Truepush, a free-forever push notification tool for web and mobile, made it's debut into the SaaS market in January 2019 by trending as the product of the day on ProductHunt. Truepush earned great feedback from the users in terms of product and design. This push notifications product is now serving its active clients with the best features in line: RSS-to-push, Triggers, Audience Segmentation, Templates, etc., and is all set to launch advanced features, APIs, plugins, and updates very soon. Push notifications are clickable pop-up messages that appear on the user's device as long as the user subscribes to a website. While emails have 2-5% conversion rates in terms of click to action, push messages have anywhere between 5-10X better open rates based on their Industry. This simple, yet effective push notification tool is going viral because of its free-forever strategy, robust customer support and better feature options. Other push notification companies mostly have push notifications free only until limited subscribers count, and when it crosses the threshold, it then gets difficult for platforms to engage users at the low cost. And, this is where Truepush takes the lead as websites with a very few subscribers to millions of subscribers can use the tool for free.
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