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S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
Gmada Plots in Sector 88-89 Mohali | Gmada 200 square yard land Mohali sector 88&89 mohali | gmada 200 square yards plots | resale in sector-88&89 mohali | gmadaaerocity | gmadaecocity | gmadasco in sector 89 | gmada booth | 500 syd plot in sector 88-89 | gmadalandpooling plots | landpooling plots in mohali | gmada showroom | landpoolingsco plots Broadways Real Estate Send SUBSCRIBE on WHATSAPP to 9501031800 for Property Update. Website: broadwaysrealestate.com Sanjay: 95010-31800, Vikas: 98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com Facebook: facebook.com/broadwaysrealestate.mohali Plots Available on Resale at GMADA Sector 88 Mohali Gmada Sector 88 Plot, 100-Syd @24500-PSY GmadaLandpooling Sector 88 Plot, 200-Syd @22700-PSY Gmada Sector 89 Plot , 300-Syd @19000-PSY SCO Showroom Plot at Sector 89, 100-Syd @81-Lakh Proximity of Gmada Sector 89 Mohali Proposed International Airport: 7-KM Proposed Metro Station: 2-KM Mohali Railway Station: 5-KM Mohali Cricket Stadium: 4-Km NIPER and Fortis Hospital: 3-KM Upcoming GMADA IT Park on 1900 Acres: 6-KM District Administrative Complex: 1-Km Max Hospital: 5-Km FatehBurj at ChapparChiri: 3-KM Quark City and other IT Institutes: 3-Km North Country Mall (Asia Biggest Mall, Launch Feb-2014): 4-Km Near to 350-Acre Knowledge City Sector 81, Mohali Near to Indian School of Business (ISB) Near to National Importance Institutes like NABI, NIPER, IISER, ISB , NINT Details of GmadaLandpooling Plots Sector 88/89 Coming up with 400 acres of mix land use development Around 1000 residential plots are planned in this sector Strategically located in the center of Mohali Best located Sectors among GMADA owned Projects. Price is only half as compared to Adjoining Sectors. LOI (Letter of Intent) of Land-pooling plots already issued. Transfer has been already open for residential plots. Near to Saheedan Sahib Gurudwara and DAC Complex Plot Size with LOI available are 100/200/300/400/500-Syd Also have LOI of Booth of size 10 and 20-SYD Showroom (SCO) Plots of 100-SYD (18’ X 50’) are also available
₹ 4.540.000
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India (All cities)
Are you planning to buy 200 sq.yd plots in ECO City? For assistance, contact the most qualified and experienced property consultants at Simrat Property. For years, they have been helping clients find the home they want while staying within their budget. When you liaise with the team, you will be assigned an expert advisor who will provide you with detailed and tailored property options every week until you select the one you like. It’s not like that at all! That’s not it! They may be able to help you with anything from house hunting to closing. They work with both residential and commercial properties, and have assisted many individuals and organizations in finding the ideal site. They can also help you with things like tenant management and real estate transactions. They also ensure that the asset chosen by you will pay you in real time. Contact Simrat Property for more information. https://www.simratproperty.com/eco-city
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Chandigarh (Chandigarh)
Omaxe Residential Plot 115 sqyd plot in Mullanpur Mohali @Broadways Real Estate 115 sqyd plots in omaxemullanpur | small plots in chandigarh | 150syd plots near chandigarh | 150syd plots in new chandigarh | omaxechandigarh extension mullanpur | omaxechandigarh extension mullanpur | omaxechandigarhextn plots | omaxechandigarh 150syd plots Broadways Real Estate Send SUBSCRIBE on WHATSAPP to 9501031800 for Property Update. Website: broadwaysrealestate.hpage.com Sanjay: 95010-31800, Vikas: 98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com Facebook: facebook.com/broadwaysrealestate.mohali Plots available on resale at OmaxeMullanpur Omaxe Small Plots, 115-Syd @28600-Per Sq Yard (Basic Price Only) Omaxe Phase-V Plots, 150-Syd @28800-Per Sq Yard (Basic Price Only) Proximity of Omaxe New Chandigarh 4 Kms from Chandigarh Boundary 2.5 Kms from 38-West Chandigarh Few minute drives from Chandigarh City Near to PGI hospital and Punjab University Very good connectivity with Baddi, Nalagarh and Mohali Near to Proposed Bus Stand Mullanpur Botanical Garden is near to Omaxe Township Near to Proposed Amusement Park Near to Proposed Health Village Beautiful view of mountains Shivalik Hills Going to be Punjabs first eco-town /Green City GmadaEcocity Plots already launched PCA stadium coming up in Mullanpur Going to be Punjab’s first ‘eco-town /Green City Allotted Price by OmaxeMullanpur Plot Size: 115,150 and 250 Sq Yards Location: Sector-5C, New Chandigarh Allotted Basic Sale Price (BSP) : 28800/- per SYD. EDC:Rs 1950/- PSY (Paid At Possession) Club Charges -- Rs 75000/- IFMS Charges - Rs 30000/- Power Backup -- Rs 20000/- KVA ( Min Of 3 KVA ) PLC -- As Applicable Bank Finance Facility Also Available
₹ 3.312.000
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Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Are you looking for the satisfactory residential plots in Noida at affordable prices? If yes, you need to check out the excellent offers available on Yamuna Expressway plots in Noida. It is a thrilling deal for the seekers who need to e book for plots for residential assets to expand on the Yamuna Expressway. It is a super assets plan proposed with the aid of the Yamuna Express authority plots under the Yamuna Expressway plots scheme. It could be an awesome funding for the shoppers, as they may get the best plots underneath the budget at the luxurious place on Yamuna Expressway. However, your dream to develop and residential or commercial belongings at the Yamuna Expressway will get fulfilled via booking furnished and undisputed plots at the toll road. More help visit my site: - https://www.noidacommercial.com/industrial-plots-yamuna-expr essway/
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S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
Plots in Gmada Sector 88 89 Mohali | 200 sq yd Plots for Sale in Mohali 88-89 gmada plots | gmada it city plots | gmada landpooling plots | gmada sco plots in mohali | gmada plots sector 88-89 mohali | gmada plots in mohali | plots in sector 88 & 89 mohali | gmada residential plots in mohali | gmada plots sector 88 | gmada mohali plots Broadways Real Estate Website: http://broadwaysrealestate.com Sanjay 95010-31800 | Vikas 98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com For Real Estate Update send SUBSCRIBE on WhatsApp 95010-31800 Facebook: https://facebook.com/broadwaysestate.mohali Gmada Sector 88 and 89 | Resale Availability Gmada Landpooling Plot 300-Syd Plot @19200-PSY Gmada Landpooling Plot 200-Syd Plot @22700-PSY Gmada Landpooling Plot 100-Syd Plot @24500-PSY Gmada Landpooling SCO Plot 100-Syd @79-Lk Gmada Landpooling Plots Sector 88 | Project Details Project Name: GMADA Sector 88/89 Developer: GMADA (PUDA), Govt of Punjab Location: Sector 88 and 89, Mohali LandMark: Near Saheedan Sahib Gurudwara and DAC Complex Total No. of Plots: 600 Project Area: ~400-Acres Allotment Type: Land Pooling Plots (LP) Plot Size: 100/200/300/400/500-Syd Size of Booth: 10/20-SYD Size of Showroom (SCO) Plots: 100-SYD (18’ X 50’) Letter of Intent (LOI) for Land Pooling SCO Plots, Booths and Residential Plots already issued Gmada Plots at Sector 89 | Location Advantage Proposed International Airport: 7-KM Proposed Metro Station: 2-KM Mohali Railway Station: 5-KM Mohali Cricket Stadium: 4-Km NIPER and Fortis Hospital: 3-KM Upcoming GMADA IT Park on 1900 Acres (Sector 66B, 82A, 83A, 101A): 6-KM District Administrative Complex: 1-Km Max Hospital: 5-Km Fateh Burj at Chappar Chiri: 3-KM Quark City and other IT Institutes: 3-Km North Country Mall (Asia Biggest Mall, Launch Feb-2014): 4-Km
₹ 5.760.000
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Chandigarh (Chandigarh)
Gmada Plots Ecocity | GmadaLandpooling Plots | Plots at at New Chandigarh Eco City 100 syd plot Mullanpur | eco city gmada | Eco City Mullanpur | eco city mullanpur brochure | eco city New Chandigarh | ecocitymullanpur | GmadaEcocity | eco city mullanpur plots | Gmada Eco city Mullanpur | Plots New Chandigarh | GmadaEcocity Plots Broadways Real Estate Website1: http://broadwaysrealestate.com Website2: http://broadwaysrealestate.hpage.com Sanjay 95010-31800| Vikas98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com For Real Estate Update send SUBSCRIBE on WhatsApp 95010-31800 Facebook: https://facebook.com/broadwaysestate.mohali GmadaEcocity Plots | Resale Availability 200-Sq Yard Residential Plot @28300-PSY 200-Syd Residential Plot Park Facing @66-Lakh 100-Syd Plot available @30-Lk 500-Syd Plot Near Park, Single Lane @25800-PSY GmadaEcocity Phase 1 | Project Details Project Name: GMADA Ecocity, Phase-1 Developer: GMADA (PUDA), Govt of Punjab Location: Sector 3B, New Chandigarh Extension, Mullanpur Total No. of Plots: 2800 Project Area: ~400-Acres Allotment Type: Allotted Plots (AP) and Land Pooling Plots (LP) Plot Size – 500 sqyd (50 * 90’) Plot Size – 400 sqyd (40 * 90’) Plot Size – 300 sqyd (36 * 75’) Plot Size – 200 sqyd (30 * 60’) SCO Plot – 100 sqyd (18 * 45’) Booth – 10 Sqyd and 20 Sq yard Allotted BSP for 100/200/300-Syd Plot: 15000/17000/18000 Allotted BSP for 400 or 500-Syd Plot: 19000-PSY Plots are available only on resale with premium GmadaEcocity Mullanpur | Location Advantage 4Kms from Chandigarh Boundary on Baddi Road Just 6Km’s from PGI Chandigarh Few minutes’ drive from Chandigarh City Near to PGI hospital Near to Punjab University / Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh Botanical Garden is near to ECO CITY Plots Near to Proposed Amusement Park / Film City by U.T Government Near to Proposed Health Village and Cricket Stadium GmadaEcocity Plots New Chandigarh | Amenities Eco City (New Chandigarh) is a new city bordering to Chandigarh. It is nestled in the Shivalik Foot Hills It is situated in the north of Chandigarh. Well-planned township with state of the art infrastructure development Eco City Phase-1 is located on a 200 feet wide arterial road. Eco City will have metalled roads, Ecocity has piped water supply, storm water drainage An extensive underground sewerage system GmadaEcocity PlotsNew Chandigarh Developed by GMADA, North of Chandigarh in New Chandigarh (Mullanpur) Eco City will have residential area with green belts Commercial establishments in the vicinity for providing shopping Located just 7-KM from PGI Chandigarh on 200 feet wide Madhya Marg Extension road A rejuvenating view of the Shivalik ranges makes the environs healthy Adjacent to proposed 125 acres Medicity, a hub of finest services in hospital care
₹ 5.660.000
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India (All cities)
New Leaf Homes Presents "PALI HILLS TOWN SHIP" ON 133' FT ROAD FARIDABAD SOHNA ROAD. Very closed to Delhi NCR Starting @13000/ Sq.yd. Plots size-60,80,100,150 n 200 Sq.yd. Pay in Easy installments... 25% Booking Amt.paid & Get Possetion to Your plots...
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S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
Plots for sale in GMADA | Gmada SCO Plots Sector 88/89 Mohali 88-89 Gmada Plots | Gmada IT City Plots | Gmada Landpooling Plots | Gmada SCO Plots in Mohali | Gmada Plots sector 88-89 MOHALI | Gmada Plots in MOHALI | Plots in sector 88 & 89 MOHALI | Gmada Residential Plots in MOHALI | Gmada Plots Sector 88 | Gmada Mohali Plots Broadways Real Estate Website: http://broadwaysrealestate.com Website: http://broadwaysrealestate.hpage.com Sanjay 95010-31800 | Vikas 98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com For Real Estate Update send SUBSCRIBE on WhatsApp 95010-31800 Facebook: https://facebook.com/broadwaysestate.mohali Gmada Sector 88 and 89 | Resale Availability 200-Syd Plot @22500-PSY 100-Syd Plot @24500-PSY SCO Plot 100-Syd @80-Lk Gmada Landpooling Plots Sector 88 | Project Details Project Name: GMADA Sector 88/89 Developer: GMADA (PUDA), Govt of Punjab Location: Sector 88 and 89, Mohali LandMark: Near Saheedan Sahib Gurudwara and DAC Complex Total No. of Plots: 600 Project Area: ~400-Acres Allotment Type: Land Pooling Plots (LP) Plot Size: 100/200/300/400/500-Syd Size of Booth: 10/20-SYD Size of Showroom (SCO) Plots: 100-SYD (18’ X 50’) Letter of Intent (LOI) for Land Pooling SCO Plots, Booths and Residential Plots already issued Gmada Plots at Sector 89 | Location Advantage Proposed International Airport: 7-KM Proposed Metro Station: 2-KM Mohali Railway Station: 5-KM Mohali Cricket Stadium: 4-Km NIPER and Fortis Hospital: 3-KM Upcoming GMADA IT Park on 1900 Acres (Sector 66B, 82A, 83A, 101A): 6-KM District Administrative Complex: 1-Km Max Hospital: 5-Km Fateh Burj at Chappar Chiri: 3-KM Quark City and other IT Institutes: 3-Km North Country Mall (Asia Biggest Mall, Launch Feb-2014): 4-Km Plots at Sector 88 and 89 Mohali | Amenities Proposed Commercial Hub Sector-87 of Mohali is adjoining JLPL Residential Sectors 90-91 already developed Adjoining to Court Complex and other important Govt. offices 60% of Construction work of “GMADA PURAB APARTMENTS” in Sector 88 is completed Near to Upcoming GMADA City Park Sector-97 (equivalent to half sector in size) Near to fully developed GMADA Sectors 76-80 It is believed that GMADA will award the development work of Sector 88-89 to L&T 100/60/40-Ftt wide access roads for residential pockets Maximum and evenly parks are allotted to these two sectors Gmada Landpooling Plots Sector 88/89 Mohali Close to all the important business destinations in Punjab & next to the Chandigarh International Airport, its commercial facilities will attract top business houses from all across the country. Poised to deliver the best of both the commercial and residential worlds, the Greater Mohali area has been planned by "Jurong International", the leading town planners and architects from Singapore. GMADA Sector 88/89 Mohali is coming up with 400 acres of mix land use development. Around 1000 residential plots are planned in this sector. Confirmed Land Pooling SCO Plots, Booths and Residential Plots with Letter of Intent (LOI) from GMADA Ecocity at Sector 88 and 89 Mohali are available for Sale. LOI has been issued by GMADA for LandPooling Plots to Farmers whose land has been acquired. These LOI is available in resale and transferable through GMADA
₹ 4.500.000
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India (All cities)
Resale Two side by side vacant plots at Molasur/Tindivanam (NH-66 Highway) 30 km to Pondicherry. Plots numbers 50 & 51 on layout. Land mark: Iyyanar Kovil on NH-66 Puducherry Highway (Molasur) Brokers welcome. Each plot at five lakhs.
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S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
!!! Vinod Sharma +91 7696061055 Emaar MGF Mohali Hills Residential Plots Mohali and Chandigarh are positioned contiguously with only the boundary of Punjab and Union Territory of Chandigarh demarcating them. Mohali Hills Emaar MGF is one of India’s leading real estate developers in the residential and commercial space. This is a joint venture betweenMGF Developments and Emaar Properties of Dubai. Close to Chandigarh lies the haven of Mohali Hills, a gated mixed use community for those who appreciate the best that life has to offer. Designed to nurture family living in a secure 3000 acre environment, Mohali Hills offers luxury villas, apartments, terraced town homes, leisure and shopping options which provide families with privacy and protection, yet the freedom to grow and flourish in a thriving neighborhood. Mohali Hills evokes charm and character, perfectly complemented by nature. Emaar MGF Mohali Hills Residential Plots Mohali and Chandigarh are positioned contiguously with only the boundary of Punjab and Union Territory of Chandigarh demarcating them. Mohali is being projected as a city with a very distinct image l so that it is not a mere suburb of Chandigarh. The major attributes are vast open spaces and large-scale industrial development; an already established population base and its easy connectivity to other cities. Plots available in Direct booking in Sector 99, 104, 105, 108 & 109 Emaar MGF Mohali Hills Sizes of plots available - , 250 sq yd, 300 sq yd, 400 sq yd, 500 sq yd Payment Plan - Time Linked (18 Months Payment Plan) Subvention Also Available With HDFC BANK & INDIABULLS. Rate- 20,000 PSY to 25000 PSY depends upon Sector. Additional charges - as applicable Plots also Available in resale, Premium depends upon size and location of plot. for more details please feel free to call Kamal Sharma +91 9041681254 + 91 9592790055
₹ 15
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S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
GMADA IT-City 200-Syd Fully Paid Plot for sale at Sector 82A Mohali it city mohali | gmada mohali land | gmada mohali project | it city gmada mohali | it city 200 sq yd plot available in mohali | gmada approved it city plots mohali | gmada residential land in mohali | plots in mohali | gmada approved plot in mohali | it city 300 gaj plot in mohali | it city sector 82a mohali Broadways Real Estate Send SUBSCRIBE on WHATSAPP to 9501031800 for Property Update. Website: broadwaysrealestate.hpage.com Sanjay: 95010-31800, Vikas: 98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com Facebook: facebook.com/broadwaysrealestate.mohali Gmada IT City Plots available on Resale at Mohali Gmada IT City 200 Syd Landpooling plot @20500-PSY Gmada IT City 300 Syd Landpooling plot @18500-PSY Gmada IT City SCO Plots @66-Lk Proximity of Sector 82A Mohali Mohali International Airport is 1.5 km Gmada Aerocity: 0.5-Km Railway Station, Mohali is 1-km Railway Station, Chandigarh is 10Km Administrative cum Judicial Complex, Mohali is 8-km Sector 62(City Centre), Mohali is 6-km Mohali Cricket Stadium: 6-Km NIPER and Fortis Hospital: 5-KM Near to 350-Acre Knowledge City Sector 81, Mohali Near to ISB, IISER, NIPER, NABI, NINT (Institute of National Importance) Price Allotted by Gmada Allotted Basic Price: 23500-Per Sq Yard Cancer Fund Tax: 2% of BSP PLC: 10% Single and 15% Double PLC is for Park facing or corner Allotted Plots are available on Resale only Also available Land pooling Gmada IT City plots at very attractive price GMADA Land Pooling Plots Against 1-ACRE 1000-Syd Residential Plots and SCO is given LOI against 1-ACRE is given to farmers by GMADA LOI is available in resale and shall be transferable LOI is transferred by GMADA with transfer fees of 2.5% of the circle rate Sizes of Land-pooling Residential Plots are 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500-SYD Size of Land-pooling Booth: 10/20-SYD Size of Land-pooling Showroom (SCO) Plots: 100-SYD (18’ X 50’)
₹ 4.100.000
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India (All cities)
HMDA APPROVED PLOTS FOR SALE at SHADNAGAR TOWN - HYDERABAD ?9701498367 / 7075512465 For WhatsApp - https://wa.me/message/D4HQ5BXWQHT7P1 For All Project Details Visit Catalogue On My WhatsApp https://wa.me/c/917075512465 PROJECT NAME : SILVER LEAF@ SHADNAGAR TOWN BASIC DETAILS : PRICE : 15999/- PER SQ YD slightly negotiable ACRES : 7.5 Acer's Total Plots @ 112 plots Plot number : 38 Facing : West Plot Size : 166.67 Sq yd Location Highlights ➤ Only venture adjacent to shadnagar ➤ 2 KM from Shadnagar Bus stop ➤ 2.5 KM from Shadnagar Railway Station ➤ Accessible to all facilities like schools, Super Market, Mall & Hospitals etc.. ➤ Surrounded by many MNCs like P&G, Johnson & Johnson, NATCO Pharma ➤ Near the Outer Ring Road (ORR) ➤ Adjacent to Hyderabad - Bangalore NH (Kothur JN) FOR MORE DETAILS & SITE VISIT CONTACT NOW Best Regards Sirisha Paladugu Thank You
₹ 15.999
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India (All cities)
HMDA Final LP APPROVED VILLA PLOTS FOR SALE ~ SHADNAGAR TOWN - HYDERABAD ?9701498367 / 7075512465 For WhatsApp - https://wa.me/message/D4HQ5BXWQHT7P1 For All Project Details Visit Catalogue On My WhatsApp https://wa.me/c/917075512465 PROJECT NAME : SILVER LEAF@ SHADNAGAR TOWN BASIC DETAILS : PRICE : 15999/- PER SQ YD slightly negotiable ACRES : 7.5 Acer's Total Plots @ 112 plots Plot number : 38 Facing : West Plot Size : 166.67 Sq yd Location Highlights ➤ Only venture adjacent to shadnagar ➤ 2 KM from Shadnagar Bus stop ➤ 2.5 KM from Shadnagar Railway Station ➤ Accessible to all facilities like schools, Super Market, Mall & Hospitals etc.. ➤ Surrounded by many MNCs like P&G, Johnson & Johnson, NATCO Pharma ➤ Near the Outer Ring Road (ORR) ➤ Adjacent to Hyderabad - Bangalore NH (Kothur JN) FOR MORE DETAILS & SITE VISIT CONTACT NOW Best Regards Sirisha Paladugu Thank You
₹ 15.999
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India (All cities)
? For More Details & Site Visit ??9701498367 WhatsApp - https://wa.me/message/D4HQ5BXWQHT7P1 For All Project Details Visit Catalogue On WhatsApp : https://wa.me/c/917075512465 HMDA & RERA Approved Open Plots with Bank loan @ Maheshwaram Town - near Srisailam highway ?️ Hyderabad & ORR and E - City Back side PROJECT NAME ARCADIA ✍️HMDA & RERA approved ✍️ RERA P02400005032 ✍️ Acres : 8 Acres ✍️ Total plots : 108 ✍️ Sizes : 170 - 600 sq yd ✍️ Price : 21,999/- per sq yd + Extras ( Negotiable ) ✍️ All Facings & Corners & Commercial Available ✅ Bank Loan Available ✍️ Spot Registrations BEST REGARDS Sirisha Paladugu Thank You
₹ 21.999
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S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
Emaar MGF Mohali, New Plots At Sector 109 Near Chandigarh emaar mgf mohali hills | emaar mgf mohali plots | emaar mgf mohali prices | emaar mgf mohali sector 109 | emaar 12 marla plots mohali | emaar mgf sector 109 mohali hills | emaar plots mohali | sector 109 mohali hills | plots in mohali | emaar mgf mohali plots sector 108 Broadways Real Estate Send SUBSCRIBE on WHATSAPP to 9501031800 for Property Update. Website: broadwaysrealestate.hpage.com Sanjay: 95010-31800, Vikas: 98728-31800 Email: sales@broadwaysrealestate.com Facebook: facebook.com/broadwaysrealestate.mohali Plots available on Resale at Emaar MGF Sector 109 Mohali Emaar MGF Sec-109 Plots, Front Location 300-Syd, Park Facing@47-Lk Emaar MGF Sec-108 Plots, 300-Syd, Registry Case @43-Lk Emaar MGF Sec-108 Plots, 300-Syd, Non-PLC @44-Lk Proximity of Emaar MGF Sector 108 Proposed International Airport: 8-KM Mohali Cricket Stadium, NIPER and Fortis Hospital: 4-KM Upcoming GMADA IT Park on 1900 Acres: 3-KM Strategically located on Landran Banur Highway Multiple connectivity’s to all sectors of Mohali Shopping Centers and entertainment avenues in vicinity Academic institution in the neighborhood Few minutes away from Proposed Metro Station PCA Stadium: 7-KM Fortis hospital:8-KM Quark & Dell: 6-KM Mohali railway station: 7-KM Allotted Price by Emaar MGF Mohali Sector 108 and 109 Emaar MGF Mohali: BSP: 20,000/- per sqyd (Fresh Booking) EDC: 808/- per sqyd PLC: 12.5% on bsp Payment Plan: Down Payment/ Installment Plan 20% Discount on Basic Price for Down-Payment Plan 15% Discount o Basic Price for Installment Plan Also available plots on Resale with Allotted BSP of Rs 11500/- PSY Bank loan available thru HDFC Bank
₹ 4.000.000
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