Society social justice byju
Top sales list society social justice byju

Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh)
These are UPSC Civil Services General Studies and CSAT books.
List of the books
1. Indian Polity
2. Ancient , Medieval and Modern History
3. Indian Economy
4. Geography
5. Art ,Culture and World History
6. Governance and Social Justice
7. Science and Technology
8. Environment and Ecology
9. Ethics , Integrity and Aptitude
10. CSAT Logical Reasoning and Data interpretation
11. CSAT Quantitative Aptitude
12. CSAT Verbal Ability
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Pune (Maharashtra)
New UPSC books available
50% discount if purchased all books
40% Discount if purchased selective books only!
1 Indian Economy - Nitin Singhania
2 Art and Culture - Nitin Singhania
3 Ethics- G Subba Rao
4. Indian Polity- M.Laxmikanth
5. Ancient India NCERT
6. Medieval India NCERT
7. Modern India NCERT
8. International Relations-Pushpesh Pant
9. CSAT- R.S.Aggarwal
10. Environment and Disaster Management- Khullar and Rao
11. Atlas for Mapping- Orienta
11. CSAT- McGraw Hill Publication
13. Internal Security- IPS Ashok Kumar
14. GS Prelim Solved PYQ
15. GS Mains Solved PYQ
16. Geography- Byju
17. Governance, Society & Social Justice- Byju
18. World History, Post Independence- Byju
19. Science and Technology
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
There has been an increasing trend of preparing for UPSC – CSE for year after year by graduates before they find themselves in the final merit list. These are VISION IAS General Studies Printed material in HINDI medium.
Features of vision ias notes in hindi Printed material :
1. Cover All GS papers Syllabus
2. Language – Hindi
3. Total Booklet – 32
4. All are latest and updated notes
5. Best Quality printing
6. 24/7 Support
7. For content See below
Vision IAS General Studies Complete Set in Hindi
Following material is in vision ias notes in hindi :-
(Total 32 Booklets)
निबंध (Essay)
कला एवं संस्कृति भाग 1 (Art and Culture Part 1)
कला एवं संस्कृति भाग 2 (Art and Culture Part 2)
आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास भाग 1 (Modern Indian History Part 1)
आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास भाग 2 (Modern Indian History Part 2)
आजादी के बाद का भारत (Post Independent Indian History)
विश्व इतिहास भाग 1 (World History Part 1)
विश्व इतिहास भाग 2 (World History Part 1)
भारतीय संविधान एवं शासन भाग 1 (Indian Polity Part 1)
भारतीय संविधान एवं शासन भाग 2 (Indian Polity Part 2)
भारतीय संविधान एवं शासन भाग 3 (Indian Polity Part 3)
भारतीय संविधान एवं शासन भाग 4 (Indian Polity Part 4)
सुशासन (Governance)
अन्तर्सष्ट्रीय सम्बन्ध भाग 1 (International Relations Part 1)
अन्तर्सष्ट्रीय सम्बन्ध भाग 2 (International Relations Part 2)
भारतीय समाज भाग 1 (Indian Society Part 1)
भारतीय समाज भाग 2 (Indian Society Part 2)
सामाजिक न्याय (Social Justice)
नीतिशास्त्र भाग 1 (Ethics Part 1)
नीतिशास्त्र भाग 2 (Ethics Part 2)
भारतीय अर्थव्यस्था भाग 1 (Indian Economy Part 1)
भारतीय अर्थव्यस्था भाग 2 (Indian Economy Part 2)
भारतीय अर्थव्यस्था भाग 3 (Indian Economy Part 3)
भूगोल भाग 1 (Geography Part 1)
भूगोल भाग 2 (Geography Part 2)
भूगोल भाग 3 (Geography Part 3)
भूगोल भाग 4 (Geography Part 4)
पर्यावरण एवं पारिस्थितिकी भाग 1 (Environment Part 1)
पर्यावरण एवं पारिस्थितिकी भाग 2 (Environment Part 2)
आपदा प्रबंधन (Disaster Mgmt.)
सुरक्षा (Security)
विज्ञानं एवं प्रौद्योगिकी (Science and Technology)
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Dharmapuri (Tamil Nadu)
Sapthagiri Group of Institutions Dharmapuri Our Vision To participate in the establishment of illiteracy unemployment and internationally compaetive enough to fit into the knowledge based society along with self discipline natural outlook and religious. Our Mission To provide job oriented education the younger generation for better future by improving their capabilities to face the comp aeration and to provide social justice to the socially backward by extending educational facilities of them Sapthagiri College of Engineering UG Courses B.E (ECE) B.E (EEE) B.E (CSE) B.E (ME) B.E (EIE) B.Tech (IT) B.E (Civil) For Admissions Contact: Admission Coordinator Mobile No: 9840408424
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Kolkata (West Bengal)
New books IAS
india s ancient past
Concise csat General studles
Ethics lntegrity gaptitude
General studles
Indian economy
History of medievalindia
History of modern india
Internal security
Indian polity
International Relatlons
Textbook of environmental studies for undergraduate courses
General studies
Indian art and culture
World history and post, independence history
Disaster management
Science and technology
Governance society and social justice
General studies
U. P. S.C
See product

Kolkata (West Bengal)
These handy books are very helpful for complete preparation for UPSC/WBCS by their quality professional faculties.
1. Geography
2. Indian Economy
3. Disaster Management and Internal Security
4. International Relations and International Organisation
5. Art, Culture and World History
6. Science and Technology
7. Governance & Society and Social Justice
See product

Kolkata (West Bengal)
Subjects covered:
1. Geography
2. Indian Economy
3. Disaster Management and Internal Security
4. International Relations and International Organisation
5. Art, Culture and World History
6. Science and Technology
7. Governance & Society and Social Justice
See product