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Student training projects

Top sales list student training projects

Bangalore (Karnataka)
Projects on network security |Bangalore|9743617667 Projects on network security |Bangalore Are you looking around for projects on network security? We are here to help you out!!! T-SYS is a Bangalore based IT Training and Software Development center with an exclusive expertise in the area of HR consultancy. T-SYS Bangalore gives Project Training for the Final year Students to the Under Graduate and Postgraduate, Diploma and Engineering Students from CS and IT background. As a part of the projects and development training, we offer Projects keeping in view the latest emerging trends and training in Software Design and Development which enables the Students to meet the industrial requirements with a wider knowledge and a greater confidence. What is network security? In the field of networking, the specialist area of network security consists of the provisions made in an underlying computer network infrastructure, policies adopted by the network administrator to protect the network and the network-accessible resources from unauthorized access, and consistent … Domains: JAVA and DOTNET PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY PROJECTS ON NETWORK SECURITY *Conditions Apply For any further clarifications, feel free to contact us: T-SYS Name:Raghavendra,N Contact: 91- 9743617667 Email: raghavendra@t-sys.co.in www.t-sys.co.in
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All IEEE Projects for final year projects engineering students 2016. Final Year IEEE Projects implementation is a final part in Academics. It is not just a part in Engineering Studies. It also prepares the students to implement practically what they have learnt in the earlier semesters. Basically Final Year IEEE Projects will be implemented as defined below: • Identifying the best IEEE Base Paper • Developing the project with the algorithms in Base Paper • Preparing a descriptive document & PPT about the project • PROJECTS IN JAVA | PROJECTS IN .NET|ANDROID|CLOUD COMPUTING|BIG DATA|HADOOP • PROJECTS IN IEEE,EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION and WINDOWS APPLICATION Cegonsoft Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore has been actively involved in Job Placement Assistance as a value-added service in the Software Training Program. we have a very consistent and growing Job Placement Track Record. • The Software Training Programs are accommodated by continuous assessments and sharing common Interview FAQs. • Students are encouraged to proactively participate in Seminars on Interview Handling Skills. • During Workshops/Seminars, Knowledge is shared about focusing on all the aspects of an Interview apart from Technical Aspects. • Active Coordination with students from the stage of preparing a professional CV/Resume to attending Interviews and securing a Job. • Interview Questions & Answers will be covered along with course • We Support to Make your Resume Ready as per IT Industry Standards and to Get Interview Calls • Preliminary Preparation ensures that our Students are able to perform confidently in Interviews even it was their First Interview. As a part of our Successful and Continuous Job Placement Assistance, we maintain the track for our student reference. ****Conditions Apply Contact Person: Divya.V CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 LandLine:0422 -4206205 Email ID:divya.r@cegosnoft.in Mob No: 8523900459
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
TCS Subsidiary Provides Job Oriented 6 Weeks Summer Training By Experienced Faculty In Order To Ensure A Guarantee Of 100% Placement Assistance For Its Students.6 Weeks Summer Training Is Present A Day The First Choice Of IT Students(B.Tech, Mca And Others) Because Of Its Multiple Benefits For Students For Their Career Prospective. This Training Program Make Students Face The Real Time Problems Which Are Usually Faced By Working Professional While Working In The Industry. While This Training Program Students Come To Know About Technical As Well Individual Skills Required By A Professional For Survival In The Market.In Fact, This Industrial Training Is About Industrail Implementation Of The Technologies.This Training Program Enable Students To Learn Technologies On Industrial Level. PROJECT BASED TRAINING DOMAINS: • Industrial Training Based on Live Projects: JAVA .NET PHP ANDROID CORE JAVA FRAMEWORK 4.0/4.5 PHP 5.3 BASIC ANDROID ADVANCE JAVA C# MYSQL Android Framework STRUTS ASP.NET with C# CAKE PHP OScommerce Development HIBERNET ADO.NET JOOMLA X-Cart Development SPRING MVC WORDPRESS Prestashop Development,CCNA,LINUX,PLC SCADA In Case Of Any Training Requirement Please Feel Free To Contact Us. ATC CMC LTD Delhi(A TCS Subsidiary) ATC CMC LTD, G-18 Preet vihar Delhi-110092 Mob: 9212260630
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Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
IEEE PROJECTS IN TRICHY, IEEE 2013 TITLES, IEEE PROJECTS 2013 TITLES, FINAL YEAR PROJECTS, FINAL YEAR STUDENT PROJECTSENGINEERING PROJECTS, STUDENT PROJECT, M.E PROJECTS, B.E/B.TECH PROJECTS IN TRICHY, MBA PROJECTS IN TRICHY , MCA PROJECTS IN TRICHY, M.PHIL PROJECTS IN TRICHY, EMBEDDED PROJECTS , EMBEDDED PROJECTS IN TRICHY, M.SC PROJECTS IN TRICHY, BCA PROJECT IN TRICHY, DIPLOMA PROJECTS IN TRICHY, JAVA IEEE PROJECTS IN TRICHY, DOTNET PROJECT IN TRICHY, BEST PROJECT CENTER IN TRICHY. BEST IEEE PROJECTS IN TRICHY. ENGINEERING COLLEGE PROJECT, C# PROJECT IN TRICHY. M.TECH PROJECTS IN TRICHY, EMBEDDED IEEE PROJECTS 2013 FINAL YEAR ASP.NET PROJECTS. LIVE PROJECTS IN TRICHY, REAL TIME PROJECTS IN TRICHY MBA IEEE PROJECTS TITLES IN TRICHY. IEEE 2013 PROJECTS TITLES IN TRICHY LOW COST IEEE PROJECTS IN TRICHY FREE IEEE PROJECTS TITLES IN TRICHY BEST PROJECTS TITLES IN TRICHY BEST IEEE 2013 FREE TITLES IN TRICHY BEST 2013 IEEE PROJECTS IN TRICHY BEST PROJECTS TRAINING COMPANY IN TRICHY IEEE LIVE PROJECTS TRAINING COMPANY IN TRICHY WED DEVELOPMENT COMPANY N TRICHY BEST IEEE 2013 EMBEDDED TITLES TRICHY FREE SEMINER CLASSES IN TRICHY EMBEDDED TRAINING IN TRICHY IEEE STUDENTS PROJECTS IN TRICHY IEEE COLLEGE PROJECTS IN TRICHY, B.E ECE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN TRICHY, M.Sc IT PROJECTS IN TRICHY, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IN TRICHY, COLLEGE SOFTWARE PROJECTS IN TRICHY, QUAILITY IEEE 2013 PROJECTS IN TRICHY, Corporate Training trichy, PHP Web Development Trichy, DOTNET IEEE 2013 PROJECT IN TRICHY .NET IEEE 2013 PROJECTS TITLE S IN TRICHY EMBEDDED COCHING CENTER IN TRICHY, VLSI Training in trichy VLSI PROJECTS in trichy, MCA PROJECTs, IEEE PROJECTS, FINAL YEAR PROJECTS in Trichy, IEEE PROJECT TITLES , Final year Projects, Java training center in trichy, Advance java classes in trichy, Best java training in trichy, Java/ J2ee training in trichy, Java /J2ee coaching in trichy, PHP training in trichy, PHP classes in trichy, Best PHP training institute in trichy, .net training in trichy, .net final year projects in trichy, College final year projects in trichy, High Quality projects in trichy, J2ee projects in trichy, Ieee 2013 projects in trichy, Low cost high quality ieee projects in trichy, Asp DotNet projects in trichy, software development company Trichy, J2ee,Dotnet, Mini Projects, Inplant Training Project Training HTML5, CSS3, PHP and MySQL, Quality SEO Service, SEO Service Company Trichy, Leading web development company in trichy. Soft ware testing in Trichy, Graphic and web designing in Trichy, Data Base Administrator course in Trichy, dot net application developer course in Trichy, software development course in Trichy. Job oriented course in trichy Inplant training in trichy Php & Mysql Training in Tiruchirappalli Trichy software company | Inplant training in trichy College final year project in trichy, B.E. IT FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN TRICHY, M.Sc FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN TRICHY, B.Sc, IT projects in trichy, Internship training in trichy, SIDDHI SOFT SOLUTIONS is the BEST IPT Training Trichy, Best Inplant training for CSE in trichy. IEEE 2013 LIVE PROJECTS TRAINING IN TRICHY #3,4th FLOOR, LAKSHMI ARCADE, 11th CROSS, THILLAI NAGAR, TRICHY www.siddhisoftsolutions.in
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Cegonsoft (P) Ltd provides project training, project guidelines for live projects for students of (B.E, MSC, MCA, BSC, BCA, Diploma, and Computer Engineering Free Project) (M.E/M.Tech not Applicable Free Project). We provide live industrial project Training on 1. Dot net 2. Core java 3. J2ee / j2me 4. Android 5. Asp.net 6. C#.net 7. Vb.net    Cegonsoft (p) ltd provides guidance for final year student’s projects. Offers Ideas, tips and project guidance on IEEE research papers on following areas. 1. Cloud computing 2. Knowledge and data engineering 3. Networking 4. Network security 5. Software engineering 6. Mobile computing 7. Image processing 8. Secured computing ****Conditions Apply Contact Person: Divya.V CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 LandLine:0422 -4206205 Mob No: 8523900459
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Training On Embedded Systems ,VHDL,Matlab,C,C++,.Net ,Java etc. & Final Year Project Programme for All B.Tech / M.Tech / M.C.A students The candidates would be working on Live Projects in following technologies. J2EE / .NET / WCF/ WPF/PHP / Matlab/ Cloud Computing etc. we are Providing For The First Time Summer Training To Electronics Students Inside Electronics Manufacturing Industry. We are one of the leading names in providing services related to Summer Training Programs.. The trainings imparted are an organized attempt to impart knowledge of life sciences. Final year IEEE Projects and other application projects offered for final year B.E./B.Tech,M.E./M.Tech,B.B.A. /M.B.A.,B.C.A/M.C.A. Small office, no frills, only focused on developing your skills! For more details Contact us @ 9752625290
₹ 1
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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN IEEE, EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION & WINDOWS APPLICATION|COIMBATORE We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft Real time project development Full practical training Hardware and software tools full support Technology Training Placement Training Personality Development Full documentation and report analysis Industrial exposure Endorsing Corporate skills Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better Presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8523900459 Tel: 0422 -4206205 Website: http://www.cegonsoft.co.in/ MAIL ME ON: divya.r@cegonsoft.in
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Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
We offer the latest IEEE projects for research and final year academic projects. We provide all kinds of services like academic final year projects for all BE, BTECH & other UG graduates. We offer the research projects for ME, M.Tech & PhD staffs. Our Services include various technologies JAVA, Cloud Computing, Dotnet, PHP, Android Mobile applications, Web application development, Embedded Systems, Matlab Power electronics & power systems. Matlab Image processing, Network Simulator and much more. Apart from project development, we offer the students adequate training facilities on the technologies related to the project. Students Benefits doing project at Cegonsoft  Real time project development  Full practical training  Hardware and software tools full support  Technology Training  Placement Training  Personality Development  Full documentation and report analysis  Industrial exposure  Endorsing Corporate skills  Technology specializations & Certification The training facilities includes individual desktop, software’s support ,Hardware support , learning materials, Report preparation, Documentation, full time technical support, project display for better presentation . Students are trained with experienced trainers. We offer practical training before every project review. We help students choose best title for your project. Training is carefully designed with viva questions for better project presentation for students. We support student’s own project development ideas. Our infrastructure facilitates best atmosphere for student in learning & Development student’s work along with our staff as a project trainee and are given training at corporate level. Apart from projects, we guide them for placement preparation with aptitude, group discussion and technical skills. We proud to say, our projects all are based upon latest technology IEEE papers. We advised students to make this golden opportunity as a useful one for their fruitful career ahead. Technologies ANDROID, ASP .NET,VB .NET,C# .NET,EMB – C,BIG DATA,HADOOP,PHP,MATLAB,SQL SERVER, ORACLE, Open CV JAVA IEEE- DOMAINS IEEE- CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- DATA MINING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE- NETWORK SECURITY IEEE- DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- NETWORKING COMMUNICATION IEEE- PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IEEE- MOBILE COMPUTING IEEE- WIRELESS COMMUNICATION IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROJECTS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECTS WINDOWS APPLICATION PROJECTS NETWORKING APPLICATION PROJECTS DOTNET IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING IEEE-TRANSACTIONS ON DEFENDABLE AND SECURED COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING IEEE- TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SECURITY WEB APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES J2EE WITH ADVANCED CONCEPTS ASP.NET PHP/MYSQL WITH AJAX WE PROVIDE THE PROJECTS FOR THE STUDENTS STUDYING THE FOLLOWING DEGREE DIPLOMA (ECE, E&I, EEE, MECHANICAL, CSE, IT, ) B.E, B.TECH, M.TECH, M.E, DIPLOMA, MS, BSC, MSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, BBA, PHD. B.E (ECE, EEE, E&I, ICE, MECH, PROD, CSE, IT, THERMAL, AUTOMOBILE, MECATRONICS, ROBOTICS) B.TECH(ECE, E&I, EEE, MECH , CSE, IT) M.TECH(EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)M.E(COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWAREENGINEERING) Thanks & Regards CEGONSOFT PVT LTD For Further Detail Contact CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru Street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 Mob No: +91- 8681968889 MAIL ME ON: shunmathi.s@cegonsoft.co.in
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All IEEE Projects for final year projects engineering students 2016. Final Year IEEE Projects implementation is a final part in Academics. It is not just a part in Engineering Studies. It also prepares the students to implement practically what they have learnt in the earlier semesters. Basically Final Year IEEE Projects will be implemented as defined below: • Identifying the best IEEE Base Paper • Developing the project with the algorithms in Base Paper • Preparing a descriptive document & PPT about the project • PROJECTS IN JAVA | PROJECTS IN .NET|ANDROID|CLOUD COMPUTING|BIG DATA|HADOOP • PROJECTS IN IEEE,EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION and WINDOWS APPLICATION Cegonsoft Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore has been actively involved in Job Placement Assistance as a value-added service in the Software Training Program. we have a very consistent and growing Job Placement Track Record. • The Software Training Programs are accommodated by continuous assessments and sharing common Interview FAQs. • Students are encouraged to proactively participate in Seminars on Interview Handling Skills. • During Workshops/Seminars, Knowledge is shared about focusing on all the aspects of an Interview apart from Technical Aspects. • Active Coordination with students from the stage of preparing a professional CV/Resume to attending Interviews and securing a Job. • Interview Questions & Answers will be covered along with course • We Support to Make your Resume Ready as per IT Industry Standards and to Get Interview Calls • Preliminary Preparation ensures that our Students are able to perform confidently in Interviews even it was their First Interview. As a part of our Successful and Continuous Job Placement Assistance, we maintain the track for our student reference. ****Conditions Apply Contact Person: Divya.V CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 LandLine:0422 -4206205 Mailid:divya.r@cegonsoft.in Mob No: 8523900459
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All IEEE Projects for final year projects engineering students 2016. Final Year IEEE Projects implementation is a final part in Academics. It is not just a part in Engineering Studies. It also prepares the students to implement practically what they have learnt in the earlier semesters. Basically Final Year IEEE Projects will be implemented as defined below:  Identifying the best IEEE Base Paper  Developing the project with the algorithms in Base Paper  Preparing a descriptive document & PPT about the project  PROJECTS IN JAVA | PROJECTS IN .NET|ANDROID|CLOUD COMPUTING|BIG DATA|HADOOP  PROJECTS IN IEEE,EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION and WINDOWS APPLICATION Cegonsoft Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore has been actively involved in Job Placement Assistance as a value-added service in the Software Training Program. we have a very consistent and growing Job Placement Track Record.  The Software Training Programs are accommodated by continuous assessments and sharing common Interview FAQs.  Students are encouraged to proactively participate in Seminars on Interview Handling Skills.  During Workshops/Seminars, Knowledge is shared about focusing on all the aspects of an Interview apart from Technical Aspects.  Active Coordination with students from the stage of preparing a professional CV/Resume to attending Interviews and securing a Job.  Interview Questions & Answers will be covered along with course  We Support to Make your Resume Ready as per IT Industry Standards and to Get Interview Calls  Preliminary Preparation ensures that our Students are able to perform confidently in Interviews even it was their First Interview. As a part of our Successful and Continuous Job Placement Assistance, we maintain the track for our student reference. ****Conditions Apply Contact Person: Divya.V CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 LandLine:0422 -4206205 Mob No: 8523900459 MAIL ME ON: divya.r@cegonsoft.in
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
BismilSoft offers best Citrix Training in Noida with most qualified professionals. Our Instructors are working in Citrix and related technologies for more years in MNC's. We aware of industry needs and we are offering Citrix Training in Noida in more realistic way. Our team of Citrix trainers offers Citrix in Classroom training, Citrix Online Training and Citrix Corporate Training services. We framed our syllabus to match with the real world necessities for both basic levels to advanced level. Our training will be handled in either weekday or weekends programme depends on participants requirement. 100% Job Assistance We have collaboration with companies to provide job support to our students. Also, we allow working with our agency & with our clients. Micro Batch Size We have a micro-batch size of just 7-10 students. Hence every individual student gets full interest from the trainer. Chance to Work on Live Projects Our focus is to provide 100% practical knowledge to students & hence we also give chance to students to work on real-time client projects in an organization with our parent agency. Flexible Batch Timing We provide flexible batch timings for the students as we appreciate that every student has a different level of personal & expert commitments. Other Related Courses: • Salesforce Training in Noida • AWS Training in Noida • DevOps Training in Noida • Arduino Training in Noida • Azure Training in Noida • Citrix Training in Noida • Workday Training in Noida Placement Process During Machine Learning Training • BismilSoft associated with top companies like HCL, Wipro, Dell, Birlasoft, TechMahindra, TCS; IBM, etc. make us capable to place our students in top MNCs across the globe. • HR team conduct grooming sessions in grooming session hr team focuses on personality growth, how to cooperate with interviewers, how to speak English, how to handle & control anxiety & how to stand for your point of view in front of the interviewer. • After completion of 80% training course content, we will set up the interview calls to students & organize them to face to face interaction. More Information Contact Us BismilSoft Pvt.Ltd Phone Number - +91-9311030991, +91-9311030992, Email ID – info@bismilsoft.com Address – Block A 44 Sector 2 Noida (Near by Sector 15 Metro Station)
₹ 17.000
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Warm Greeting from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of enterprises and institutions in the field of Information Technologies, Information Communication Technologies, Soft skills and Customized training applications’ in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 34 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized training/project solutions to its institutional partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems, a $ 2.6 billion ICT enterprise.Kindly find the final year project works @ HCL for ECE, CSE, IT,EEE & MCA students on IEEE & Application Papers. HCL scope Screening the students for project work Explanation on Project Title & Abstracts Training on Tools & Technique for the respective projects Supervision on coding part & Execution Sharing the technical expertise on critical applications Supporting on project documentation Final evaluation & certification from HCL Infosystems Ltd. Note: 1.Students have to participate in the execution under the guidance hcl technical team. 2.Students will undergo periodical reviews by hcl prior to the college review. 3.To execute projects @ HCL students have to get a prior mail approval from HCL since only limited students can execute projects @ HCL. 4.The titles are approved titles of HCL real-time scenario. Fee -Rs.6200/per student Venue-City Centre plaza,Near to GRT Jewellers,Purasaiwakkam Contact-Ms.Janani-7812056780
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Tambaram (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project and internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, MAHALAKSHMI.A Program Advisor, Contact - 8939812242 mail id : hcl.mahalakshmi@gmail.com HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, MAHALAKSHMI PROGRAM ADVISOR Contact - 8939812242 mail id : hcl.mahalakshmi@gmail.com HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Regards, Mahalakshmi, hcl cdc tambaram.
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Tambaram (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Candidate, Warm Greetings from HCL!!!!! We take this opportunity to introduce HCL Learning as an initiative of HCL for addressing the training needs of Enterprises and Institutions in the Field of Information Technologies, Soft Skills and Customized Training applications in all Sectors. Leveraging on the 36 years of industry experience of HCL, HCL Learning provides industry benchmark customized Training/Project Solutions to its Institutional Partners. Our gamut of training/project solutions ranges right from Advanced Technologies in the area of IEEE, Real time Applications, System side and Embedded Applications for different levels across the organization. HCL Learning is a part of HCL Infosystems. We are Providing Internship, IPT, Final Year Projects and Courses in Software, Embedded, VLSI, NS2, Networking. HCL Engineers will train you to be a Professional .Its a Real Time Exposure. Certificates are issued from HCL Learning Ltd...... We are providing various programs for engineering candidates who are really interested to gain knowledge in their streams. The programs are listed below, INTERNSHIP IPT PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP COURSES WORKSHOPS INDUSTRIAL VISITS Objective : To enrich the student knowledge on the latest IT Technologies. certification: By HCL. Venue: 12/27, Muthu ranga mudali street, West tambaram Near A2B Restaraunt, Chennai-45. INTERNSHIP Internship will be given in various domains. The classes contains software,networking,hardware parts. Duration : 40 hours Amount : Rs.3700/- IPT IPT Topics will be basics and emerging technologies of JAVA,DOTNET,ANDROID,NETWORKING,EMBEDDED,VLSI,MATLAB Either of these topics only can be covered in one session. There will be Week days(3 days) and Week end(2 days) batches available. The cost will be Rs.1537/- PROJECT WITH INTERNSHIP Project internship will be given for B.E,B.Tech,MCA,M.Sc candidates Platforms We are ready to provide: For CSE & IT Departments 1.JAVA 2.Dotnet Domains: 1.Data mining 2.Mobile Computing 3.Cloud computing 4.Networking 5.Secure computing 6.Parallel and distributed systems 7.Image processing 8.Real time projects For ECE, EEE, & EIE Departments 1.Embedded systems 2.VLSI 3.MAT LAB 4.NS2 5.Power electronics Duration : 80 hours Amount : Rs.6500/- for java,dotnet,simulation projects. Rs.4500/- + kit cost for embedded projects COURSES We are providing various kind of certification courses for the candidates depends upon their area of interest. WORKSHOPS We are providing one day workshop specially for engineering candidates. Duration : 8 hours (one day) Amount : Rs.500/- INDUSTRIAL VISIT We are providing Industrial Visit for the college students who are willing to attend the IV here in our Office. The charges will be like Rs.200/- per each for engaging trainers and arranging for classes. The list has to be sent before coming to visit. With Warm Regards, Mahalakshmi Program advisor, Contact - 8939812242 Mail ID : hcl.mahalakshmi@gmail.com HCL CDC (Under HCL Learning) (A Division of HCL Infosystems Ltd.) Tambaram,chennai.
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Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Dear Students, Greetings to All!!! DOCLICKSOLUTIONS - a leading software development and training company in Coimbatore guides the final year students in completing the final year projects. We provide Real-Time Projects with Real Time training in IT PROJECTS for all Engineering UG and PG Student. JAVA, J2EE, .Net, PHP, ANDROID are technologies that are applied by programmers to develop high end softwares. TOOLS USED: *IDE : ECLIPSE 6.6 *WEBSERVER : TOMCAT *APPLICATION SERVER: WEBLOGIC PROJECT FEATURES · Full Documentation, · Viva Questions, · Full source code will be provided, · No technical Hiding, · Courses will be conducted for projects, CONTACT US: Doclick Solutions, No.189, Dr.RadhaKrishna Road, Tata bad, Coimbatore, Phone No: 04224200909 Mobile: 8754009094 Email : prakash.doclick@gmail.com Website: www.doclicksolutions.com
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Basically Final Year IEEE Projects will be implemented as defined below: • Identifying the best IEEE Base Paper • Developing the project with the algorithms in Base Paper • Preparing a descriptive document & PPT about the project • PROJECTS IN JAVA | PROJECTS IN .NET|ANDROID|CLOUD COMPUTING|BIG DATA|HADOOP • PROJECTS IN IEEE,EMBEEDED, VLSI, BIG DATA, HADOOP, IMAGE PROCESSING AND WEB APPLICATION and WINDOWS APPLICATION Cegonsoft Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore has been actively involved in Job Placement Assistance as a value-added service in the Software Training Program. we have a very consistent and growing Job Placement Track Record. • The Software Training Programs are accommodated by continuous assessments and sharing common Interview FAQs. • Students are encouraged to proactively participate in Seminars on Interview Handling Skills. • During Workshops/Seminars, Knowledge is shared about focusing on all the aspects of an Interview apart from Technical Aspects. • Active Coordination with students from the stage of preparing a professional CV/Resume to attending Interviews and securing a Job. • Interview Questions & Answers will be covered along with course • We Support to Make your Resume Ready as per IT Industry Standards and to Get Interview Calls • Preliminary Preparation ensures that our Students are able to perform confidently in Interviews even it was their First Interview. As a part of our Successful and Continuous Job Placement Assistance, we maintain the track for our student reference. ****Conditions Apply Contact Person: Divya.V CEGONSOFT PVT LTD #108, Nehru street, Near Senthilkumaran Theatre, Ramangar, Coimbatore-641 009 LandLine:0422 -4206205 Email ID:divya.r@cegosnoft.in Mob No: 8523900459
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Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Greetings to All!!! Dear Students, DOCLICKSOLUTIONS - a leading software development and training company in Coimbatore guides the final year students in completing the final year projects. The aim of DoClick Solutions is to make students come out with the abilities to develop their software skills and implement their aims and dreams to walk into a successful IT carrier. We provide Real-Time Projects with Real Time training in IT PROJECTS for all Engineering UG and PG Student. JAVA, J2EE, .Net, PHP, ANDROID are technologies that are applied by programmers to develop high end softwares. Conceptual Training and Software Application is the main objective of DOCLICK SOLUTIONS. We also provide the IN-PLANT TRAINING for the students. CONTACT US: Doclick Solutions, No.189, Dr.RadhaKrishna Road, Tata bad, Coimbatore, Phone No: 04224200909 Mobile: 8754009094 Email : prakash.doclick@gmail.com Website: www.doclicksolutions.com
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
AVR Microcontroller are the latest ones available in the market. It is always an advantage to learn AVR Microcontroller to stand out from the crowd. Ducat offer 4-6 Weeks/Months Summer/Winter/Industrial Training With Live Project on AVR Microcontroller Training in Noida Delhi NCR. About AVR Microcontroller AVR was developed in the year 1996 by Atmel Corporation. The architecture of AVR was developed by Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan. AVR derives its name from its developers and stands for Alf-Egil Bogen Vegard Wollan RISC microcontroller, also known as Advanced Virtual RISC. 8051 limits itself with just the processing core for basic functionalities. AVR itself proves to be above other 8-bit microcontrollers in a series. For performing some advanced tasks like A/D conversion we are in need separate ADC. AVR on the other hand has them inbuilt. It has I2C, SPI buses that are not present in 8051. . AVR does the job pretty well with internal SPI controllers inbuilt. Internal pull ups can be enabled/ disabled by just a single line of code. AVR with RISC architecture performs 1MIPS correspond to 1 MHZ Speed. AVR doesn’t limit only to Speed but load more of different specification makes it stand taller in comparison. Objective : In this project oriented training student will be able to work on all modules and can work independently on every projecs. Software used: AVR Studio , Proteus ISIS , AVR USB Programmer, AVR Board. session : Theory session, LAB Practical (firmware Design),Hardware implementation of code. Projects : Project work is mandatory after completion of the ourse. Example of projects : 1. I.O.T 2. Drone design 3. Embdroid based Automation 4. Data logger 5. Scada implementation 6. GSM,GPS & RFID Based Projects 7. Sign language implementation using Matlab and AVR & many more…. In case of any query & information please feel free to get in touch with us. Thanks and Regards DUCAT, Noida A - 43 & A - 52 Sector - 16, Noida (U.P) (Near McDonalds) Phone:0120-4646464 Mobile or Whatsapp:+91-9717775847 Email : nishaducat@gmail.com Visit: www.ducatindia.com/avr-microcontroller-training/
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Embedded Systems Course At Tecnocrats Embedded Systems & robotics: Tecnocrats Embedded & Robotics Course Designed for the robotics electronics and its mechanics interfacing to micro controller and involves hand on the session on 4 different types of robotics. Final year projects / academic projects on Java, J2EE, PHP & MYSQL, Oracle, C, C++, Unix platform are available. . Job oriented training • Placement for best performer • Real-time / Live projects on Animation & Web Development • Guidance by Certified and qualified professionals as instructors • Individual care to each student • Flexible timings Other Technologies For Project training PHP MATLAB CATIA Autocad SEO and many more interesting technologies. For Any Query…. log onto - http://www.tecnocrats.com/ Mail on – projectstecnocrats@gmail.com, tecnocratsinfotech@gmail.com Contact us on - 9540854414, 9958639606
₹ 1
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Job oriented Sharepoint training provided in Peridot.Here trainers having 8+ years of experienced and working in MNC’s company.Practical oreinted training be provided for fresher as well as working professionals. Sharepoint is an advanced level in Dotnet.The people who know about the dotnet basics,can join sharepoint course in our best Sharepoint training in Chennai.World class training be offered with 100% Placement Support. Weekend,Fast track and Weekday classes are available based on student flexible timing.We are conducting free demo class for VMware course on Each and Every weekend. Batch size is minimized for student interaction with trainer.Unlimited lab facility support provided withy free internet connection.Trainer will give some task on each and every session of the class.This will make the student to do project as of its own.This is the Right space for the people to get an opportunity to work on real time projects. Microsoft that make the organizations to work more effectively by using SharePoint which is a web application by letting the users to share the data,information and documents. There are numerous products in SharePoint for companies to select from, particular set of advantages of each offering. Duration : 45hrs Weekday :1 hr Weekend : 3 hrs Fix an Appointment for free demo class by giving call to 9566293201.System is provided for each individuals and gave separate internet connections.Get Placed in top Companies by enrolling SharePoint training course with Peridot. Mail id:shanmugapriya.mohan@peridotsystems.in Website:http://www.peridotsystems.
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Our Websphere training in Chennai is the best platform for people to gain knowledge in Websphere and get opportunity to work on real time projects.We have experienced faculty trainers and they are working in top level companies. Our main goal is to satisfied the student requirements and help in placement assistance.Free mock interview training provided and offer 24*7 lab support. What is Websphere? It is a set of tools based on java from IBM that allows the customers to initiate and handle the business sophistication web sites.The Websphere Application Server is the central websphere tool,the customers use the application server to connect the website users with servlet or java application. Nowadays most of the people are go-ahead with WAS for their bright career future.So Learn Websphere application course from our Professional experts at reasonable price and get placement in Top MNC’s company. Modules Websphere MQ/MB Websphere Admin By completing the training course,the learners will understand the concepts of all WMQ 7.5 Administration and the WMQ application programming basics.Mould the student knowledge and make them to design and implement WMQ Solutions. Duration Normal Duration for trainer to lead the course:35hrs Duration for practical session-10hrs Pre-Requisite for Websphere Learners should have basic knowledge in Linux or Windows Operating systems. Each and Every person's will get separate systems for practical session.The course syllabus prepared by our trainer and it is customized based on student requirements. Special Discount Offer price will be provided for the candidate who are joining more than 3 members. For more details,visit http://www.peridotsystems.in/ibm-websphere-training-in-chennai.php or else just give call to 9566293201.
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SMEClabs offers Job Oriented Training on PLC, SCADA, DCS, VFD, HMI and PAC systems for graduates visit www.smeclabs.com and undergraduate students from the trades of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Mechatronics. KOCHI, India -- The automation industry all over the world is facing one crucial problem this year. It is the lack of skilled professionals in this field, who are equipped with the necessary know how and technical expertise to handle the various challenges associated with a job in the control engineering arena. Considering this demand, SMEC Automation, through its Research, Development and Training wing, SMEClabs, has focused its attention on solving this manpower shortage by training young aspiring engineering graduates and diploma holders in the technologies associated with automation. SMEClabs has devised specialized training packages for students of all trades, to help them cope with the immense amount of skill development that will happen through the course of their training program. The various technologies under study include Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC), Distributed Control Systems (DCS) etc. The various programs under SMEClabs focuses on these technologies and help the students gain actual industrial exposure in these subjects. All the programs under SMEClabs are 100% Practical and focuses on developing the confidence of the young engineer for taking on real-time industrial/ marine projects. All the programs deal with actual project examples from the day to day work at SMEC Automation. Being the largest marine automation company in Asia, there is no scarcity of complex projects and technical issues at SMEC. So the student gains from the experience of handling these complex examples and also benefit from the advice of some if the most experienced automation engineers in the country. The training programs at SMEClabs, intends to bring out the professional in each and every engineering graduate, equipping him/ her with the necessary technological edge to compete with this/ her colleagues and climb the corporate ladder faster and easier. To know more about SMEClabs and the training programs, please visit http://www.smeclabs.com SMEClabs, the Research, Development and Training wing of SMEC Automation imparts JOB oriented practical training in PLC, SCADA, VFD, HMI, DCS Systems to young aspiring engineering graduates and
₹ 10.000,20
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