Pcs samsung note clear
Top sales list pcs samsung note clear

Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Samsung Note 20 Ultra Case for Selling
Original Samsung Smart Clear View Case
Mrp - Rs 4,000/-
Original Spigen Liquid Air Case
Mrp - Rs 1,700/-
Original AKG Headset - C Type with Earbuds
Cost Approx - Rs 4,500/-
Total Rs 10,200/-
Selling for Rs 5,300/- ONLY
Price SLIGHTLY Negotiable
Time Passers / Low Bargainers - PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB
Kindly message for more details
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Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
All products are brand new, unlocked sealed in box comes with 1 year international warranty and also 6 months return policy - 100% Genuine Products. Reasonable discount on purchase of more than 1 unit. WE OFFER DISCOUNT FOR BULK ORDERS...Get 30% discount if you buy 10 pcs and above. Price includes postage fees. Contact BUY 2 GET 1 FREE BUY 5 GET 2 FREE BUY 10 GET 3 FREE Purchase Director: Whatsapp: +16094600972 Gmail: abdullahwahid890@gmail.com Price-list PlayStation 4 PS4 Pro 2Tb Limited Edition 500 Million Console $250 Apple iPhone XS MAX 512GB $600 Apple iPhone XS 512GB $550 Apple iphone X 256GB $450 Apple iphone 8 Plus 256GB $450usd Apple iphone 8 256GB $420 ============================================= Samsung: Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 256GB $500 Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus 256GB $420 Samsung Galaxy S9 256GB $400 Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus 256GB $400 Samsung Galaxy S8 256GB $380 Samsung Galaxy S8 128GB $410 Samsung Galaxy S8 64GB $380 Samsung Galaxy Note 8 256GB $300 Samsung Galaxy S8 Active 256GB $350 Interested buyers can contact us directly on the following details.. Whatsapp: +16094600972 Gmail: abdullahwahid890@gmail.com
₹ 500
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Assalaamu Alaikkum Brother,Sister All products are brand new, unlocked sealed in box comes with 1 year international warranty and also 6 months return policy - 100% Genuine Products. Reasonable discount on purchase of more than 1 unit. WE OFFER DISCOUNT FOR BULK ORDERS...Get 30% discount if you buy 10 pcs and above. Price includes postage fees. Purchase Director : Miss Carlosdlong Send Enquiry to - E-mail: Carlosdlong796@gmail.com For Discount price Offer and Order Call or Chat 24HRS( Skype):Carlosdlong All prices are wholesale and includes Insurance, Tax and Postage Fees. We are offering free postage Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Apple iPhone 6 64GB Apple iPhone 6 128GB Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB Factory Unlocked Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus
₹ 26.918
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Akot (Maharashtra)
Apple iPhone 6/Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB/ Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Factory Unlocked WE OFFER DISCOUNT FOR BULK ORDERS...Get 30% discount if you buy 10 pcs and above. Price includes postage fees. Send Enquiry to - E-mail: mohamadismailaskar@regencyplus-g-tllc.com / mobiledistributors872@gmail.com All prices are wholesale and includes Insurance, Tax and Postage Fees. We are offering free postage Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB — $350USD Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB — $400USD Apple iPhone 6 64GB — $300USD Apple iPhone 6 128GB — $350USD Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB Factory Unlocked $350USD Samsung Galaxy Note 5 $400 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus : $450 Colors black Sapphire, Gold Platinum, Silver Titan, White Pearl Shipping way: 2 to 3 days delivery via DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, FedEx (delivery to any given address worldwide) Drop shipping is available, we can drop ship individual orders directly to your clients. Regency Plus General Trading LLC Deira, Dubai Landmark: Opposite to Hyatt Regency P.O.Box: 62482, Dubai Mob:24/hours line :+2349035691021 Whatsapp For Purchase :+9710526718440. E-mail For Purchase: mohamadismailaskar@regencyplus-g-tllc.com mobiledistributors872@gmail.com Skype For Purchase :mohamadismail-askar Purchase Director : Mohamad Ismail Askar
₹ 400
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ASS.SELAMAT DATANG DI PUSAT PERBELANJAAN ONLINE HANDPHONE DAN LABTOP BLACKMARKET TERMURAH SATU-SATUNYA TERPERCAYA-AMAN-TERJAMIN di SELURUH INDONESIA. UNTUK PRODUK YANG KAMI TAWARKAN MERUPAKAN BARANG BLACKMARKET DIJAMIN BARANG ORIGINAL DAN MASIH DALAM KEADAAN TERSEGEL, BERGARANSI RESMI 1 TAHUN DARI MASING2 PABRIK,, untuk imformasi pemesanan call/sms= 0859 2200 9494 call/sms= 0852 2228 8567 Bapak ilham syahputra email=handphonemurah94@gmail.com lokasi gudang=Jakarta barat web=http://handphonemurahonline.blogspot.com/ Blackberry Z10 Rp.1.700.000, Blackberry Z30 Rp.2.000.000, Blackberry passport Rp.3.000.000, Blackberry Classic Rp.2.500.000, Blackberry Q10 Rp.1.800.000, Blackberry Q5 Rp.1.500.000, SAMSUNG SAMSUNG GALAXY A8 Rp.2.300.000 SAMSUNG GALAXY A7 Rp:2,000,000,- SAMSUNG GALAXY A5 Rp:1,800,000,- SAMSUNG GALAXY A3 Rp:1,500,000,- SAMSUNG GALAXY E7 Rp:2,000,000,- SAMSUNG GALAXY E5 Rp:1,800,000,- Samsung galaxy note 5 Rp.2,800.000. Samsung galaxy note edge Rp 2.500.000 Samsung galaxy note 4 Rp.2,300.000.- Samsung P9010 Galaxy note pro 12.1inc Rp.2.300.000 SAMSUNG GALAXY S 6edga Rp.2.800.000. SAMSUNG GALAXY S 6 Rp.2.500.000. SAMSUNG GALAXY S 5 Rp.2.000.000. SAMSUNG GALAXY S 4 Rp.1.800.000 Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE T805 Rp.2.100.000 Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 LTE T705 Rp.2.000.000 Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 3G SM-T231 Rp.1.300.000 Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 3G SM-T331 Rp.1.500.000 Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 3G SM-T531 Rp.1.800.000 iphone 6s Plus 128GB Rp. 5.800.000,- iphone 6s Plus 64GB Rp. 5.500.000,- iphone 6s Plus 16GB Rp. 5.000.000, iphone 6s 128GB Rp. 4.800.000,- iphone 6s 64GB Rp. 4.500.000,- iphone 6s 16GB Rp. 4.200.000, iphone 6 Plus 128GB Rp. 4.800.000,- iphone 6 Plus 64GB Rp. 4.500.000,- iphone 6 Plus 16GB Rp. 4.000.000, iphone 6 128GB Rp. 3.800.000,- iphone 6 64GB Rp. 3.500.000,- iphone 6 16GB Rp. 3.000.000, Apple iphone 5s 64gb Rp.2.500.000, Apple iphone 5s 32gb Rp.2.300.000, Apple iphone 5s 16gbRp.2.000.000, Apple iphone 4s 64gb Rp.1.800.000, Apple iphone 4s 32gb Rp.1.500.000, Apple iphone 4s 16gbRp.1.300.000, IPAD 4G 3G+WIFI 64gb Rp.2.500.000 IPAD 4G 3G+WIFI 32gb Rp.2.400.000 IPAD 4G 3G+WIFI 16gb Rp.2.300.000 IPAD MINI WIFI 16gb Rp.1.700.000 IPAD MINI WIFI 32gb Rp.1.800.000 IPAD MINI WIFI 64gb Rp.1.900.000 IPAD 2 64Gb (Wi-Fi and 3G) Rp.2.200.000 IPAD 2 32Gb (Wi-Fi and 3G) Rp.2.000.000 IPAD 3 64Gb (Wi-Fi and 4G) Rp.2.400.000 IPAD 3 32Gb (Wi-Fi and 4G) Rp.2.300.000 IPAD 3 16Gb (Wi-Fi and 4G) Rp.2.200.000 SONY ERICSSON Sony Xperia Z3+ Rp.3.500.000.- Sony Xperia Z3 Rp.3.000.000.- Sony Xperia Z2 Rp.2.600.000.- Sony Xperia Z1 Rp.2.100.000.- sony xperia M5 Rp.2000.000, Sony Xperia Z Rp 2.000.000, Sony Xperia Z Ultra Rp 2.200.000, Sony Xperia ZL Rp 1.800.000, KELENGKAPAN : 1. BATTERY 2. TRAVEL CHARGER 3. LEATHER CASE 4. CABLE DATA 5. HANDFREE 6. BUKU AND CD 7. GARANSI CARD 8. BOX. Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran melalui transfer antar bank ke rekening Handphone murah Online. #Kebijakan Pengembalian Barang # 1. Jika Anda ingin mengembalikan barang, mohon hubungi kami secepat mungkin lewat telepon atau email 2. Barang hanya dapat dikembalikan jika Anda menghubungi kami paling lambat 7 hari setelah barang diterima 3. Hanya barang yang belum terpakai dan belum terbuka yang bisa dikembalikan 4. Anda akan dikenakan biaya pengiriman untuk pengembalian barang 5. Jika pengembalian disebabkan karena keterlambatan dari pengiriman, produk salah, produk cacat, kami akan membayar biaya pengiriman dan biaya untuk pengembalian produk kondisi : Semua barang BARU, lengkap dosbook, UNLOCK bisa semua simcard. PIN clear tanpa blokir. Tidak ada kontrak dengan GSM mana pun, dengan kata lain masih netral. Bisa dipake oleh GSM apa saja. IMEI / ESN belum pernah di aktivasi. Dijamin 100% Barang Asli Original,baru,Garansi Distributor Bukan barang Refurbish/Reflika/Supercopy/BM/China. Masih memiliki screen protector. PIN clear tanpa blokir. CARA BERTRANSAKSI: Untuk sistem transaksi, kami ingin yang cepat dan tidak berbahaya buat kami. Dan kami juga menjamin 100% tidak akan membahayakan untuk anda. Kami tidak menerima transaksi dalam bentuk apapun selain transfer antara pihak pembeli dan kami. Kami tidak menerima pihak ketiga . Kepercayaan anda yang sangat kami butuhkan untuk dapat menjalankan transaksi dengan lancar ( Tidak ada yg saling rugi dan di rugikan). PENJELASAN SINGKAT TENTANG Handphone Murah 1. Hanya Handphone murah online Dijamin Aman Bertransaksi Dengan Saya Sudah Banyak Customer Yang Belanja Di Handphone Murah 2. Hanya Menjual Produk BM Original Bergaransi Bukan Kw Bukan Replika, Garansi 1 Tahun 3. Siap Menjawab Segala Pertanyaan Dari Anda Selama Masih Bisa Jawab
₹ 4.000.000
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Assalaamu Alaikkum Brother,Sister All products are brand new, unlocked sealed in box comes with 1 year international warranty and also 6 months return policy - 100% Genuine Products. Reasonable discount on purchase of more than 1 unit. WE OFFER DISCOUNT FOR BULK ORDERS...Get 30% discount if you buy 10 pcs and above. Price includes postage fees. Purchase Director : Miss Mariyah Jameela Send Enquiry to - E-mail: Buyersschoice@gmail.com For Discount price Offer and Order Whatsapp on +2348150235318 All prices are wholesale and includes Insurance, Tax and Postage Fees. We are offering free postage Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB — $350USD Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB — $400USD Apple iPhone 6 64GB — $300USD Apple iPhone 6 128GB — $350USD Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB Factory Unlocked $350USD Samsung Galaxy Note 5 $400 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus : $450 Colors black Sapphire, Gold Platinum, Silver Titan, White Pearl Shipping way: 2 to 3 days delivery via DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, FedEx (delivery to any given address worldwide) Drop shipping is available, we can drop ship individual orders directly to your clients. Purchase Director : Miss Mariyah Jameela For Discount price Offer and Order Whatsapp on +2348150235318 Send Enquiry to - E-mail: Buyersschoice@gmail.com
₹ 300
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Assalaamu Alaikkum Brother,Sister All products are brand new, unlocked sealed in box comes with 1 year international warranty and also 6 months return policy - 100% Genuine Products. Reasonable discount on purchase of more than 1 unit. WE OFFER DISCOUNT FOR BULK ORDERS...Get 30% discount if you buy 10 pcs and above. Price includes postage fees. Purchase Director :Mr Arif Karim Ismail Send Enquiry to - E-mail: wholesalesmobilemart1@gmail.com For Discount price Offer and Order Whatsapp,Call or Chat 24HRS: +(971)559813858 All prices are wholesale and includes Insurance, Tax and Postage Fees. We are offering free postage Apple iPhone 6s Plus 16GB, 64GB, 128GB Apple iPhone 6s 16GB, 64GB, 128GB Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16GB, 64GB, 128GB Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16GB, 64GB, 128GB Apple iPhone 6 16GB, 64GB, 128GB Apple iPhone 616GB, 64GB, 128GB Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB Factory Unlocked $350USD Samsung Galaxy Note 5 $400 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus : $450 Nikon D800 Nikon D800E Nikon D7000 Nikon D700 Nikon D5100 Nikon D3 Nikon D4 etc. Canon 5D mark 3 Canon 5D mark 2 Canon 1100D Canon 7D Canon 1000D etc. Apple Macbook Pro 14/2GHZ,1GB RAM Intel Core 2 Duo Apple macbook pro 15/2.33/2G Intel core duo 2 Apple Macbook Pro 17/2.33/2G Intel Core 2 Duo Apple Macbook Pro 17/2.4Ghz/160 Intel Core 2 Duo Apple Macbook Pro 17? 2.16GHZ Intel core duo Apple Macbook Pro 15.4/2.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Apple Macbook pro 15.4?ICD 2GHZ 1/100GB Colors black Sapphire, Gold Platinum, Silver Titan, White Pearl Shipping way: 2 to 3 days delivery via DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, FedEx (delivery to any given address worldwide) Drop shipping is available, we can drop ship individual orders directly to your clients. Purchase Director : Mr Arif Karim Ismail For Discount price Offer and Order Whatsapp Chat 24HRS: +(971)559813858 Send Enquiry to - E-mail: wholesalesmobilemart1@gmail.com
₹ 25.000
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