This Weissenborn guitar is a professional, stage performing, fun & frolic guitar to amuse oneself with a different tone of varieties not available with other slide acoustic guitars. Since the Guitar has built in Piezoelectric Pickup & extra optimum depth of the sound box with open neck equally at the same level which enhances its tone and viability of producing amazing sound much more better than the electric guitar. The professionals specifically are suggested to keep this guitar as a variety to the show as this guitar having good quality of bone Nut and Saddle adds to the beauty of tonal quality of the strings. It is 50 mm width at the neck giving viability of playing upon individual strings on lower octaves comfortably. The length of the guitar is 39 inch having scale of 24 inch best suitable to the slide guitar players. Woods namely Mahogany & spruce at the top with fine laminated binding have been used to give a glossy look. A beautiful hard shell case is provided. This Weissen guitar is only four old having no stain, scratch or spike on any part of the body.
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