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Learn A to Z of programming with PHP by the industry experts. To get updates, SUBSCRIBE our channel betaQsolutions (Link given below), Like our videos & comment your suggestions & queries.
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Description SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel. Beloved in Christ All churches’ and denominations’ Messages, Songs, Testimony, Worships, Prayers will be uploaded on SHEPHERD TV. SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel is mainly promoting valuable Messages, Songs from many Churches of God. This Channel’s main vision is to spread the truth gospel to all children of God. Kindly support SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel ministry, with your prayers. Sunday Morning Services Live Streaming Church Services Pastor Testimony Daily Bible Verse Bible Information Contact HEMANTH 1771 Follow SHEPHERD TV channel on WhatsApp: Follow SHEPHERD TV on YouTube Please Subscribe like and share
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
Qetz Insight is a cheerful destination with colorful animation for all the Happy Children of the world! Specially designed for kids as they explore the World of Kids Educational Videos, Classic Craft works, Phonics Songs, and trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning more! Come join us only on Qetz Insight. Please Subscribe like and share. Follow on Facebook Contact : UMME SALMA 1527 In a mixing bowl, mix 2 tablespoons baking soda with 2 tablespoons vinegar until fizzing stops. And 4 tablespoons cornstarch. Mix until a uniform consistency. Not liquid but a bit clumsy Pour the mixture into individual section cups, filling each about a third to halfway. Add five to 10 drops of food coloring to each cup, mixing in thoroughly, to reach desired colors. Allow paints to set overnight. Use paints on watercolor paper with a wet paintbrush.
₹ 10
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India (All cities)
Description SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel. Beloved in Christ All churches’ and denominations’ Messages, Songs, Testimony, Worships, Prayers will be uploaded on SHEPHERD TV. SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel is mainly promoting valuable Messages, Songs from many Churches of God. This Channel’s main vision is to spread the truth gospel to all children of God. Kindly support SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel ministry, with your prayers. Sunday Morning Services Live Streaming Church Services Pastor Testimony
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India (All cities)
Qetz Insight is a cheerful destination with colorful animation for all the Happy Children of the world! Specially designed for kids as they explore the World of Kids Educational Videos, Classic Craft works, Phonics Songs, and trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning more! Come join us only on Qetz Insight. Please Subscribe like and share. Follow on Facebook Cont act: UMME SALMA 1527 In a mixing bowl, mix 2 tablespoons baking soda with 2 tablespoons vinegar until fizzing stops. And 4 tablespoons cornstarch. Mix until a uniform consistency. Not liquid but a bit clumsy Pour the mixture into individual section cups, filling each about a third to halfway. Add five to 10 drops of food coloring to each cup, mixing in thoroughly, to reach desired colors. Allow paints to set overnight. Use paints on watercolor paper with a wet paintbrush.
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
How to make clay at home.. With just 4 ingredients Qetz demonstrates how to make clay at home..please try at home and mail us your comment and feed back Follow on Facebook Contact : 1583 : ISHRATH Qetz Insight is a cheerful destination with colorful animation for all the Happy Children of the world! Specially designed for kids as they explore the World of Kids Educational Videos, Classic Craft works, Phonics Songs, and trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning more! Come join us only on Qetz Insight. Please Subscribe like and share
₹ 560.033
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India (All cities)
How to make clay at home.. With just 4 ingredients Qetz demonstrates how to make clay at home..please try at home and mail us your comment and feed back Follow on Facebook Contact: 1583: ISHRATH Qetz Insight is a cheerful destination with colorful animation for all the Happy Children of the world! Specially designed for kids as they explore the World of Kids Educational Videos, Classic Craft works, Phonics Songs, and trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning more! Come join us only on Qetz Insight. Please Subscribe like and share
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India (All cities)
नर और नारायण कैसे जुड़े थे महाभारत से एक असुर था.. दम्बोद्भव। उसने सूर्यदेव की बड़ी तपस्या की। सूर्य देव जब प्रसन्न हो कर प्रकट हुए और वरदान मांगने को कहा तो उसने "अमरत्व" का वरदान माँगा। सूर्यदेव ने कहा यह संभव नहीं है। तब उसने माँगा कि उसे एक हज़ार दिव्य कवचों की सुरक्षा मिले। इनमे से एक भी कवच सिर्फ वही तोड़ सके जिसने एक हज़ार वर्ष तपस्या की हो.. और जैसे ही कोई एक भी कवच को तोड़े, वह तुरंत मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो। सूर्यदेवता बड़े चिंतित हुए। वे इतना तो समझ ही पा रहे थे कि यह असुर इस वरदान का दुरुपयोग करेगा... किन्तु उसकी तपस्या के आगे वे मजबूर थे।उन्हे उसे यह वरदान देना ही पड़ा। इन कवचों से सुरक्षित होने के बाद वही हुआ जिसका सूर्यदेव को डर था। दम्बोद्भव अपने सहस्र कवचों की शक्ति से अपने आप को अमर मान कर मनचाहे अत्याचार करने लगा। वह "सहस्र कवच" नाम से जाना जाने लगा। उधर सती जी के पिता "दक्ष प्रजापति" ने अपनी पुत्री "मूर्ति" का विवाह ब्रह्मा जी के मानस पुत्र "धर्म" से किया। मूर्ति ने सहस्र्कवच के बारे में सुना हुआ था.. और उन्होंने श्री विष्णु से प्रार्थना की कि इसे ख़त्म करने के लिए वे आयें। विष्णु जी ने उसे आश्वासन दिया कि वे ऐसा करेंगे। समयक्रम में मूर्ति ने दो जुड़वां पुत्रों को जन्म दिया जिनके नाम हुए नर और नारायण। दोनों दो शरीरों में होते हुए भी एक थे - दो शरीरों में एक आत्मा। विष्णु जी ने एक साथ दो शरीरों में नर और नारायण के रूप में अवतरण किया था। दोनों भाई बड़े हुए। एक बार दम्बोध्भव इस वन पर चढ़ आया। तब उसने एक तेजस्वी मनुष्य को अपनी ओर आते देखा और भय का अनुभव किया। उस व्यक्ति ने कहा कि मैं "नर" हूँ, और तुम से युद्ध करने आया हूँ। भय होते हुए भी दम्बोद्भव ने हंस कर कहा.. तुम मेरे बारे में जानते ही क्या हो ? मेरा कवच सिर्फ वही तोड़ सकता है जिसने हज़ार वर्षों तक तप किया हो। नर ने हंस कर कहा कि मैं और मेरा भाई नारायण एक ही हैं - वह मेरे बदले तप कर रहे हैं, और मैं उनके बदले युद्ध कर रहा हूँ। युद्ध शुरू हुआ, और सहस्र कवच को आश्चर्य होता रहा कि सच ही में नारायण के तप से नर की शक्ति बढती चली जा रही थी। जैसे ही हज़ार वर्ष का समय पूर्ण हुआ, नर ने सहस्र कवच का एक कवच तोड़ दिया। लेकिन सूर्य के वरदान के अनुसार जैसे ही कवच टूटा नर मृत हो कर गिर पड़े । सहस्र कवच ने सोचा, कि चलो एक कवच गया ही सही किन्तु यह तो मर गया। तभी उसने देखा की नर उसकी और दौड़े आ रहा है और वह चकित हो गया। अभी ही तो उसके सामने नर की मृत्यु हुई थी और अभी ही यही जीवित हो मेरी और कैसे दौड़ा आ रहा है ??? लेकिन फिर उसने देखा कि नर तो मृत पड़े हुए थे, यह तो हुबहु नर जैसे प्रतीत होते उनके भाई नारायण थे.. जो दम्बोद्भव की तरफ नहीं, बल्कि अपने भाई नर की तरफ दौड़ रहे थे। दम्बोद्भव ने अट्टहास करते हुए नारायण से कहा कि तुम्हे अपने भाई को समझाना चाहिए था.. इसने अपने प्राण व्यर्थ ही गँवा दिए। नारायण शांतिपूर्वक मुस्कुराए। उन्होंने नर के पास बैठ कर कोई मंत्र पढ़ा और चमत्कारिक रूप से नर उठ बैठे। तब दम्बोद्भव की समझ में आया कि हज़ार वर्ष तक शिवजी की तपस्या करने से नारायण को मृत्युंजय मंत्र की सिद्धि हुई है.. जिससे वे अपने भाई को पुनर्जीवित कर सकते हैं... अब इस बार नारायण ने दम्बोद्भव को ललकारा और नर तपस्या में बैठे। हज़ार साल के युद्ध और तपस्या के बाद फिर एक कवच टूटा और नारायण की मृत्यु हो गयी। फिर नर ने आकर नारायण को पुनर्जीवित कर दिया, और यह चक्र फिर फिर चलता रहा। इस तरह 999 बार युद्ध हुआ। एक भाई युद्ध करता दूसरा तपस्या। हर बार पहले की मृत्यु पर दूसरा उसे पुनर्जीवित कर देता। जब ९९९ कवच टूट गए तो सहस्र्कवच समझ गया कि अब मेरी मृत्यु हो जाएगी। तब वह युद्ध त्याग कर सूर्यलोक भाग कर सूर्यदेव के शरणागत हुआ। नर और नारायण उसका पीछा करते वहां आये और सूर्यदेव से उसे सौंपने को कहा। किन्तु अपने भक्त को सौंपने पर सूर्यदेव राजी न हुए। तब नारायण ने अपने कमंडल से जल लेकर सूर्यदेव को श्राप दिया कि आप इस असुर को उसके कर्मफल से बचाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं.. जिसके लिए आप भी इसके पापों के भागीदार हुए और आप भी इसके साथ जन्म लेंगे इसका कर्मफल भोगने के लिए। इसके साथ ही त्रेतायुग समाप्त हुआ और द्वापर का प्रारम्भ हुआ। कुछ समय बाद कुंती जी ने अपने वरदान को जांचते हुए सूर्यदेव का आवाहन किया, और कर्ण का जन्म हुआ। लेकिन यह आम तौर पर ज्ञात नहीं है, कि, कर्ण सिर्फ सूर्यपुत्र ही नहीं है, बल्कि उसके भीतर सूर्य और दम्बोद्भव दोनों हैं। जैसे नर और नारायण में दो शरीरों में एक आत्मा थी, उसी तरह कर्ण के एक शरीर में दो आत्माओं का वास है.. सूर्य और सहस्रकवच। दूसरी ओर नर और नारायण इस बार अर्जुन और कृष्ण के रूप में आये । कर्ण के भीतर जो सूर्य का अंश है, वही उसे तेजस्वी वीर बनाता है। जबकि उसके भीतर दम्बोद्भव भी होने से उसके कर्मफल से उसे अनेकानेक अन्याय और अपमान मिलते है और उसे द्रौपदी का अपमान और ऐसे ही अनेक अपकर्म करने को प्रेरित करता है। यदि अर्जुन कर्ण का कवच तोड़ता, तो तुरंत ही उसकी मृत्यु हो जाती। इसीलिये इंद्र उससे उसका कवच पहले ही मांग ले गए थे। Follow us:- and also visit our website:- Youtube:-
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A 8 years old boy "Rama" first time saw his real life Ravan by the time Reading Ramayan in his class, how Ramayan's chapter's connected with his real life and how he save's his mother Satiya from Ravan is all about "Saving Sita" #SavingSita #awardwinning #shortfilm website: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN: FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE:
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Description DESCRIPTION / AD TEXT God’s Promises: Daily Bible Verse Please subscribe and click on the bell to be updated daily Bible Verse for new videos and share the video to everyone and be blessed with God's teachings. Thank you. Instead of talking about problems, choose to talk about God. The Bible is the report and the written voice of God. He says of me, “You are favored, you are more than a conqueror, you are healed.” He can turn the problem into victory. SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel. Beloved in Christ All churches’ and denominations’ Messages, Songs, Testimony, Worships, Prayers will be uploaded on SHEPHERD TV. This Channel’s main vision is to spread the truth and gospel to all children of God. Kindly support SHEPHERD TV YouTube channel ministry, with your prayers. Sunday Morning Services Live Streaming Church Services Pastor Testimony Daily Bible Verse Bible Information Contact HEMANTH 1771 Follow SHEPHERD TV channel on WhatsApp: Follow SHEPHERD TV on YouTube Please Subscribe like and share
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India (All cities)
We are Analytics & Reporting Professionals with 15+ Years of Experience who have started YouTube Channel Analytics Solutions. If you feel you need FREE VIDEOS on any Analytics Tools and Softwares, DATA ANALYTICS, BUSINESS ANALYTICS, DATA SCIENCE, MACHINE LEARNING, You can Subscribe to our channel by clicking below link and Learn Anywhere Anytime. We also provide PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE, PROJECTS, INTERNSHIP for FRESHERS AND PROFESSIONALS. Click the below link and subscribe our channel for more details. Note: No Registration, No Sharing of Numbers required. You can just Subscribe to our channel to View Any Courses Website: Email ID: show contact info
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India (All cities)
"Hey Everyone This is [Climberharish][1] National sport climber of India. If you are looking for [rock climbing in Delhi][2], | [rock climbing competition Videos][3] on Youtube please visits My youtube channel and subscribe. Rock Climbing is an adventure sport. It is very much similar to mountaineering except for the fact that mountaineers climb mountains whereas Rock climbers climb with the help of rocks. The main objective of climbing is to climb a rock wall only with the help of hands and feet. It also tests a person's mental and physical abilities while going against gravity. Even spending 10 minutes at the"bouldering wall" can tire a person and pump up the body. [1]: [2]: [3]:"
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India (All cities)
PM IT Solution is leading one of the best digital marketing institutes in Jaipur. Providing the professional digital marketing course in Jaipur, our course content includes SEO, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, etc. We cover all topics practically and provide 13+ industry-oriented digital marketing certificates. We have top digital marketing industry experts/trainers, We provide live project-based practical classes and focus on each and every student, Our digital marketing classes available online and offline, You can join any class according to you. And grow your career and business by learning a digital marketing course in Jaipur at PM IT Solution Training Academy. Digital Marketing Course Structure Digital Marketing Overview What is marketing?, How we do Marketing?, What is Digital Marketing?, Benefits of Digital Marketing, Digital marketing platforms and Strategies, etc. Keyword Research Head keyword, Seed Keywords, Long Tail Keywords, Keyword Strategy, Keywords Research Tools, Placements of Keywords, etc. Domain WWW ❖ Domains ❖ Find Domain Registrar, find a domain name & strategy, Domain Validity, Renewal, Transfer, redirection, Whois, etc. Local SEO Create a Google My Business Account, Optimize for Voice Search, Brands carried, Categories, Additional media, Description, Tagline, post, etc. Hosting Web Hosting, Windows v/s Linux, (Plesk, C Panel, Country based server, Email with hosting, Manage Files with Hosting, etc. Search Engine Optimisation On-Page SEO. off-page SEO, Fundamental On-page Factors, Website Speed Content Optimization, Sitemap, robots.txt, link building, Links Analysis Tools, etc. Website Designing One Page Website Strategic, WordPress website setup, Design of Home Page Strategic, Design of Products & Services Page Strategic, etc. Social Media Marketing Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Influencer Marketing, Social Media Strategy, Facebook & Instagram paid marketing, etc Google Ads Understand Google AdWords, keyword match types, Ad Auction & Bidding affects, Keyword research process, Using Ad Extensions, etc. Youtube Marketing Creating a YouTube Brand Account, Optimize your videos, Create a standout thumbnail, Try YouTube advertising, YouTube marketing tools, Music & Sound Effects, etc. Ecommerce Marketing Tips for eCommerce Marketing, ADD REVIEWS AND RATINGS, Pay-Per-Click, Landing Page, Retargeting, Influencer marketing, etc. Online Reputation Management Understanding ORM scenario, How to deal with criticism online, Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation, overcome negative online reputation, etc. Email Marketing Importance of Email Marketing, Introduction to Mail Chimp, Email marketing strategy, Creating an Email Campaign, etc. Freelancing Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, Add your all skills, Select a professional profile picture, Build Great Portfolio, give the best price, guarantee satisfaction, Correct bid, etc. Affiliate Marketing Have a product idea, Validate your idea, Create the product, Start reviewing products in your niche, Collect emails, Research the Demand of the Product, etc. Blogging Blogging to brand yourself, Choose category according to Company investment, Provide the content according to the audience, Subscribe Now, Add call-to-action, etc.
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if you want to make $1000 per month then this video is for you. please watch this video now. This video will help you to understand how to make cinematic video and which type of sound should be use in making videos for your vlogs. watch this amazing video right now and create your for earning here is the link: subscribe my channel bright globe on youtube watch now and subscribe also for awesome upcoming video
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India (All cities)
AAO TV is Odisha's first ever Independent Odia Video Streaming App aimed at showing, Web-Series, Classic Odia Movies, Short Films across the world at large. Wide variety of genres to satiate the need of Infotainment to millions of Odias across The Globe. With this aim in mind we created this OTT Platform, AAO TV. Bindaas Dekho. AAO TV, an indigenously developed independent Video Streaming App of Odisha which aims at reflecting our culture yet sensibilities to cross-cultural and traditional values, civic alertness, respect to our tradition and yet modern in Science and Technology, disaster preparedness which will definitely put us at a Global and National Arena. Apart from aiming to provide a platform to the artists to showcase talent and give opportunities in the colossal world of media and entertainment. Envisioned with varied ideas we also produce various contents in-house as AAO Originals showcasing extraordinary endeavours, attempts, legendary works by ordinary people and key organisations that would put India and Odisha’s identity in the global periphery. Yet we think more authentic and factual visual representation would not only honour, dignify and glorify such people and organisations too. We think this a blessing on us of Lord Jagannath. So, on the auspicious occasion of Ratha Yatra we are doing the World Digital Premier Of the old classic film Bhakta Salabega. Along with we are streaming some soulful real-life stories of Leelamaya Shree Jagannath. Where common people felt the omnipresence of their dear God, lived the miracles and divine blessings to enlightenment. SO, this is a humble request from AAO TV. family to subscribe and shatre our Link to other Groups, friends and relatives, so that more and more Odias in and outside Odisha can watch our Video Streaming OTT. Visit our Website: Download our Apps: Google Play Store: Apple App Store: Our Social Links: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Instagram: Pinterest: Youtube:
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