Generic chit fund software is the most advanced and modern chit fund software in India, we are provide Bulk sms integrations, Terminal machine collection integration, android mobile app integration and payment gateway integration also.
Bulk SMS Integration:
1) Wishes SMS,
2) Arrear SMS,
3) Payment SMS,
4) Auction Info SMS,
5) SMS To All
1) Wishes SMS:
Chit fund company add the customer profile information ,that time add date of birth, that dob based send the wishes for your customer. Open the software which customer celebrate the birthday today date that customer details notification show , chit fund company can send the wishes sms to customers.
2) Arrear SMS:
Chit fund company collet the due amount after auction, some customer not pay the due amount , that time chit companies will send the due reminder sms in single customer or group wise send it.
3) Payment SMS:
Customer pay the due amount that time chit fund company make the due entries and generate the receipt click a save button, automatically send the payment sms in customer register mobile number. Generic chit fund software integrate this format, it is reduced the separate send sms options.
4) Auction Info SMS:
Chit fund company conduct auction which customer asking highest bid amount, that customer win the auction prized customer, this information you can pass in your chit group members through sms options. Incase some time auction date postponed the can inform your chit group members, it is helpful for chit companies.
5) SMS To All:
Any Information you can pass your all customer 's , in your customer list you can use this type sms. Like that New chit group launching, New year, Diwali, Pongal Wishes that you can this type of sms.
Generic chit fund software is always helpful chit fund companies, and reduced the manual work, manpower work and human errors.For more details contact us:
+91 9788037825,
+91 8098129659,
Bulk SMS Integration:
1) Wishes SMS,
2) Arrear SMS,
3) Payment SMS,
4) Auction Info SMS,
5) SMS To All
1) Wishes SMS:
Chit fund company add the customer profile information ,that time add date of birth, that dob based send the wishes for your customer. Open the software which customer celebrate the birthday today date that customer details notification show , chit fund company can send the wishes sms to customers.
2) Arrear SMS:
Chit fund company collet the due amount after auction, some customer not pay the due amount , that time chit companies will send the due reminder sms in single customer or group wise send it.
3) Payment SMS:
Customer pay the due amount that time chit fund company make the due entries and generate the receipt click a save button, automatically send the payment sms in customer register mobile number. Generic chit fund software integrate this format, it is reduced the separate send sms options.
4) Auction Info SMS:
Chit fund company conduct auction which customer asking highest bid amount, that customer win the auction prized customer, this information you can pass in your chit group members through sms options. Incase some time auction date postponed the can inform your chit group members, it is helpful for chit companies.
5) SMS To All:
Any Information you can pass your all customer 's , in your customer list you can use this type sms. Like that New chit group launching, New year, Diwali, Pongal Wishes that you can this type of sms.
Generic chit fund software is always helpful chit fund companies, and reduced the manual work, manpower work and human errors.For more details contact us:
+91 9788037825,
+91 8098129659,
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