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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN IEEE, EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION & WINDOWS APPLICATION|COIMBATORE We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better Presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: http://www.cegonsoft.co.in/ MAIL ME ON: divya.r@cegonsoft.in
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN IEEE, EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION & WINDOWS APPLICATION|COIMBATORE We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: http://www.cegonsoft.co.in/ MAIL ME ON: divya.r@cegonsoft.in
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Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards CEGONSOFT PVT LTD For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8681968889 MAIL ME ON: shunmathi.s@cegonsoft.co.in
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Dadri (Uttar Pradesh)
The Magic Power of Thinking Big is a famous self help book written by David J. Schwartz
-Book is in Perfect Condition
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Overview: F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager(LTM) helps you deliver your applications to your users in a reliable, secure, and optimized way. You get the extensibility and flexibility of application services with the programmability you need to manage your physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructure. With BIG-IP LTM, you have the power to simplify, automate, and customize applications faster and more predictably. ABOUT ECORPTRAININGS: Ecorp Trainings are one of the best institute providing quality level of training in E-learning process.This is instructor led online training. We also provide corporate training , if group of people interested in same technology. Contact us for detailed course content & register for a free demo. We also provide support in client interviews , resume preparation , ticket resolving. Contact us for custom designed training course by experts exclusively for yourself. We provide training for almost all IT technologies i.e ; JAVA , DOTNET , SAP ,ORACLE , PEOPLESOFT ,HYPERION etc, contact us if you have any particular need. ECORP TRAININGS. Gtalk ID : ecorptrainings Skype ID : ecorptrainings
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Why This Is Best Deal On Secret & Rare Memory Improvement Tapes (NOIDA) ?
Answer :
1.Quantity : 02 Video Cassettees + 05 Audio Cassettees.
2.Current market rate for such Knowledge & Content = INR 4999/=
3. Offer Price is only Just INR 1299/=. (75% Discount)
4. Your Saving Big = INR 3700 /=
5.Watch those audio taps for just few minutes and It is Guaranteed that your will realise “I wish I had those taps since my childhood”. Better late than never & Buy Guaranteed Life & Memory transforming Rare Taps.
TAPS Content Description (For Seriously Buyers Only ) :
1. Harry Lorayne, who has trained his own memory to the point where he is acclaimed as having the most phenomenal memory in the world, has made the most practical and lucid memory-training videos & cassettes ever. Now, at last, with the famous Memory System, readers will be able to recall faces, names, appointments and anything else they need to acquire a winning edge.
2. These Taps show you How to make your memory a super powerful tool ,a memory that you always wished you had , a memory you can not imagine actually possible to have.
3. These taps are very helpful for specially students and business men and for every person who want to succeed in Life.
4. After watching these videos & taps you will be able to train your brain like a computer and make it use it like a video camera which remember everything comes in front of it.
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Why This Is Best Deal On Secret & Rare Memory Improvement Tapes (NOIDA) ?
Answer :
1.Quantity : 02 Video Cassettees + 05 Audio Cassettees.
2.Current market rate for such Knowledge & Content = INR 4999/=
3. Offer Price is only Just INR 1199/=. (76% Discount)
4. Your Saving Big = INR 3800 /=
5.Watch those audio taps for just few minutes and It is Guaranteed that your will realise “I wish I had those taps since my childhood”. Better late than never & Buy Guaranteed Life & Memory transforming Rare Taps.
TAPS Content Description (For Seriously Buyers Only ) :
1. Harry Lorayne, who has trained his own memory to the point where he is acclaimed as having the most phenomenal memory in the world, has made the most practical and lucid memory-training videos & cassettes ever. Now, at last, with the famous Memory System, readers will be able to recall faces, names, appointments and anything else they need to acquire a winning edge.
2. These Taps show you How to make your memory a super powerful tool ,a memory that you always wished you had , a memory you can not imagine actually possible to have.
3. These taps are very helpful for specially students and business men and for every person who want to succeed in Life.
4. After watching these videos & taps you will be able to train your brain like a computer and make it use it like a video camera which remember everything comes in front of it.
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Barrackpore (West Bengal)
The ability levels of a search engine improvement (search engine optimizer) are implausibly effective. It’s non heritable when excellent endeavor moreover as many years of power .The number of individuals who are as a matter of truth knowledgeable in giving digital marketing training in Kolkata is implausibly less. In spite of this, there's rather immense range of computer program improvement institutes obtainable in India. This can probably show the importance moreover as scope of SEO coaching metropolis .There is quite less kind of fully fledged computer program improvement professionals accessible as a results of inferior coaching possible. You are needed to require under consideration that giving digital marketing course in Kolkata nation isn't an easy and simple job. Mastering computer program improvement Courses from computer program improvement coaching categories in metropolis is completely nothing like learning another kind of courses. There square measure various areas whereby you're needed to square out. The individuals ought to have a intense curiosity with regards to the net selling. Computer program improvement learners ought to have a pertinent interest moreover as have to be compelled to be ready to hold out by them to make glorious career in on-line selling. A great deal of computer program improvement institutes would really need theoretic digital marketing course online learning procedure. They would primarily give the theoretical data moreover as necessary skills of digital marketing online course as correlating to sensible power. In spite of this, an excellent institute would supply all of the required sensible power and would direct the individuals to the proper path, they based mostly upon no but seventieth sensible lessons in computer program improvement. The perfect establishment would supply SEO coaching on-line course moreover as SEO on-line coaching certification. Duration: 4 Months Course Topics: Internet Marketing Different Digital Advertizing Techniques E-mail marketing Advanced SEO Mobile Marketing For more details you may visit: http://www.competeinfotechacademy.com Or Mail us: info@competeinfotechacademy.com Our Corporate Office: 830, 8th Floor, RDB Boulevard, Plot -K1, Sector V, Block - EP & GP, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 91, Landmark: Infinity Building, Big Cinema Or Contact Us: 03365486062, 033 25605572, +91- 9433365039
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We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: http://www.cegonsoft.co.in/ MAIL ME ON: divya.r@cegonsoft.in
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
MICRO STRATEGY TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI... Peridot Systems providing no of software and hardware training institute in Chennai adyar with placement... call to papitha (8056102481) for more information about the course details. Our main aim is to satisfy the student’s needs and expectations. We provide 70% practical training and 30% theoretical training... “PERIDOT IS POWER OF SUCCESS” Benefits for students: We provide real time training We have well experienced trainers We offer 2 days free demo classes We provide 45 days training classes MICRO STRATEGY: Micro Strategy, It is a powerful BI tool for online analytical process (OLAP) Services. Now a day’s analyzing and visualizing the data via web is a big challenge for the Users. Micro Strategy: Introduction to BI Business Intelligence Introduction Of BI tools Database Overview Mobile no: 8056102481/9600063484 Landline No: 044-42115526 (papitha) Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Website: www.peridotsystems.in TAGS: DATAWAREHOUSING Training in Chennai | Best DATAWAREHOUSING Training in Chennai | Corporate Training for DATAWAREHOUSING.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
HADOOP TRAINING INSTITUTE IN CHENNAI ADYAR WITH PLACEMENT... Peridot systems is one of the best training institute in Chennai providing more numbers of software and hardware training courses by real time experienced professionals...For more details you need about the course syllabus please contact papitha (8056102481)... “PERIDOT SYSTEMS IS POWER OF VICTORY” Our Official Website: www.peridotsystems.in PERIDOT SUPPORTS: We provide real time training We provide online, classroom and corporate training classes We offer both weekdays and weekend batches We provide 2 days demo classes HADOOP SYLLABUS: • Introduction to Distributed systems • Introduction to Big Data • Introduction to Hadoop • The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) • Map/Reduce Programming – Java For more details information about the course details please contact us, Contact Numbers: 8056102481/9600063484 , 044-42115526 (papitha) Mail to: Papitha.v@peridotsystems.in Website: www.peridotsystems.in TAGS: Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai with Placement |Best Hadoop training in Chennai adyar.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Job Oriented Cloud Computing training provided by experienced professional trainers in our Cloud Computing training in Chennai.We are the best quality service provider in Cloud Computing and offer training from basic to most advanced technology concept. What is cloud computing? Cloud computing has mostly driven by marketing and it become the new buzz word.Cloud computing service providing from big corporate leaders like IBM,Amazon and Google. Cloud computing is the upcoming stage in Internet evolution. Cloud computing offers the transports through which everything from computing power to applications,computing equipment,business processes to individual collaboration can be produced to you as a quality service wherever and whenever you require. Modules Salesforce Hadoop VCloud Amazon Web Services All those 4 modules will be covered from basics and trained with real time scenarios.Each module in Cloud Computing have more demanded in IT marketing field.We will help in Placement Assistance throughout and forward interview call until you get placement in companies. Our main goal is to satisfied the student requirements and meanwhile Course syllabus are customized based on student needs.This is the right place for people to enhance knowledge skills in Cloud Computing. Huge Discount Offer Price on Cloud Computing will be provided for the candidate who are joining more than 3members.Join Today and Make your Career Bright. To know more details about the Course Fee and duration,just give me a call to the Student Counsellor’s 9566293201 and ask your queries or visit here:http://www.peridotsystems.in/
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Small child face math problem because they can’t understand easily this subject. Our tutor offers a big strategy for mathematics students. They are providing all subject solution in online test practice for class 4 mathematics with diagram. These students understand all solution in minimum time and remember your subject solution long time. This strategy very power full for every student and free all type solution on our site www.scholarslearning.com.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Infycle Technologies, one of the software training institutes in Chennai offers the best Oracle training in Chennai for tech professionals. In addition to the Oracle training, other in-demand courses such as Python, Big Data, Java, Power BI, Digital Marketing will be trained with 100% practical classes. After the completion of training, the trainees will be sent for placement interviews in the top MNC's. Call 7502633633 to get more info and a free demo.
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Madurai (Tamil Nadu)
IEEE is a leader in engineering and technology education. IEEE offers innovative project education and recognition programs for students.The projects are suitable across several engineering professions. Technology to stay suitable to current enterprise standards and promotion will overcome the challenges of modern engineering education to remain relevant and adopt new technology.MyProjectBazaar is guaranteed Bulk Final Year Projects. Our Parts contain Big Data, Communication, Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Mobile Computing, Network Security, Web Services and Power Electronics.Address: #229, Ground Floor, A Block, 'Elysium Campus, Church Rd, Anna Nagar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625020Contact us site>>>https://myprojectbazaar.com/
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Infycle Technologies, one of the software training institutes in Chennai offers the best Oracle training in Chennai for tech professionals. In addition to the Oracle training, other in-demand courses such as Python, Big Data, Java, Power BI, Digital Marketing will be trained with 100% practical classes. After the completion of training, the trainees will be […]
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