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We have 7 books that will help you prepare for your patent agent exam. Our books are written in an easy-to-understand language, with flow charts and diagrams. Legal concepts are simplified into easy-to-understand language. The tables make it quick and easy to read! It’s not just about passing the test; it’s also about understanding how to practice law as a patent agent. These books will give you all of this knowledge so that when you take the test, you can ace it! You don't want to spend hours studying complicated legal texts or memorizing tons of information only to forget everything before taking the test. That's why we've made our study materials simple and concise - so they're easier for anyone to understand quickly, even if they aren't familiar with legal terms or procedures! If you're ready to get started on your journey toward becoming a successful patent attorney Topic Covered in Books:- Patent Act 1970+ Manual of Patent Office Paper 1 Patent Drafting Case Studies Viva Voice Previous Year Solved Papers Quick Notes