Processing electronics
Top sales list processing electronics

Pune (Maharashtra)
Digital signal processing electronics and telecommunication engineering
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Kochi (Kerala)
Ktu university ECE full semester text books. Price depends on the number of books ordered or the quality of text book. Text books belong to first ktu batch 2015 - 2019 student
Sem 1 and sem 2
Engineering graphics-P I Varghese
Engineering graphics-K N Anilkumar
Introduction to electronics and communication-K Gopakumar
Basic electronics and linear circuits-N N Bhargava,D C kulshreshtha,S C Gupta
Engineering physics-T A Hassan, I Domini, G Balakrishnan, A Nahari
Engineering mathematics-J sureshan, g royson, s nazarudeen
Basic civil engineering-santha minu
Basic civil engineering-shibu nalpat
Basics of mechanical engineering-J Benjamin -2 books
Basics of electrical engineering-babujan
Modern engineering chemistry-dr kochu baby manjooran s
Engineering mechanics-J Benjamin
Engineering chemistry-H barudeen rawther,dr annette Fernandez,dr Muhammed arif m,dr.rajalakshmi s, Kavita p nair
Design engineering-subin p george , arun k varghese
Introduction to electrical engineering-dr imthias ahamed t p,dr. B premlet
Resonance kerala university solved papers
Sem 3
Electronics circuits-donald a neamen (spiral bind)
Fundamentals of digial circuits-A anandkumar
Complex analysis and algebra-dr j dasan, g s biju
Circuits and networks-A sudhakar,shyammohan s palli
Solid state basic electronics-B l theraja
Sem 4
Signals and systems-P ramesh babu ,r anandanatarajan (spiral bind )
Signals and systems-A anandkumar (spiral bind)
Computer organization and design-david a patterson, john l hennessy (spiral bind)
Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits-Sergio franco (spiral bind)
Engineering mathematics Probability distribution, random processes and numerical methods-k ashokan, v hema (spiral bind)
Analog communication engineering-aneesh p thankachan (spiral bind)
Electronic communication systems-wayne tomasi
Signals and systems-alan v oppenheim, alan s willsky
Integrated circuits-k r botkar
Microelectronic circuits-adel s sedra, kenneth c smith
Linear integrated circuits-D roy choudhary, shail b jain
Mathematics -dr. Remadevi s, bindu krishnan
Lifeskills-veera thakur, santosh sharma, pravesh Kumar singh, mohd farook azam
Sem 5
Digital signal processing text (spiral bind)
Elements of electromagnetics-matthew N O Sadiku
Qstn paper series for power electronics
Qstn paper series for principles of management
Qstn paper series for dsp
Qstn paper series for applied magnetic theory
Qstn paper series for micro processors and controllers
Digital signal processing-dr. Ganesh rao, vineeta p
Sem 6
Digital communication-L gopinath (spiral bind )
Antennas and wave propagation-mcgraw hill education (spiral bind)
Vlsi text (spiral bind )
Operating systems-William stallings (spiral bind)
Antenna and wave propagation-k d prasad
Sem 7 and 8
Digital integrated circuits-jan m rabaey
Communication systems-simon haykin
Data Communication and networking-behrouz a forouzan (spiral bind)
Linear control systems-b s manke (spiral bind)
Computer networks-larry l Peterson,bruce s davis
Electronics lab manual-k a nawas
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN IEEE, EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION & WINDOWS APPLICATION|COIMBATORE We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better Presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: MAIL ME ON:
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN IEEE, EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION & WINDOWS APPLICATION|COIMBATORE We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: MAIL ME ON:
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Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards CEGONSOFT PVT LTD For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8681968889 MAIL ME ON:
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
Looking for final year project on these domains:
BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2012, IEEE Projects 2013, EMBEDDED Projects,
.NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2012/2013 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects.
Are u looking for final year projects for:
1. BE final year studens
2. MCA final year students
3. Engineering final year mini projects
4. MCA final year mini projects
5. BSC final year projects
6. MSc final year projects
7. BCA final year projects
8. DIPLOMA final year projects
9. MTECH final year projects
10. ME final year projects
11. BTECH final year projects
Here is the solution for all type of projects
Contact us:
Vijayanagar, Bangalore-40
Web Site:
Mobile: 9538304161
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About Skiveprojects, is a part of Fabsys Technologies Pvt.Ltd and especially organized for guiding the students for there project work as well as in career development. We provide, • IEEE Transaction Based Projects with necessary Solutions • Essential Documentation for every review • Technical Guidance throughout the process • Placement opportunities • Career development programs, seminars • We bet out prices are the best because we value your money. • One to one guidance to be given for each and every students • Own concepts also been implemented in short time Projects For: B.E., B.Tech, M.E., M.Tech, MCA, BCA, Bsc, Diploma (All Dicipline) Domain and Technology Used: Majorprojects in: Software Based: DotNet, JAVA, NS2, NS3, J2EE, J2ME, PHP, and Web, Application Related Projects. Electronics Based: Embedded System, Matlab, Labview, PLC, SCADA, ..etc Domain: Networking, Mobile Computing, Network Security, Data Mining, Software Engineering, Power Electronics, Network Simulation two, Digital Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Communication, Robotics, Bio-Technology, Wireless Technology, GSM, GPS, CDMA, ZIGBEE, RF, IR, Ultrasonic, CAN, Bluetooth, IR, Embedded-Matlab,.Etc., Languages Used: VB.Net, JAVA, PHP, KEIL, COBOL, PASCAL, PROLOG, PYTHON, PL/SQL, PERL, Ruby, TCL, T-SQL, VERILOG, VHDL, C,C++, C#, VB, HTML. Platform: IBM Mainframes , Linux Pc’s, Mac OSXP’S, Microsoft.Net, Symbian OS, Windows Pcs (Wintel), JDK..Etc Skive Features: • Project can be Developed in Students own idea. • Job/Career Based Projects. • Get real time experience in your Project. • Guidance provided with review materials. • No Fees for technical assistance. • Software Inspections/Code Reviews. Visit > Once to get Project Done!!!!!!!!!! Contact us at: Fabsys Technologies Pvt.Ltd No: 34/6, Avvaiyar Street, Ambal Nagar, Guindy. Chennai-600032. [L.M: Near Ambal Nagar Bus Stop] PH: 9176990090, 044-42712737. Mail us: Web:
₹ 5.000
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Erode (Tamil Nadu)
Final Year Projetcs in Erode
Final Year Projects In Both IEEE and Non IEEE
Our Technologies:
Our Domains:
Final Year IEEE Projects in Erode, Embedded projects in erode, VLSI projects in erode, .NET projects in erode, Java projects in erode, Java & .NET projects in erode, .NET & Java projects in erode, Android projects in erode, Power Electronics projects in erode, Mechanical projects in erode, Diploma and Mini projects in erode.
#1-A, N.R.Complex, Veerabathara Street, Near Junior Kuppanna Hotel, V.O.C Park Road, Erode 638 003, Tamil Nadu, India.
Contact: +91 9047 644 644.
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TITLE: ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE EMBEDDED PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE MECHANICAL PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE VLSI PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE ROBTICS PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE JAVA PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE .NET PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE NS2 PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE MATLAB PROJECTS ECWAY TECHNOLOGIES @ 2013 IEEE ANDROID PROJECTS Summary: Final Year IEEE Projects for BE, B.Tech, ME, M.Tech,M.Sc, MCA & Diploma Students latest Java, .Net, Matlab, NS2, Android, Embedded, Robtics, VLSI, Power ElectronicsIEEE projects are given absolutely complete working product and document providing with real time Software & Embedded training...... ---------------------------------------------------------------- JAVA & .NET PROJECTS: Networking, Network Security, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Web Services, Mobile Computing, Software Engineering, Image Processing, E-Commerce, Games App, Multimedia, etc., EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Embedded Systems,Micro Controllers, DSC & DSP, VLSI Design, Biometrics, RFID, Finger Print, Smart Cards, IRIS, Bar Code, Bluetooth, Zigbee, GPS, Voice Control, Remote System, Power Electronics, etc., ROBOTICS PROJECTS: Mobile Robots, Service Robots, Industrial Robots, Defence Robots, Spy Robot, Artificial Robots, Automated Machine Control, Stair Climbing, Cleaning, Painting, Industry Security Robots, etc., MOBILE APPLICATION (ANDROID & J2ME): Android Application, Web Services, Wireless Application, Bluetooth Application, WiFi Application, Mobile Security, Multimedia Projects, Multi Media, E-Commerce, Games Application, etc., Head Office: Ecway Technologies # 4/668,Vengateswara Avenue, P.T.C Quaters, Thuraipakkam, OMR Road, Chennai - 600 097. Cell : +91 98949 17187 Mail : Our Branches: Coimbatore, Erode, Karur, Trichy, Madurai, Salem and Bangalore. Visit: |
₹ 2.000
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS AT MODAinnovations Bangalore/ACADEMIC PROJECTS AT MODAinnovations Bangalore We Offer Final year projects/Academic projects: BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2012, IEEE Projects 2013, EMBEDDED Projects, IEEE 2012 projects, IEEE 2013 projects. Academic/Final Year Project Technologies: .NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2012/2013 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects. Final Year Projects For: 1. BE final year studens 2. MCA final year students 3. Engineering final year mini projects 4. MCA final year mini projects 5. BSC final year projects 6. MSc final year projects 7. BCA final year projects 8. DIPLOMA final year projects 9. MTECH final year projects 10. ME final year projects 11. BTECH final year projects Engineering Branches • Computer science Engineering Final Year Projects • Electronics and communications Engineering Final Year Projects • Telecommunication Engineering Final Year Projects • Biomedical Engineering Final Year Projects • Information Science Engineering Final Year Projects • Instrumentation Engineering Final Year Projects • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechanical Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechatronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Aerospace Engineering Final Year Projects FINAL YEAR PROJECT TECHNOLOGIES AT MODAinnovations 1. JAVA FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 2. J2EE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 3. DOT NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 4. VB. NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 5. ASP.NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 6. C# .NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 7. PHP/MYSQL FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 8. MATLAB FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 9. VLSI/FPGA FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 10. ARM/CORTEX FINAL YEAR PROJECTS Project Cycle: Problem identification of Project Requirements understanding of Project Problem modeling of Project System analysis and specification System design of Project Naming Standardization of Project Layer Architecture of Project Coding Optimization of Project Module implementation and system integration of Project System test and evaluation of Project Documentation of Project FINAL YEAR PROJECT DELIVERABLES AT MODAinnovations Project Abstract, Project Synopsis, Project Detailed Study Project Review Details Project Documentation, Relevant Materials. Working Procedure of the Project ACADEMIC PROJECT DOMAINS AT MODAinnovations 1. IEEE Projects 2. Web Based Application based projects 3. Windows Based Application based projects 4. Networking Application based projects 5. RTOS Based Projects 6. Embedded systems Projects 7. Wireless Communication based projects
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS AT MODAinnovations Bangalore/ACADEMIC PROJECTS AT MODAinnovations Bangalore We Offer Final year projects/Academic projects: BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2012, IEEE Projects 2013, EMBEDDED Projects, IEEE 2012 projects, IEEE 2013 projects. Academic/Final Year Project Technologies: .NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2012/2013 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects. Final Year Projects For: 1. BE final year studens 2. MCA final year students 3. Engineering final year mini projects 4. MCA final year mini projects 5. BSC final year projects 6. MSc final year projects 7. BCA final year projects 8. DIPLOMA final year projects 9. MTECH final year projects 10. ME final year projects 11. BTECH final year projects Engineering Branches • Computer science Engineering Final Year Projects • Electronics and communications Engineering Final Year Projects • Telecommunication Engineering Final Year Projects • Biomedical Engineering Final Year Projects • Information Science Engineering Final Year Projects • Instrumentation Engineering Final Year Projects • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechanical Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechatronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Aerospace Engineering Final Year Projects FINAL YEAR PROJECT TECHNOLOGIES AT MODAinnovations 1. JAVA FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 2. J2EE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 3. DOT NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 4. VB. NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 5. ASP.NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 6. C# .NET FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 7. PHP/MYSQL FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 8. MATLAB FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 9. VLSI/FPGA FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 10. ARM/CORTEX FINAL YEAR PROJECTS Project Cycle: Problem identification of Project Requirements understanding of Project Problem modeling of Project System analysis and specification System design of Project Naming Standardization of Project Layer Architecture of Project Coding Optimization of Project ACADEMIC PROJECT DOMAINS AT MODAinnovations 1. IEEE Projects 2. Web Based Application based projects 3. Windows Based Application based projects 4. Networking Application based projects 5. RTOS Based Projects 6. Embedded systems Projects 7. Wireless Communication based projects
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MODAinnovations ACADEMIC PROJECTS BANGALORE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS BANGALORE We Offer Final year Academic projects BE BTech Engineering final year Projects MCA final year Projects MTech final year Projects MSc final year Projects BSc final year porojects Diploma final year projects IEEE 2012 Projects IEEE 2013 Projects BCA final year Projects IEEE Projects 2012 2013 EMBEDDED final year Projects Academic Final Year Project Technologies DOTNET final year projects J2EE Projects final year Projects J2ME final year Projects ANDROID final year Projects BLUETOOTH final year Projects RTOS final year Projects VLSI final year Projects FPGA final year Projects WIRELESS final year Projects MATLAB final year Projects ASPDOTNET final year Projects VBDOTNET final year Projects ROBOTICS final year Projects PHP final year Projects CLOUD COMPUTING final year Projects NETWORKING final year Projects ADHOC NETWORKS final year Projects IMAGE PROCESSING final year Projects BIOMEDICAL final year Projects Final Year Projects For BE final year studens MCA final year students Engineering final year mini projects MCA final year mini projects BSC final year projects MSc final year projects BCA final year projects DIPLOMA final year projects MTECH final year projects ME final year projects BTECH final year projects Projects for Engineering Branches • Computer science Engineering Final Year Projects • Electronics and communications Engineering Final Year Projects • Telecommunication Engineering Final Year Projects • Biomedical Engineering Final Year Projects • Information Science Engineering Final Year Projects • Instrumentation Engineering Final Year Projects • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechanical Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechatronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Aerospace Engineering Final Year Projects Contact us: E-mail:, Web Site: Mobile: 9538304161
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MODAinnovations Academic Projects Bangalore Final year projects Bangalore We Offer Final year Academic projects BE BTech Engineering final year Projects MCA final year Projects MTech final year Projects MSc final year Projects BSc final year porojects Diploma final year projects IEEE 2012 Projects IEEE 2013 Projects BCA final year Projects IEEE Projects 2012 2013 EMBEDDED final year Projects Academic Final Year Project Technologies DOTNET final year projects J2EE Projects final year Projects J2ME final year Projects ANDROID final year Projects BLUETOOTH final year Projects RTOS final year Projects VLSI final year Projects FPGA final year Projects WIRELESS final year Projects MATLAB final year Projects ASPDOTNET final year Projects VBDOTNET final year Projects ROBOTICS final year Projects PHP final year Projects CLOUD COMPUTING final year Projects NETWORKING final year Projects ADHOC NETWORKS final year Projects IMAGE PROCESSING final year Projects BIOMEDICAL final year Projects Final Year Projects For BE final year studens MCA final year students Engineering final year mini projects MCA final year mini projects BSC final year projects MSc final year projects BCA final year projects DIPLOMA final year projects MTECH final year projects ME final year projects BTECH final year projects Projects for Engineering Branches • Computer science Engineering Final Year Projects • Electronics and communications Engineering Final Year Projects • Telecommunication Engineering Final Year Projects • Biomedical Engineering Final Year Projects • Information Science Engineering Final Year Projects • Instrumentation Engineering Final Year Projects • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechanical Engineering Final Year Projects • Mechatronics Engineering Final Year Projects • Aerospace Engineering Final Year Projects Contact us: E-mail:, Web Site: Mobile: 9538304161
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![Pailan college kolkata [09836740085] b.optometry admission open@@contact on 09836740085 @@ Pailan college kolkata [09836740085] b.optometry admission open@@contact on 09836740085 @@](/static/img/caticons/formacion.png)
Pailan College Kolkata [09836740085] B.Optometry Admission Open@@Contact on 09836740085 @@ Pailan College Kolkata [09836740085] B.Optometry Admission Open@@Contact on 09836740085 @@ Pailan College of Management and Technology(PCMT) Pailan College of Management and Technology under the Pailan Group has been set up to meet the manpower training and knowledge upgradation needs of the industry. Determined not to ignore the demands of the industry, Pailan Group with prior approval from the West Bengal University of Technology, the Directorate of Technical Education and the All India Council for Technical Education(Ministry of HRD, Government of India), decided to establish a benchmark-setting engineering and management college to empower students with excellent, employable, engineering, technological and managerial competencies and enable them to become more complete persons and effective citizens of India and the world. Our teachers are a highly dedicated and professional team. All have the special qualities that distinguish a good teacher- patience and understanding. They are dynamic, relaxed and enthusiastic with the ability to create a congenial atmosphere. They encourage the development of each student, by providing security and warmth, emphasizing self discipline more than authority. Located in the midst of sylvan surroundings of Bengal Pailan Park, Kolkata, Pailan College of Management and Technology boasts of a pollution and noise free environment that is conducive to evolving new knowledge and which encourages the assimilation, dissemination and generation of new ideas. B. Tech- (Engineering Division) 1. Computer Science 2. Information Technology 3. Electronics & Communication 4. Electrical & Electronics 5. Aerospace Post Graduate programmes 1. Master in Business Administration (MBA) 2. Master in Computer Application (MCA) 3. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Under-Graduate programmes 1. Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) 2. Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) 3. Bachelor in Hospital Management (BHM) 4. Bachelor in Optometry (BOPTM) 5. Bachelor in Travel & Tourism Management (BTTM) 6. Bachelor in Hospitality Management (BHSM) 7. Bachelor in Media Sciences (BMS) BOPTM-Bachelor of Clinical Optometry: ____________________________________________ About the subject:- _______________________________ Optometry is healthcare profession concerned with Eye and related structures , as well as Vision , Visual systems and Vision information processing in humans. Optometrists are primary healthcare providers for the Diagnosis , management and treatment of Eye diseases and Refractive disorders. Optometrists examine and diagnose many refractive conditions and manage by prescribing Optical aids.They can also specialize in the Lenses and others Remedial aids.They can also specialize in the field of Contact Lens,Orthoptics, Low Vision aids,Sports Vision, Pediatric Optometry,Behavioural Optomerty etc. Optometrists:-A person licensed or registered to practice optometry.Optometrists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the examination,diagnosis and treatment of the Visual system. They prescribe the lenses,contact lenses,Visual aids,or therapy and other remedial aids to achieve maximum vision and also refer the patients to appropriate healthcare professionals,if required. REQUIRED QUALIFICATION:- ___________________________ Passed /Appeared at 10+2 from any recognized Central/State Board of Higher Secondary Education under 10 +2 system in India. COURSE DURATION :- ______________________ 4 Years degree course JOB PROSPECTS: ____________________ Specialized Eye Hospitals 2) Own Chamber 3) Dispensing units 4) Sports Vision clinic 5) In Universities/colleges-as an academician 6) Trade industry 7) Optical manufacturing laboratories/industries 8) Contact lens manufacturing companies. 9) Behavioural Vision care clinic Scope of higher education :- 1) Master’s in Optomerty 2) M.PHIL (Optometry) 3) Fellowship (In different Branches of Optometry)PhD in Optometry University: WBUT/AICTE APPROVED COLLEGE @@Admission Process Started for PCMT,contact- 09836740085 @@ ADMISSIONS GOING ON……. CONTACT-- 09836740085 SMS your Following DETAILS to Name: - ________________ Father's Name ___________ Date of Birth: ____________ Mobile Number: __________ Email Id : ________________ COURSE: _______________ Contact: 09836740085 CALL IMMEDIETELY…..09836740085 Limited Seats Available!!!Call Now on 09836740085 For Admission related any query call @@ 09836740085 @@ Pailan College Kolkata [09836740085] B.Optometry Admission Open@@Contact on 09836740085 @@ Pailan College Kolkata [09836740085] B.Optometry Admission Open@@Contact on 09836740085 @@
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Pailan College:Best Optometry College in Kolkata @ 09836740085 @ Pailan College:Best Optometry College in Kolkata @ 09836740085 @ Pailan College of Management and Technology(PCMT): 09836740085 ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Pailan College of Management and Technology under the Pailan Group has been set up to meet the manpower training and knowledge upgradation needs of the industry. Determined not to ignore the demands of the industry, Pailan Group with prior approval from the West Bengal University of Technology, the Directorate of Technical Education and the All India Council for Technical Education(Ministry of HRD, Government of India), decided to establish a benchmark-setting engineering and management college to empower students with excellent, employable, engineering, technological and managerial competencies and enable them to become more complete persons and effective citizens of India and the world. Our teachers are a highly dedicated and professional team. All have the special qualities that distinguish a good teacher- patience and understanding. They are dynamic, relaxed and enthusiastic with the ability to create a congenial atmosphere. They encourage the development of each student, by providing security and warmth, emphasizing self discipline more than authority. Located in the midst of sylvan surroundings of Bengal Pailan Park, Kolkata, Pailan College of Management and Technology boasts of a pollution and noise free environment that is conducive to evolving new knowledge and which encourages the assimilation, dissemination and generation of new ideas. We offer a host of career-focused Undergraduate and Post-graduate courses including B-Tech., the coveted MBA through the IIM benchmarked, nationwide CAT score-card enrolment criterion, and MCA. Realizing the progress of HEALTHCARE, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM and MEDIA industries and the rising demand for efficient personnel to serve these sectors, we offer a variety of courses catering to these fields. We offer the following courses: B. Tech- (Engineering Division) 1. Computer Science 2. Information Technology 3. Electronics & Communication 4. Electrical & Electronics 5. Aerospace Post Graduate programmes 1. Master in Business Administration (MBA) 2. Master in Computer Application (MCA) 3. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Under-Graduate programmes 1. Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) 2. Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) 3. Bachelor in Hospital Management (BHM) 4. Bachelor in Optometry (BOPTM) 5. Bachelor in Travel & Tourism Management (BTTM) 6. Bachelor in Hospitality Management (BHSM) 7. Bachelor in Media Sciences (BMS) BOPTM-Bachelor of Clinical Optometry: ____________________________________________ About the subject:- _______________________________ Optometry is healthcare profession concerned with Eye and related structures , as well as Vision , Visual systems and Vision information processing in humans. Optometrists are primary healthcare providers for the Diagnosis , management and treatment of Eye diseases and Refractive disorders. Optometrists examine and diagnose many refractive conditions and manage by prescribing Optical aids.They can also specialize in the Lenses and others Remedial aids.They can also specialize in the field of Contact Lens,Orthoptics, Low Vision aids,Sports Vision, Pediatric Optometry,Behavioural Optomerty etc. Optometrists:-A person licensed or registered to practice optometry.Optometrists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the examination,diagnosis and treatment of the Visual system. They prescribe the lenses,contact lenses,Visual aids,or therapy and other remedial aids to achieve maximum vision and also refer the patients to appropriate healthcare professionals,if required. REQUIRED QUALIFICATION:- ___________________________ Passed /Appeared at 10+2 from any recognized Central/State Board of Higher Secondary Education under 10 +2 system in India. COURSE DURATION :- ______________________ 4 Years degree course JOB PROSPECTS: ____________________ Specialized Eye Hospitals 2) Own Chamber 3) Dispensing units 4) Sports Vision clinic 5) In Universities/colleges-as an academician 6) Trade industry 7) Optical manufacturing laboratories/industries 8) Contact lens manufacturing companies. 9) Behavioural Vision care clinic Scope of higher education :- 1) Master’s in Optomerty 2) M.PHIL (Optometry) 3) Fellowship (In different Branches of Optometry)PhD in Optometry University: WBUT/AICTE APPROVED COLLEGE @@Admission Process Started for PCMT,contact- 09836740085 @@ ADMISSIONS GOING ON……. CONTACT-- 09836740085 SMS your Following DETAILS to Name: - ________________ Father's Name ___________ Date of Birth: ____________ Mobile Number: __________ Email Id : ________________ COURSE: _______________ Contact: 09836740085 CALL IMMEDIETELY…..09836740085 Limited Seats Available!!!Call Now on 09836740085 For Admission related any query call @@ 09836740085 @@ Pailan College:Best Optometry College in Kolkata @ 09836740085 @ Pailan College:Best Optometry College in Kolkata @ 09836740085 @
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Kolkata (West Bengal)
Pailan College Joka ** 09836740085 ** B.Optometry Admission Info @ 09836740085 @ Pailan College Joka ** 09836740085 ** B.Optometry Admission Info @ 09836740085 @ Pailan College of Management and Technology(PCMT): 09836740085 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pailan College of Management and Technology under the Pailan Group has been set up to meet the manpower training and knowledge upgradation needs of the industry. Determined not to ignore the demands of the industry, Pailan Group with prior approval from the West Bengal University of Technology, the Directorate of Technical Education and the All India Council for Technical Education(Ministry of HRD, Government of India), decided to establish a benchmark-setting engineering and management college to empower students with excellent, employable, engineering, technological and managerial competencies and enable them to become more complete persons and effective citizens of India and the world. Our teachers are a highly dedicated and professional team. All have the special qualities that distinguish a good teacher- patience and understanding. They are dynamic, relaxed and enthusiastic with the ability to create a congenial atmosphere. They encourage the development of each student, by providing security and warmth, emphasizing self discipline more than authority. Located in the midst of sylvan surroundings of Bengal Pailan Park, Kolkata, Pailan College of Management and Technology boasts of a pollution and noise free environment that is conducive to evolving new knowledge and which encourages the assimilation, dissemination and generation of new ideas. We offer a host of career-focused Undergraduate and Post-graduate courses – including B-Tech., the coveted MBA through the IIM benchmarked, nationwide CAT score-card enrolment criterion, and MCA. Realizing the progress of HEALTHCARE, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM and MEDIA industries and the rising demand for efficient personnel to serve these sectors, we offer a variety of courses catering to these fields. We offer the following courses: B. Tech- (Engineering Division) 1. Computer Science 2. Information Technology 3. Electronics & Communication 4. Electrical & Electronics 5. Aerospace Post Graduate programmes 1. Master in Business Administration (MBA) 2. Master in Computer Application (MCA) 3. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Under-Graduate programmes 1. Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) 2. Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) 3. Bachelor in Hospital Management (BHM) 4. Bachelor in Optometry (BOPTM) 5. Bachelor in Travel & Tourism Management (BTTM) 6. Bachelor in Hospitality Management (BHSM) 7. Bachelor in Media Sciences (BMS) Bachelor of Clinical Optometry & Vision Science(BOPTM):- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Optometry is healthcare profession concerned with Eye and related structures , as well as Vision , Visual systems and Vision information processing in humans. Duration:- 4 Years Eligibility:- Minimum 10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology, from recognized Board or Council. JOB PROSPECTS: ____________________ 1) Specialized Eye Hospitals 2) Own Chamber 3) Dispensing units 4) Sports Vision clinic 5) In Universities/colleges-as an academician 6) Trade industry 7) Optical manufacturing laboratories/industries 8) Contact lens manufacturing companies. 9) Behavioural Vision care clinic Admission Open for PCMT Call--09836740085 ADMISSIONS GOING ON……. CONTACT-- 09836740085 Website :- Website : SMS your Following DETAILS to Name: - ________________ Father's Name ___________ Date of Birth: ____________ Mobile Number: __________ Email Id : ________________ COURSE: _______________ Contact: 09836740085 CALL IMMEDIETELY…..09836740085 For any other assistance call on:: 09836740085 Seats are Limited!!! Call Now @ 09836740085 Pailan College Joka ** 09836740085 ** B.Optometry Admission Info @ 09836740085 @ Pailan College Joka ** 09836740085 ** B.Optometry Admission Info @ 09836740085 @
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
BSC / MSC Correspondence college in Bangalore CALL@8453985231 / 9916031696 Bsc / Msc in all streams CALL@8453985231 BSc - Hotel and catering Management BSc – Information Technology BSc – Computer Science BSc – Dairy Technology BSc – Footwear Technology BSc – Optometry BSc – Fashion Design BSc – Interior Design BSc – Animation and Multimedia BSc – Agriculture BSc – Bio-Technology BSc – Microbiology BSc – Bio-Chemistry BSc – Electronics BSc – Environmental BSc – Naturpathy and Yoga BSc – Aviation BSc – Life Science BSc – Textile Design BSc – Dietetics and Natrition BSc – PCM / ZBC / PMS BSc – Home Science BSc – Bio-Informatics BSc – Fire Safety BSc – Food Processing BSc – Mas Communitation MSc in all stream CALL@84539852312 MSc – Physics MSc – Chemistry MSc – Agriculture MSc – Bio-Technology MSc – Botany MSc – Zoology MSc – Environmental Science MSc – Fashion Design MSc – Food and Nutrition MSc – Microbiology MSc – Animation and Multimedia MSc – Diary Techonology MSc - IT FOR MORE DETAILS FEEL FREE TO CALL@8453985231 FOR ADMISSION CENTER CALL@ 8453985231 Immediately Contact us@ MaxCareer Correspondence College #598,5th Cross,17th main,4th Block (Behind Sony World) Koramangala Bangalore-560034 Mailid:- Facebook Link :- ADMISSION IS GOING ON SO HURRY UP!!!!!
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
B.SC Government Correspondence College Karnataka State Open University..Contact us on 9620778436 Eligiblity:II PUC Duration:3 Years Mode:Sem(Every 6 month once) • B.SC In Hotel & Catering Management • B.SC in Information Technology • B.SC in Computer Science • B.SC in Dairy Technology • B.SC in Footwear Technology • B.SC in Optometry • B.SC in Fashion Designing • B.SC in Interior Design • B.SC in Animation & Multimedia • B.SC in Agriculture • B.SC in Bio Technology • B.SC in Microbiology • B.SC in Bio Chemistry • B.SC in Electronics • B.SC in environmental Science • B.SC in Naturopathy & Yoga • B.SC in Aviation • B.SC in Life Science • B.SC in Textile Design • B.SC in Dietetics & Nutrition • B.SC in PCM/ZBC/PMS • B.SC in Home Science • B.SC in Bio Informatics • B.SC in Fire Safety • B.SC in Food Processing • B.SC in Mass Communication Also We do offer 10th,IIPUC,BA,MA,B.Com,M.Com,BCA,MCA,MSC,Diploma,B-Tech,M-Tech(in All Streams)Teacher Training Course,Hotel Management,MBA,E-MBA,PG Courses,Certificate Courses in (All Streams) Hurry Admission Opened for 2014 ….. For More Details Contact us on 9620778436
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
BangaB.SC Government Correspondence College Karnataka State Open University..Contact us on 9620778436 Eligiblity:II PUC Duration:3 Years Mode:Sem(Every 6 month once) • B.SC In Hotel & Catering Management • B.SC in Information Technology • B.SC in Computer Science • B.SC in Dairy Technology • B.SC in Footwear Technology • B.SC in Optometry • B.SC in Fashion Designing • B.SC in Interior Design • B.SC in Animation & Multimedia • B.SC in Agriculture • B.SC in Bio Technology • B.SC in Microbiology • B.SC in Bio Chemistry • B.SC in Electronics • B.SC in environmental Science • B.SC in Naturopathy & Yoga • B.SC in Aviation • B.SC in Life Science • B.SC in Textile Design • B.SC in Dietetics & Nutrition • B.SC in PCM/ZBC/PMS • B.SC in Home Science • B.SC in Bio Informatics • B.SC in Fire Safety • B.SC in Food Processing • B.SC in Mass Communication Also We do offer 10th,IIPUC,BA,MA,B.Com,M.Com,BCA,MCA,MSC,Diploma,B-Tech,M-Tech(in All Streams)Teacher Training Course,Hotel Management,MBA,E-MBA,PG Courses,Certificate Courses in (All Streams) Hurry Admission Opened for 2014 ….. For More Details Contact us on 9620778436
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Tambaram (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. With Regards, mahalakshmi, program advisor, hcl cdc tambaram. contact : 8939812242
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Tambaram (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project and internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, MAHALAKSHMI.A Program Advisor, Contact - 8939812242 mail id : HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, V.RAJESH Business development manager Contact - 9790828181 mail id HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. Mahalakshmi, Program advisor, Hcl cdc tambaram. contact : 8939812242
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Tambaram (Tamil Nadu)
PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project and internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation With Warm Regards, Mahalakshmi Program Advisor, Contact - 8939812242 mail id : HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Tambaram (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project and internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, Mahalakshmi Program Advisor, Contact - 8939812242 mail id : HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, MAHALAKSHMI PROGRAM ADVISOR Contact - 8939812242 mail id : HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, MAHALAKSHMI PROGRAM ADVISOR Contact - 8939812242 mail id : HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Regards, Mahalakshmi, hcl cdc tambaram.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours With Warm Regards, Mahalakshmi HCL CDC TAMBARAM (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai. Contact : 8939812242
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