Watering container
Top sales list watering container

Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
GROWNGREEN UTILITIES Dear Sirs This has reference to the telephone discussion I had with your Gentleman on mobile No. 91 95436 66675 today. Let me introduce you Mr. C.V. Jaykumar Marketing Executive of Grown green Utilities, Coimbatore. We are engaged in manufacturing “Growngreen” brand Self Watering Plant Containers. Conservation of water is the prime concern that the country is facing and will continue to encounter in what promises to be bleak days ahead. As a response to the grave situation, one needs to water their vegetables or decorative plants kept outside or inside their homes very sparingly. Is it not amazing to know that Growngreen utilities have developed a gadget minimising the use of water to a un believable low levels. The water level indicator eliminates the dilemma of guess work of over-watering or under-watering. A fascinating part is any type of vegetable or decorative plants can be grown. Self-Watering Plant Containers can increase plant life, provide high yield and above all keep the plants healthy. Philosophically the plants grown in the self-watering containers remain practically stress-free in its growing and yielding process, Growngreen utilities earnestly wish to Associate with M/s green India. We would like you to market our product and similarly, we also would like to actively involve in marketing your products. In the mean, while we would like to furnish as desired by you the information sought by you. NAME OF PROPRIETOR; C.SREEDHARAN PRODUCT NAME; GROWNGREEN SELF WATERING PLANT CONTAINER SIZE OF THE CONTAINER; LENGTH 49 CM WIDTH 33 CM HEIGHT 20 CM COLOUR BLACK OR ANY COLOUR (PRICE MAY VARY) INTERIOR RESORVOIER 4.5 LTR TOTAL INTERIOR VOLUME 22.5 CC WEB SITE http://www.growngreen.in email id [email protected] COST Rs. 600/- TRANSPORTING CHARGES 500 Nos, AND ABOVE FREE TRANSPORTATION CHARGE BELOW 500 Nos. ACTUALS FORWARDING CHARGES FREE PACKING CHARGES FREE FOR ORDINARY PACKING POTTING MIX HIGH-QUALITY POTTING MIX AVAILABLE AT THE RATE OF Rs, 20 PER KG. EXFACTORY. THE DIAGRAM AND THE PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PRODUCT We earnestly hope that you will look into this aspect and extend your hands in our mutual venture. For Grown green utilities Marketing Head Loading C.V. JAYAKUMAR
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