How to Feel better
There are some things in life that are not important at all, but makes you feel better for some seconds.
Sometimes is important to pay attention to that tiny things, because sometimes when your mood is down you can tie that moment and change your mood at all, and see how cool is life, and the importance of small things.
So we decided to share with you some of those moments:
Buying something new
Remove the plastic of something new
Being in a person’s Facebook profile picture
Lying in the couch on a rainy Sunday watching movies
Finding out you have a mutual friends with someone you just met
Getting goose bumps from music, film or book
Getting into bed with fresh sheets
Taking a shower after a haircut
Turning your pillow to the cold side, during summer nights
Waking up in the middle of the night and realize that you still have 5 hours of sleeping
Wearing the first flip flips of the season
When the bus arrives at the same time than you
When a song that you love stars to play
And off course, selling your unused items and earn some money in Clasf IN.
It is true, right? It’s amazing how all these small things can make our day. So pay attention to the little things.
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