Type engineering
Top sales list type engineering

Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Engineering consultant firm in India VMS understands that utilities and services are at the heart of any industrial facility and are vital for smooth running of the production process. Modular approach in planning of utilities help in expanding and scaling up in future as necessitated by increase in the production capacity. Mechanical, HVAC & R (Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration) and Fire Protection Engineers of VMS keep themselves abreast with the latest trends in utilities equipment, systems and technologies with the goal of designing a system that is robust, cost effective, energy saving, safe, optimally sized and will result in minimum downtime and maintenance. Ventilation system: Design of natural and mechanical ventilation. Natural Ventilation: Designing natural ventilation based on stack effect and aspirating effect due to wind velocity. Mechanical ventilation: Design Forced ventilation system with or without air washer as per Client’s requirement and atmospheric condition. Air conditioning: to have human comfort, to have control ambient (temperature, humidity, air flow, and air filtering) inside building also as per process requirements various kind of air conditioning system: DX system, VRF system, chiller based air conditioning system, package AC system Techno-commercial comparative of various kind of air conditioning systems to have cost optimization and energy efficient system, selection of filters to have adequate indoor air quality, insulation selection, air distribution analysis, static pressure calculation, selection of type of chillers, etc. Selection of AC system based on Client’s budget, ambient condition, human and equipment load, power and water availability. Calculate heat load, air distribution diagram, air balancing, sizing of air handling unit, selection of type of chillers based of water, power and space availability. Duct sizing, Duct routing, duct interface with architectural/civil.
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Bagalkot (Karnataka)
Benefits of final year project
Your final year project (BE or ME) can help you in the following ways:
1. You can increase your overall percentage by scoring 90 to 95% marks through a good project.
2. An industry-oriented project can add extra weightage to your resume and help you get a good job in the core mechanical industry.
3. A technically good project can give you an added advantage if you are planning for higher studies in US, UK, Germany etc.
Hence, make your final-year project valuable even if it takes a little more time and effort.
Choose the right industry
You can choose one of the following industries for your project:
Aerospace, Automobile, Marine, HVAC, Oil & Gas, Industrial, Turbo-machines, Machine-tools, Appliances etc.
Choose the right type
You can choose one of the following types:
a. Experimental Projects:
i. This type of projects need good lab-facilities and hi-tech instrumentsfor measuring your experimental set-upaccurately. Only IITs and IISc have such facilities. Students from Tier II and private colleges try their best but mostly end-up in cooking-up the results or change the project at the last moment due to non-availability of the above facilities.
ii. Also it involves more time and cost for setting up the project for those students who are already tightly scheduled with final-exams or campus interviews.
iii. This type is feasible for those who don’t have such constraints.
b. Design Projects:
i. CAE Projects – Stress analysis, dynamic analysis etc.of aero, auto or mechanical systems can be done through these projects. New design, Improving performance, optimization can be accomplished. FEM based software like ANSYS, NASTRAN, RADIOSS, HYPERMESH etc. can be used.
ii. CFD Projects – Flow analysis, Thermal analysis, Aerodynamics improvement are the typical projects. This uses software like FLUENT, STAR-CCM+ are used for CFD analysis.
iii. Flexibility and accuracy are the major advantages in this type of projects.
iv. However it needs some additional training. To know more…
Job Opportunities
Interviewers give more weightage for good projects.
CAE or CFD projects in Aerospace and automobile systems have more job opportunities in India, US, Europe and Japan.
At the same time HVAC, Oil & Gas, Marine have good opportunities in Gulf.
Choose a RELEVANT project
Go aheadand choose the right project using the above factors. All the best….
Some Project Titles.
CFD projects in Automobile Industry
Design Optimization of Diesel Engine Manifold using CFD Simulations
Improving the mileage of a passenger car through aerodynamics re-design using CFD Techniques
CFD projects in Aerospace Industry
Prediction and minimization of drag on an aircraft wing using CFD Analysis
Design of aircraft safety systems using CFD analsyis
CAE project in Automobile Industry
Design optimization of chassis of a truck using CAE analysis
Redesign of a suspension system for passenger car using CAE analysis
CAE project in Aerospace Industry
Design optimization of nose-cone frame of an aircraft using CAE analysis
Performance optimization of wing-box of an aircraft using CAE analysis
More projects…
More Details :7760858858
The choice of the industry can be based on your interest or based on future job-opportunities.
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Mumbai (Maharashtra)
MY ACHIEVEMENTS THIS ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014 STUDENT’S DETAILS ANY TYPE OF DOUBT ABOUT MY RESULTS PLEASE CLARIFY (VERIFY) WITH STUDENTS I GIVEN STUDENT’S CELL NUMBERS BELOW (NO CHEATING ITS TRUE) V.J.T.I VIRMATA JIJABAI TECH INSTI: NAME: NEHA USANKAR (ELECTRICAL) (STUDENT CELL NO 9702054190) SEM III 8 POINTER SEM IV 9 POINTER THADOMAL (SHAHANI COLLEGE) NAME: JEET KHANDWALA (I T) (STUDENT CELL NO 9967457799) SEM I 60 MARKS SEM II 57 MARKS SEM III 68 MARKS SEM IV 64 MARKS DJ SANGHVI COLLEGE OF ENGI NAME: YUVRAJ KHANNA (ELECTRONICS) (STUDENT CELL NO 9820229903) SEM I 69 MARKS SEM II 70 MARKS SEM III 80 (Topper) MARKS SEM IV 80 (Topper) MARKS NAME: DEVANSH SHAH (PRODUCTION) (STUDENT CELL NO 9967644419) SEM I 66 MARKS SEM II 64 MARKS SEM III 74 MARKS SEM IV 84 (Topper) MARKS SARDAR PATEL COLLEGE NAME: MADHUSUDHAN BURUD (DROP OUT STU) SEM IV 74 MARKS GHARDA INSTITUTE OF TECH NAME: HIREN BHATARIA (IT) (STUDENT CELL NO 9987616061) SEM I 62 MARKS RIZVI COLLEGEOF ENGI NAME: KEDAR SANE (ELE &TELE) (K T STUDENT) SEM I 73 MARKS NAME: ASHIS KARMARKAR (ELE&TELE) SEM IV 63 MARKS RAJIV GANDHI COLLEGE NAME: HASNEN DAWOODJI (IT) SEM II 70 MARKS SEM III 63 MARKS K.J SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING NAME: KYATI VEERA (IT) (DIPLOMA STUDENT & K.T STUDENT) (STUDENT CELL NO 9769671960) SEM III 64 MARKS NAMES: JANEIL PATEL (ELE) (STUDENT CELL NO 9819812369) SEM II 61 MARKS NAME: SIMRAN (COM) (DIPLOMA STUDENT) SEM IV 60 MARKS MUKESH PATEL SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING) NAME: DIYA CHOWDHAURY (CIVIL) (STUDENT CELL NO 9757120004) SEM III 60 MARKS NAME: KINSHUK KHIMSARIA (ELE &TELE) (STUDENT CELL NO 8879419009) SEM III 65 MARKS SHAH & ANCHOR KUTCHHI NAME: CHINMY DWIVEDI (DIPLOMA STUDENT) (STUDENT’S MOBILE NO 9820235399) SEM IV 65 (Topper) MARKS ST.FRANCIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NAME : GAURAV PRABHU (ELE & TELE) (STUDENTS CELL NO:7498503381) SEM I 65 I AM GIVING SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR ALL ENGINEERING STUDENTS OF MUMBAI UNIVERSITY LEASE READ: I believe that everyone is of value and has a purpose in life. I have come to believe that my value lies in my ability to teach and assist others in a supportive capacity. I am often reminded of the importance of what Einstein once said: “Try not to be a person of success, but rather a person of value” For maths one of the best book is kumbhojkar (kumbhojkar is the god father for all Eng. students) I am teaching this book last 8 years for all sem of Mumbai university my result is 100 per cent (no cheating) 1) Practice only examples (one-one problem by pen no cheating) 2) Maintain the formula sheet by hand (it gives very good result) 3) Tech max board papers last 6 years practice very well (by hand each and every problem no cheating) 4) Concept clarification is very-very imp (no by-heart) 5) Group study (maximum only 2) it gives also very good result (but no cheating) 6) All students of Mumbai please attempt 90 to 100 marks otherwise nobody can help you even god also 7) Your god father is only kumbhojkar 8) Be serious (then only you like the maths) 9) discuss subject (like formulas, imp concepts, paper pattern, like) with close friends (no other matters) 10) be happy and do enjoy always 11) Parents should not nag their children for studies and not put presser in them Thank you all the best 1.my qualification I. B.Sc. (Maths) from Khalsa College, M.Sc. (math’s) from university of Mumbai (kalina ) also I done B.Ed. (maths) from Mumbai University My name is Prof Babu Cell no 9892552145
₹ 600
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
Looking for final year project on these domains:
BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2012, IEEE Projects 2013, EMBEDDED Projects,
.NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2012/2013 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects.
Are u looking for final year projects for:
1. BE final year studens
2. MCA final year students
3. Engineering final year mini projects
4. MCA final year mini projects
5. BSC final year projects
6. MSc final year projects
7. BCA final year projects
8. DIPLOMA final year projects
9. MTECH final year projects
10. ME final year projects
11. BTECH final year projects
Here is the solution for all type of projects
Contact us:
Vijayanagar, Bangalore-40
E-mail: modainnovationsin@gmail.com
Web Site: www.finalyearprojects.modainnovations.com
Mobile: 9538304161
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Delhi (Delhi)
All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Electronics Engineering The Gate Coach is providing Electronics Engineering All India Test Series for Gate 2017.It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Electronics engineering for gate 2017. This test series is based on latest gate 2017 exam pattern. For Electronics engineering students, the schedule will be- SR NO DATE EXAM 1. 5th Oct. 2016 Network 2. 12th Oct. 2016 Electronic Devices 3. 19th Oct. 2016 Analog Circuits 4. 26th Oct.2016 Digital Circuits 5. 2nd Nov. 2016 Signal & System 6. 9th Nov. 2016 Control system 7. 16th Nov. 2016 Communications 8. 23rd Nov. 2016 Electromagnetic 9. 30th Nov. 2016 Engineering Maths 10. 7th Dec. 2016 General Aptitude Comprehensive 10 tests for All India Electronics Engineering GATE 2017 Online Test Series Sr no DATE 01. 10th Dec. 2016 02. 14th Dec.2016 03. 18th Dec.2016 04. 22nd Dec.2016 05. 26th Dec.2016 06. 30th Dec.2016 07. 3rd Jan. 2017 08. 7th Jan.2017 09. 11th Jan.2017 10. 15th Jan.2017 Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Benefits of final year project
Your final year project (BE or ME) can help you in the following ways:
1. You can increase your overall percentage by scoring 90 to 95% marks through a good project.
2. An industry-oriented project can add extra weightage to your resume and help you get a good job in the core mechanical industry.
3. A technically good project can give you an added advantage if you are planning for higher studies in US, UK, Germany etc.
Hence, make your final-year project valuable even if it takes a little more time and effort.
Choose the right industry
You can choose one of the following industries for your project:
Aerospace, Automobile, Marine, HVAC, Oil & Gas, Industrial, Turbo-machines, Machine-tools, Appliances etc.
More projects…
More Details : 7760858858
Choose the right type
You can choose one of the following types:
Experimental Projects:
This type of projects need good lab-facilities and hi-tech instrumentsfor measuring your experimental set-upaccurately. Only IITs and IISc have such facilities. Students from Tier II and private colleges try their best but mostly end-up in cooking-up the results or change the project at the last moment due to non-availability of the above facilities.
ii. Also it involves more time and cost for setting up the project for those students who are already tightly scheduled with final-exams or campus interviews.
iii. This type is feasible for those who don’t have such constraints.
b. Design Projects:
i. CAE Projects – Stress analysis, dynamic analysis etc.of aero, auto or mechanical systems can be done through these projects. New design, Improving performance, optimization can be accomplished. FEM based software like ANSYS, NASTRAN, RADIOSS, HYPERMESH etc. can be used.
ii. CFD Projects – Flow analysis, Thermal analysis, Aerodynamics improvement are the typical projects. This uses software like FLUENT, STAR-CCM+ are used for CFD analysis.
iii. Flexibility and accuracy are the major advantages in this type of projects.
iv. However it needs some additional training. To know more…
Job Opportunities
Interviewers give more weightage for good projects.
CAE or CFD projects in Aerospace and automobile systems have more job opportunities in India, US, Europe and Japan.
At the same time HVAC, Oil & Gas, Marine have good opportunities in Gulf.
Choose a RELEVANT project
Go aheadand choose the right project using the above factors. All the best….
Some Project Titles.
CFD projects in Automobile Industry
Design Optimization of Diesel Engine Manifold using CFD Simulations
Improving the mileage of a passenger car through aerodynamics re-design using CFD Techniques
CFD projects in Aerospace Industry
Prediction and minimization of drag on an aircraft wing using CFD Analysis
Design of aircraft safety systems using CFD analsyis
CAE project in Automobile Industry
Design optimization of chassis of a truck using CAE analysis
Redesign of a suspension system for passenger car using CAE analysis
CAE project in Aerospace Industry
Design optimization of nose-cone frame of an aircraft using CAE analysis
Performance optimization of wing-box of an aircraft using CAE analysis
More projects…
More Details : 7760858858
The choice of the industry can be based on your interest or based on future job-opportunities.
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Online Engineering Entrance Exams Courses , many type online engineering course are available in our country . many student do different-different engineering courses by B-TECH, IIT , AIEEE, BE, BCA, MCA , etc for adopting full review of these courses visit site http://exams.scholarslearning.com here you find detail besides this here you can see collage and study material related to these courses.
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
Looking for final year project on these domains:
BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2013, IEEE Projects 2013, EMBEDDED Projects,
.NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2013/2014 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects.
Are u looking for final year projects for:
1. BE final year studens
2. MCA final year students
3. Engineering final year mini projects
4. MCA final year mini projects
5. BSC final year projects
6. MSc final year projects
7. BCA final year projects
8. DIPLOMA final year projects
9. MTECH final year projects
10. ME final year projects
11. BTECH final year projects
Here is the solution for all type of projects
Contact us:
Vijayanagar, Bangalore-40
E-mail: modainnovationsin@gmail.com
Web Site: www.finalyearprojects.modainnovations.com
Mobile: 9538304161
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
Looking for final year project on these domains:
BE/BTech Engineering final year Projects , MCA final year projects, MTech final year Projects , MSc final year Projects, BSc final year projects, Diploma final year projects, BCA final year Projects , IEEE Projects 2013-14, IEEE Projects 2014, EMBEDDED Projects,
.NET projects , J2EE Projects, Projects 2013/2014 , J2ME Projects , ANDROID Projects, BLUETOOTH Projects , RTOS Projects, VLSI/FPGA Projects, WIRELESS Projects, MATLAB Projects , ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, ROBOTICS Projects , PHP Projects, CLOUD COMPUTING Projects, NETWORKING Projects, ADHOC NETWORKS Projects, IMAGE PROCESSING Projects, BIOMEDICAL Projects.
We work on projects for all braches:
1. BE final year studens
2. MCA final year students
3. Engineering final year mini projects
4. MCA final year mini projects
5. BSC final year projects
6. MSc final year projects
7. BCA final year projects
8. DIPLOMA final year projects
9. MTECH final year projects
10. ME final year projects
11. BTECH final year projects
Here is the solution for all type of projects
Contact us:
Vijayanagar, Bangalore-40
E-mail: modainnovationsin@gmail.com
Web Site: www.modainnovations.in/www.modainnovations.com
Mobile: 9538304161
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Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)
Story... Fiction.. Education..civil service.. Medical.. Engineering.. Entrance books all type books haalf price
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Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)
The Gate Coach is pioneer Institute for Gate Coaching in Delhi. We are providing Regular classroom program for Gate 2018. This program will thoroughly prepare students for competitive exams. Faculty: Our expert faculty panel offer inspiration, guidance, training and modelling through their continuous motivation and support. The goal of Regular classroom program is to increase achievement by helping the students: • Empower individual student's self-confidence for their work, • Resolve doubts • Reduces the habit of silly mistakes, • Ensure better study, • Proper understanding of their subjects. Study Material: Printed study material is available for all the topics of syllabus. Assignments & previous year solved gate papers are also provided to all registered candidates. Test Series: Online & Offline test series is also included in this package. Key Features Our Regular Classroom Program contains: • 500–600 hours of regular classroom program in respective engineering streams, • Minimum 5 days classes per week, • There will be 6 hours class on scheduled day, • Problem solving tricks will be provided. • Strategies to tackle the exam. • Printed study material for all the subjects, • Simulated online test series based on Exam patterns.. • We provide extra sessions for the student’s queries, • Rank improvement Sessions after course completion, • Doubt clearing sessions, • Performance test will be conducted after the completion of each subject. In addition to that, • The program also includes the General Aptitude and English. • Detailed discussion for each and every topic of previous year questions and probable questions of written tests and interviews. • Important questions which are asked in exam most frequently. • Extra classes are taken for synopsis and topic wise formula. • Tricks to solve objective question. • Last 20 years objective type questions of GATE examination. For further query feel free to call us at- 9818652587/ 09971139774 You can register yourself with our Website: www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, HauzKhas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 20.000
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Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Book contains Objective Type solved Questions of Mechanical Engineering for GATE and PSUs
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Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
Completely new book Mcq and subjective type book for civil engineering sk duggal very neat and clean, rcc building material etc.
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Latur (Maharashtra)
An integrated course in electrical engineering by JB Gupta (9th edition) with 15000+ objective type questions with answers
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Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Civil engineering through objective type questions
Third edition
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Delhi (Delhi)
Theory book and practice book and all type questions book civil engineering 2022 and 2023
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Patna (Bihar)
15000 Objective type questions book good condition no damage new book
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Delhi (Delhi)
Conventional and Objective type 4500+ Objectives questions
One of the best book for quick revision and practice question
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All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Gate 2017 test series The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Electrical engineering for gate 2017. This test series is based on latest gate 2017 exam pattern. For Electrical engineering students, the schedule will be- SR NO DATE EXAM 1. 5th Oct. 2016 Electric Circuit and Fields 2. 12th Oct. 2016 Electrical Machines 3. 19th Oct. 2016 Power System 4. 26thOct.2016 Analog & Digital Electronics 5. 2nd Nov. 2016 Signal & System 6. 9th Nov. 2016 Control system 7. 16thNov. 2016 Electrical & Electronics Measurements 8. 23rdNov. 2016 Power Electronics & Drives 9. 30th Nov. 2016 Engineering Mathematics 10. 7th Dec. 2016 General Aptitude Comprehensive 10 tests for All India Electrical Engg GATE 2017 Online Test Series Sr no DATE 01. 10th Dec. 2016 02. 14th Dec.2016 03. 18th Dec.2016 04. 22nd Dec.2016 05. 26th Dec.2016 06. 30th Dec.2016 07. 3rd Jan. 2017 08. 7th Jan.2017 09. 11th Jan.2017 10. 15th Jan.2017 Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Delhi (Delhi)
All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Gate 2017 test series The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Mechanical engineering for gate 2017. This test series is based on latest gate 2017 exam pattern. For Mechanical engineering students, the schedule will be- SR NO DATE EXAM 1. 5th Oct. 2016 F.M. & Machinery 2. 12th Oct. 2016 Thermo & Power Plant 3. 19th Oct. 2016 Theory of Machine & Vibrations 4. 26thOct.2016 Strength of Material 5. 2nd Nov. 2016 Industrial Engg. 6. 9th Nov. 2016 Production Engg. - I 7. 16thNov. 2016 Heat Transfer 8. 23rdNov. 2016 Production Engg. - II 9. 30th Nov. 2016 Machine Design 10. 7th Dec. 2016 Engineering Mechanics Comprehensive 10 tests for All India Mechanical Engg GATE 2017 Online Test Series Sr no DATE 01. 10th Dec. 2016 02. 14th Dec.2016 03. 18th Dec.2016 04. 22nd Dec.2016 05. 26th Dec.2016 06. 30th Dec.2016 07. 3rd Jan. 2017 08. 7th Jan.2017 09. 11th Jan.2017 10. 15th Jan.2017 Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Delhi (Delhi)
All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Gate 2017 test series The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Civil engineering for gate 2017. This test series is based on latest gate 2017 exam pattern. For Civil engineering students, the schedule will be- SR NO DATE EXAM 1. 5th Oct. 2016 R.C.C 2. 12th Oct. 2016 SOIL MECHANICS 3. 19th Oct. 2016 SOM 4. 26thOct.2016 F.M. 5. 2nd Nov. 2016 SURVEYING. 6. 9th Nov. 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGG. 7. 16thNov. 2016 HIGHWAY 8. 23rdNov. 2016 STEEL STRUCTURE 9. 30th Nov. 2016 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 10. 7th Dec. 2016 IRRIGATION & HYDROLOGY Comprehensive 10 tests for All India civil Engg GATE 2017 Online Test Series Sr no DATE 01. 10th Dec. 2016 02. 14th Dec.2016 03. 18th Dec.2016 04. 22nd Dec.2016 05. 26th Dec.2016 06. 30th Dec.2016 07. 3rd Jan. 2017 08. 7th Jan.2017 09. 11th Jan.2017 10. 15th Jan.2017 Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Delhi (Delhi)
All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Gate 2017 test series The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. This test series is based on latest gate 2017 exam pattern. For civil engineering students the schedule will be- Copy Civil engg test papers schedule from here- http://www.thegatecoach.com/test1/CourseDetail.aspx?Id=4 Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 6 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5.Demo test option available to try and then you may buy. Roma Singh (09818652587)-(09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Delhi (Delhi)
Gate 2017 Free Demo Online Test- https://bestgateiescoaching.com/gate-2017-free-online-mock-test/ All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Mechanical Engineering The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Mechanical engineering for gate 2017. Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
See product

Delhi (Delhi)
Gate 2017 Free Demo Online Test- https://bestgateiescoaching.com/gate-2017-free-online-mock-test/ All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Civil Engineering The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Civil engineering for gate 2017. Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Delhi (Delhi)
Gate 2017 Free Demo Online Test- https://bestgateiescoaching.com/gate-2017-free-online-mock-test/ All India GATE 2017 Test Series for Electrical Engineering The Gate Coach is providing All India Test Series for Gate 2017. It includes 20 tests on the latest gate pattern. Features of online test series- 1. Unique question papers for subject wise test for 8 branches of GATE. 2. Papers are set according to latest exam pattern of Gate 2017. 3. Question type as per latest pattern-fill in the blanks, linked data, common data, multiple choice & objective type questions for Gate 2017. 4. Auto assessment, auto ranking and display of results by test name on a page for all appeared candidates. 5. Demo test option is available for try and then you may buy online test series in Electrical engineering for gate 2017. Roma Singh (09818652587)- HARSH (09873452122) Visit us at www.thegatecoach.com follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thegatecoach The Gate Coach 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 011-26529998, 26528213
₹ 2.000
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Pune (Maharashtra)
Module: SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) SAP SD is functional Module dealing with complete Sales and Distribution of Services and Material for any organization. SAP SD functional consultant works from the perspective sales and Distribution of the business in SAP. They are responsible for understanding the current Business Process and subsequently mapping them in SAP. Depending upon the nature of the project the roles and responsibility of SAP SD consultant differs. Good SAP Consultant should have thorough understanding of Sales Process and Standard Business Functionalities provided by SAP. Prerequisite for training Bachelor degree in engineering & sales and marketing Postgraduate degree / diploma in management Working experience in Sales and Marketing would be an added advantage Training Course Content Section-I-Enterprise Structure Enterprise structure in Sales Definition and assignment of organizational elements Document types in sales & distribution Section-II-Catering Master Data Material master record Customer master record Customer material info record Condition master data Defining account group and partner functions Creating number range and assignment Section-III-Documents Document types and functions – Sales, Delivery and Billing Document Control – Document type, item category control and determination schedule line category control and determination Copy Control – Requirement Data Transfer Routines document Flow & Pricing Type Section-IV-Basic setting (Condition technique) Pricing Determination Material Determination Listing / Exclusion Revenue Account Determination Output Determination Free Goods Determination Item Proposal Incompletion Procedure Route Determination Shipping Point Determination Availability Check Transfer of Requirements Credit Management Section-V-Advanced Topics Inter Company Business Processing Third Party order processing Cross Company Stock Transfers (STO) Trainer’s Profile Working consultants, Module Leads and Project Managers with CMM level 5 companies Freelancers Extensive exposure on various projects covering end-to-end implementation, upgrades, rollouts, enhancements, supports etc. Excellent flair of consulting and training Course Duration Flexible training schedule 60+ hours of class room training Weekdays & Weekend batches Course Fee Rs. 30,000 (INR) System Access 24X7 access to SAP software via internet across globe. Additional Features: Fully comprehensive and practical approach in transferring knowledge Provision of configuration steps Provision of study material strictly from interview point of view Comprehensive test towards the end of the course Preparation for interview Reformatting of CV Contact detail +91-9325793756 (info@learninghub.co.in)
₹ 25
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