Extreme Edition supports the capture of pictures, audio, video, calendars, notes and much more. It also offers call and ambient local recording, as well as the ability to remotely control the camera. Extreme Edition captured data is uploaded to to your private web account,Log into your private and secure web account to view from any computer.
Features : Call Interception :
Listen to your partners phone calls as they happen. You specify which numbers you are suspicious about and when a call (incoming / outgoing) occurs you are notified by SMS. Simply dial your partners number and you are silently connected. No-one will know.
Spy Call :
Turn their phones microphone on secretly to listen in to whats going on in the room around their cellphone. Are they really alone at 2am ? What are they saying about you to their friends and family ?
SMS Logging :
Who are they always texting, who's texts do they always delete, now you can see ALL incoming and outgoing texts from your partners phone, even if they delete them. Log into your web account and see
GPS Tracking :
Are they where they say they are? Now you can go where they go - track them on an interactive Google-style map based on their GPS location. Log into your web account and see where they are
IM Logging:
On certain cell phones, you will be able to read their instant messages. These include Whats App and Blackberry IM. Contact LIVE CHAT for specific details
Call History :
We have the features you need to better understand your partners habits; call logs, call duration, device changes, SIM alert notifications. Everything you need to catch them cheating.
Email Logging :
Does your partner use their phone for work? Or simply for e-mail. Now you can read all their e-mail at your leisure from your secure web account
Address book:
Who are they calling and texting the most this month, has it changed since last month? These can be indicators of cheating. Now you can look through their address book and find out who they are friends with, and more importantly; who they Have added
Supported Symbian Phones, Android Phones, iPhone, BlackBerry:
Even More Features... :
Contact for More Details : +919825020894
Features : Call Interception :
Listen to your partners phone calls as they happen. You specify which numbers you are suspicious about and when a call (incoming / outgoing) occurs you are notified by SMS. Simply dial your partners number and you are silently connected. No-one will know.
Spy Call :
Turn their phones microphone on secretly to listen in to whats going on in the room around their cellphone. Are they really alone at 2am ? What are they saying about you to their friends and family ?
SMS Logging :
Who are they always texting, who's texts do they always delete, now you can see ALL incoming and outgoing texts from your partners phone, even if they delete them. Log into your web account and see
GPS Tracking :
Are they where they say they are? Now you can go where they go - track them on an interactive Google-style map based on their GPS location. Log into your web account and see where they are
IM Logging:
On certain cell phones, you will be able to read their instant messages. These include Whats App and Blackberry IM. Contact LIVE CHAT for specific details
Call History :
We have the features you need to better understand your partners habits; call logs, call duration, device changes, SIM alert notifications. Everything you need to catch them cheating.
Email Logging :
Does your partner use their phone for work? Or simply for e-mail. Now you can read all their e-mail at your leisure from your secure web account
Address book:
Who are they calling and texting the most this month, has it changed since last month? These can be indicators of cheating. Now you can look through their address book and find out who they are friends with, and more importantly; who they Have added
Supported Symbian Phones, Android Phones, iPhone, BlackBerry:
Even More Features... :
Contact for More Details : +919825020894
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