the right resources and dedication, and there are many online courses, books, and tutorials available to help individuals learn the necessary skills and one of the best platform to learn Data Science is TalentServe. Employment in the field of data science is projected to grow by 11% from 2019 to 2029, which is much faster than the average for all occupations, due to the increasing demand for data-driven insights in various industries. Data science encompasses various activities, including data collection, data cleaning and preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, model selection and evaluation, and communication of results. It also involves using machine learning algorithms, data visualization, and statistical analysis to make predictions and provide actionable insights based on data. For more, details visit our site: COURSE CONTENT Introduction to Python Basic Steps NUMPY Data Visualization Pandas Exceptions and Errors Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Data Wrangling and Manipulation Supervised Learning Supervised Learning-Classification Unsupervised learning Machine Learning Pipeline Building Decision Tree Analysis and Ensemble Learning AI and Deep learning introduction Artificial Neural Network Deep Neural Network & Tools Deep Neural Net optimization, tuning, interpretability Convolutional Neural Net Recurrent Neural Networks Overfit and underfit Transfer Learning Working with Generative Adversarial Networks Pytorch C-103, 1st Floor, Shree Sai Tower, CHSL, Sodawala Lane, Near Sterling Hospital, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400092
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Madurai (Tamil Nadu)
All books are in good condition.These books will be helpful for those who are eager to work in IT field. As AI and Data Science are the future and upcoming technologies basics for these will be covered by these books. It also helps learner to build his/her own mobile applications.
RS. 50 each book. If you buy complete set books RS.35 to 40 each book. Total of 13 books.
1) Information Storage and Management: Storing, Managing, and Protecting Digital Information in Classic, Virtualized, and Cloud Environments, 2nd Edition
2)Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Levitin Anany
3)Computer Graphics C version by Donald Hearn M. Pauline Baker
4)Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development by Craig Larman
5)Digital Principles and System Design by A.P.Godse
6)Data Structures using C ISRD Group
7)Fundamental of Mobile Computing by Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Rajib Mall
8)Understanding Pointers in C by Yashavant Kanetkar
9)Programming ANSI C by E.Balagurusamy
10)Computer Organization by Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky
11)Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
12) JAVA Fundamentals by Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien
13)Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman
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Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Compiler Design by Alfred VAho
Database System Concepts by S Sudarshan, F Korth, Abraham
Cputer Organization by Carl Haamcher (The bible)
Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H Cormen
Digital Logic and Computer Design by M Morris Mano
Discrete Mathematics and it's Application by Keneth Rosen
An introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
Arihant GATE with all newly added topics and latest syllabus
A free gift
AHandbook on Computer Science and IT
Made Easy
Short and Formula Guide
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Modinagar (Uttar Pradesh)
1. Introduction to algorithm by Thomas h cormen
2. Data Structure using C
3. Let us C
4. Computer System Architecture by M Morris mano
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS AT MODAinnovations Bangalore/ACADEMIC PROJECTS AT MODAinnovations Bangalore We Offer Final year projects/Academic projects: BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2012, IEEE Projects 2013, EMBEDDED Projects, IEEE 2012 projects, IEEE 2013 projects. Academic/Final Year Project Technologies: .NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2012/2013 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects. Final Year Projects For: 1. BE final year studens 2. MCA final year students 3. Engineering final year mini projects 4. MCA final year mini projects 5. BSC final year projects 6. MSc final year projects 7. BCA final year projects 8. DIPLOMA final year projects 9. MTECH final year projects 10. ME final year projects 11. BTECH final year projects Engineering Branches • Computer science Engineering Final Year Projects • Electronics and communications Engineering Final Year Projects • Telecommunication Engineering Final Year Projects • Biomedical Engineering Final Year Projects • Information Science Engineering Final Year Projects • Instrumentation Engineering Final Year Projects • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechanical Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechatronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Aerospace Engineering Final Year Projects FINAL YEAR PROJECT TECHNOLOGIES AT MODAinnovations 1. JAVA FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 2. J2EE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 3. DOT NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 4. VB. NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 5. ASP.NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 6. C# .NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 7. PHP/MYSQL FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 8. MATLAB FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 9. VLSI/FPGA FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 10. ARM/CORTEX FINAL YEAR PROJECTS Project Cycle: Problem identification of Project Requirements understanding of Project Problem modeling of Project System analysis and specification System design of Project Naming Standardization of Project Layer Architecture of Project Coding Optimization of Project Module implementation and system integration of Project System test and evaluation of Project Documentation of Project FINAL YEAR PROJECT DELIVERABLES AT MODAinnovations Project Abstract, Project Synopsis, Project Detailed Study Project Review Details Project Documentation, Relevant Materials. Working Procedure of the Project ACADEMIC PROJECT DOMAINS AT MODAinnovations 1. IEEE Projects 2. Web Based Application based projects 3. Windows Based Application based projects 4. Networking Application based projects 5. RTOS Based Projects 6. Embedded systems Projects 7. Wireless Communication based projects
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN IEEE, EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION & WINDOWS APPLICATION|COIMBATORE We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better Presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: MAIL ME ON:
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Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards CEGONSOFT PVT LTD For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8681968889 MAIL ME ON:
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