Why are mangoes good for our health?
Despite their high sugar content, mangoes have many unknown benefits that can really impact your health positively. It is a versatile fruit than can be eaten by itself, or in juices and smoothies using a juicer, savory dishes and desserts.
This fruit has more than 20 vitamins and minerals, and helps us to reduce body fat and to control levels of sugar in our blood. But, there is more; mangoes can protect us from a lot of other diseases such as:
Asthma: the fruit contains beta-carotene that protects us against the development of asthma crisis.
Prostate cancer: there is evidence that diets rich in beta-carotene also defend the body from prostate cancer.
Bones diseases: mangoes are rich in vitamin K which reduces the risk of bone fracture because it improves the absorption of calcium.
Diabetes: the fiber present in the fruit keeps the glucose levels in the blood under control.
Despite all this, mangoes must be consumed in moderation to maintain a healthy weight. With a small portion a day you can take advantage of their benefits.
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