How to buy and sell in safety on Clasf.
All Clasf users are very important to us, that is why we would like to give you some easy pieces of advice to make your deals on Clasf as safely as possible.
1) Try to collect the item in person.
Buy from people that are geographically close to you, this will make the dealing easier and safer. In this way you will be able to meet the advertiser in person to check that the product is in good conditions and make sure that it is as described in the advertisement.
2) Do not accept unsafe payment methods.
If you are the buyer, always prefer cash payment.
If on the other hand you are the seller and you take cheques, go to the bank with the purchaser to make sure it is certified or that is not false.
Moreover, we recommend never do money transfer thorough Western Union or MoneyGram because the cash movement is not traceable, and if you would be a victim of a scam you couldn’t report it to the police.
3) Never make deals with advertisers who are abroad.
Clasf India is a classified website for selling in India and the advantage of this is the possibility to meet the advertiser and check the good condition of the product that you are going to buy. We strongly recommend never deal with advertisers who are abroad, particularly if they ask you your personal data and your bank account number.
Never make advance payments or money transfer.
Be very careful with written in broken English or any other language advertisements.
4) Carefully assess the price.
We recommend always to take your time to assess if the ratio price/quality is honest.
Before buying, make sure that the price is fair and compare it with similar products. In many cases, an excessively cheap offer is an hidden fraud.
5) Contact us, we are here for you.
According with Clasf posting rules, we validate all ads before publish them. Here you can see our posting rules.
Moreover, we also keep checking our ads after being posted, and if you see a scam ad, please contact us immediately at or reporting it by the button you see below each ad.
We are always here to listen to you if you are victim of a scam or if you detect it, or if you would need an advice to understand if an offer is scam or not.
We wish you many good safe deals on Clasf!
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